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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. No, not at all. The restart is needed only to get the updating mechanism to work again, so that the machine can download the newer module. Unaffected systems will download the module as every other, no special attention necessary.
  2. Hello, We have released an ESI module v1254 which contains the fix a while ago. We recommend to update to this module - in order to be able to update, you need to restart the ESET Service (ekrn), either by reboting the system, or by restarting the service itself, in case you have SelfDefense turned off. In case the restart alone won't help, you need to delete the problematic files before restarting: em009_32.dat and em009_64.dat located in the installation folder. (These are also protected by SelfDefense, so you can either delete them in Safe Mode, or disable SelfDefense first.) Upon next update, the fixed version of the module will be downloaded. Please provide your feedback. Thank you. T.
  3. Hello everyone, Upon closer analysis of the situation, the issue seems to be caused by populating the list of running processes (either directly in Tools > Running processes, or by generating an in-product ESI log). The component requests the files' LiveGrid reputation online and if done multiple times, this communication cripples the subsequent network connections of the ekrn.exe process. Our developers are already working on the fix, we will let you know of any progress. In the meantime, you can restart ekrn.exe as a workaround (i.e. reboot the PC, or just restart the service in case ESET SelfDefense is disabled) - the communication will work again until the issue is invoked by populating the running processes multiple times again. Regards, T.
  4. Hi, it is not possible to break the URL filtering down to parameters (as the video ID is a parameter in the URL). You can only block the /watch site, or allow it.
  5. Hello, Please PM me for further instructions, we will have a look at the issue. Regards, T.
  6. Hello, Our developers are looking into the issue to find out what could be causing the behaviour, so as soon as we have any new information, we will let you know. Regards, T.
  7. Hi SM03, We do not share release dates in advance, but I can say it will be soon. Stay tuned, we will surely announce it here on the forum as well.
  8. As a first step, please check whether the ERA service and Apache HTTP service are running.
  9. Hi, We have not had other reports. What is the activation error? Are all the problematic clients on the same network? EDIT: Ah, OK. I only saw your response after I posted this one. Glad it is resolved.
  10. Hello, Is the error present also when installing the Endpoint product manually on the PC? Can you successfully uninstall the product, or does the issue occur with uninstallation as well?
  11. Hi, I assume you are performing a server-assisted installation. Is there a direct connection to the server? Does the local installation (with providing the certificate and CA files) work?
  12. In case you marked your network as a "Home" network upon installation, the local communication is trusted and allowed. However, I believe the services you mentioned don't sync their settings locally, rather then to-and-from a cloud server.
  13. Was it a clean Windows 10 installation? In case of an upgrade, I recommend to uninstall ESS and install it again. Should the issue occur again, please monitor the situation, whether there is any actual problem with the GUI when turning off the PC. Thank you.
  14. Hi, you can not disable the feature of "pausing" the protection. However, to pause the protection, administrator rights are required, so no limited user account will be able to do that.
  15. Hello everybody, We have received similar reports from our customers in the last couple of days and our developers are currently looking into the issue with high priority. We understand this is a pressing matter and we thank you for your patience. Can you please verify whether ESET Service (ekrn.exe) is able to perform other network connections (such as to check the license on the license server, communicate with ESET Live Grid, etc...)? Thank you.
  16. We will evaluate the experience so far and make a decision based on how well this update mechanism works in day-to-day operation. However, both the previous and the new update types can be used at any time, so there will be no big switch from the old type to the new type, it is something that is completely transparent to the user.
  17. If you go to Admin > Certificates > Certification Authorities, you can click on Actions > Import Public Key. After importing the CA, the agents will continue to connect (as their certificate was signed by a CA which is now present on the server), provided the server's hostname or IP address configured at the agent will point to the machine where the server is currently installed. At this point, you can create a new certificate signed by the CA that was created during the new server's installation and then create a policy for all your agents in which you will change their certificate to the new one. This last step is optional - as long as you keep the previous CA imported, the agents will continue to connect. You will just not be able to create new certificates with the imported CA, only using the new CA.
  18. We are now testing the new update mechanism, as we would like to use it in the future, since it brings more flexibility and saves data traffic of our users.
  19. Hi, is this error persistent after each restart of the PC? If so, I would recommend to uninstall ESS and install it again, as some of the necessary files may be corrupted.
  20. I don't think further discussion will bring us any closer to a mutually accepted agreement. You know the stance of the security industry on outdated operating systems and it is now up to you how you will deal with the situation. Regards, T.
  21. Our technology relies on the combination of various detection techniques. Virus definitions are important, but so is the heuristic detection of new threats. You can learn more about the respective layers of our protection at hxxp://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/
  22. This scan is not logged, as its purpose is different from running a full scan and notifying you of its result. In case of the startup scan, the idea is to quickly check the critical files and folders and notify the user only when there is something to be taken care of.
  23. Hello, I have reached out to my colleagues in the USA so that they can help you solve this license issue. Regards, T.
  24. Hello, You should keep the predefined list of the rules as it allows for a safe and troublefree user experience. If you still want to define it yourself, I would generally trust processes digitally signed by Microsoft. In addition, you can set your own rules for the applications you installed.
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