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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hello, In case you create a new CA and delete the old one, the Agents will stop connecting because they have certificates signed by the old CA, which will no longer be present. If you export the CA's public key, you can later import it and the Agents will connect, you will just not be able to create new certificates using this CA - for that you will need to create a new CA.
  2. Hello, Please describe what kind of problem you face. Do the pages not load at all? Are they loaded with errors? Do they take long to load? With your response please also include the version of ESET Smart Security you run, as well as the information which component of the product is responsible for the issue (you can find that out by gradually disabling components in the Setup section, till you find out which one caused it - after disabling which component it started to work).
  3. Hello, JRE is a third-party product we do not distribute, it is just a requirement for ERA to run. However, the way it is installed or updated is completely out of ESET's reach as it is not our product. We recommend to always use the newest version, due to security patches they usually contain. It may be required to restart ERA service upon installation of JRE update.
  4. I understand. Do you still encounter the issue on the newest versions released two weeks ago?
  5. Hello, this may work, but it is not an officially supported way.
  6. No, trace log is a log file located in /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/trace.log and /var/log/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/trace.log This contains the last error returned by the installer.
  7. Hello, This looks like the database contains corrupted data. Did you previously perform some manual changes in the database, or revert the database to a previous state? We would need to see the complete dump of the database. Are you willing to upload it for us? If so, please name the file "forum_5963" (according to this thread's ID) and upload it to ftp://ftp.nod.sk/support Once the file is uploaded, let us know here and we will have a look at it. Thanks
  8. In case of ERA 6 it can, because ERA communicates with the Agent on the mentioned ports, delivers the information and the uninstallation is performed locally by the Agent.
  9. You can either attach a picture directly to the response using the text editor feature, or you can upload it somewhere and post a link here.
  10. Hello, There are two officially supported and recommended solutions. One is manual uninstallation. For automated processes, we have a tool called ESET Remote Administrator, where you can send an Endpoint uninstallation task to a computer. You can find more information here: hxxp://www.eset.com/int/business/remote-administrator/
  11. In order to make the transition smotth and to avoid any future issues, I recommend to first uninstall the current product and then install the new one. Regards, T.
  12. Hello, There has been a distributor change in Australia in the recent months and it was fully announced and described also on this forum. Our new office is fully qualified to help you with any case and you will be in good hands, you can contact them at hxxp://www.eset.com/au/support Regards, T.
  13. Hello, The trace log on the server contains the errors of Agent installation and the trace log on the client contains error of Endpoint installation. However, these contain just a summary of the failure. If that won't help, I recommend to run the installation manually with full logging for further investigation.
  14. Hello, Are there any similarities between the websites that are affected? Are you able to reproduce the issue on the same website repeatedly, or is it random? T.
  15. Hello, Full logs are sent to ERA only when you have created a report to gather data from these logs. However, if the threat was cleaned, it should be gone from the Threats section. Regards, T.
  16. Hello, Please check whether the clients show some error too, or the information is shown just in ERA. That will help to narrow down the source of the issue (Endpoint or the Agent). Regards, T.
  17. Hello, The communication is encrypted, so I would recommend to allow port 443 as well. Regards, T.
  18. Thanks. I have spoken with the developers and they have identified the issue and fixed it for future releases. Regards, T.
  19. Hello, thank you for reporting the issue. What version of MDM are you running? Thanks.
  20. Hello, Considering the server froze mid-update, several things may be wrong (corrupted database, etc.) I recommend to restore the databaze from backup and perform the upgrade once again. Regards, T.
  21. Hi tobiasperschon, Please PM me the identifying details (public license ID) of the license, along with screenshots from ELA and ERA, we will have a look at the issue. Thanks, T.
  22. Hello tomha, Can you please post the server log from the same time? This is an unusual issue and we would need to see what the server logged. Thanks, T.
  23. Hello, There have been numerous GUI and translation fixes, please see whether the issues are still present in ESS (download the latest beta installation file from eset.centercode.com which will update to version upon installation and VSD update). Regards, T.
  24. Please check the client proxy settings, there are general proxy settings and specific update proxy settings, both need to be set not to use a proxy.
  25. Hello, I have tried that just now and the installation files were downloaded correctly so it might have been a temporary issue. Please try to reload the website using the Ctrl+F5 shortcut. Have you tried the download on different internet connections? Let us know whether you can download the files now. T.
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