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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hello alexhoma, There was never EFSW in version 5.x, you probably meant version 4.x. The issue might have been caused by the fact that when the drivers are removed, the network driver may be reinitialized, thus it resets all ongoing network connections. For all remote installation and uninstallation, we recommend to use ESET Remote Administrator instead, which allows you to fully manage ESET software on your network, its configuration, etc. Installation of ERA itself is recommended to be performed locally. Regards, T.
  2. Hello Raptor, The latest build of Windows 10 supported by our products is 10240, i.e. the official release build. We gradually prepare support for the upcoming builds, but they may not be supported while they are still just 'preview' builds. Thank you for your understanding. T.
  3. Hello, The entries in Windows event log are not related to the issue you described, the warnings are generated by Windows and do not affect the functionality of our product. As a matter of fact, I have not come across the issue with audio being cut off yet. In order to investigate, please submit a support request, either via the program itself or on our website www.eset.com/support Our support technicians will address the issue directly, ask for a detailed description and log files from your computer so that we can look for any relation to our product. Regards, T.
  4. Hello kamiran.asia, Please request the latest configuration of the agent in ERA and check the setting of the agent, whether it is currently set to connect via proxy. Sometimes two policies can conflict and the final merged policy will have a different setting than you intended. Regards, T.
  5. We recently released ERA 6.2 which provides improvements for various scenarios (see the changelog), so I recommend to use the component upgrade task to get all the components to the latest version and then try the installation once again.
  6. The content was migrated to a new URL after I posted the link here (it worked at that time), sorry about that.
  7. Hello Mike, Despite the missing sticky thread, EMSX 6.2 is officially released and fully supported, you can deploy it and our support teams will help you should any issue arise. It is great to hear that the new version has already managed to resolve an issue you had with the previous one. Regards, T.
  8. Hello moneyvan, I am not aware of Windows XT - in case it is an unofficial fork of Windows, we do not support such versions, i.e. the product might work, but there are no guarantees. Also, keep in mind that security of such operating system is questionable and we generally recommend against using such operating systems. If that was just a typo and you mean Windows XP, then I have good news for you - yes, our product lineup works and is fully supported on an updated Windows XP with SP3. In case of any additional questions, do not hesitate to ask. Regards, T.
  9. Hello Chris, Thank you for your feedback. I have reached out to the responsible person, so you can either wait while we add more reasons, or you can choose one of the first two reasons (just testing, or temporary removal). Regards, T.
  10. Thank you. I have tried the same scenario on my Windows 10 computer, but the tasks were started even with the setting turned on and with the OS locked (Win+L). Nevertheless, I contacted our development team and asked them whether there is anything they want to investigate. I will get back to you once I hear from them.
  11. Hello sdnian, Currently it is not possible to set an exclusion for a specific threat from ERA. How do you imagine this would work? On the client, it can't be entered manually, it is only populated when you restore a file from the quarantine and choose to exclude it as well. Without having the specific file in a local quarantine, you wouldn't be able to fill in the entry other than typing the full threat name, which is prone to typos and sensitive to the format in which it is entered and recognized. Regards, T.
  12. Can anyone else with this issue confirm the proposed solution works?
  13. Hello KOR, During installation, ESET Smart Security disables built-in protection features which it stands in for, so you do not need to do anything manually, it will be taken care of. Regards, T.
  14. Hello NutJobII, Usually such problems are related to a firewall, but you are using ESET NOD32 Antivirus which does not contain a firewall. What steps did you take to make sure it is our product that is blocking the communication? Is it just these two applications that seem to be blocked? Please see whether there is any change when you exclude these two applications from protocol filtering (in Setup > Enter Advanced setup > Web and email > Protocol filtering > Excluded applications). Regards, T.
  15. Hello tobiasperschon, I checked with our developers and they confirmed you can add more entries which will be evaluated in order. So your assumption is correct, in case the connection to the first address fails, it will try the second, etc. As for the agent on the proxy itself, I believe it would work both ways, but it is recommended to have it connect to the server directly, so that you have first-hand information about the proxy. Regards, T.
  16. What version of Outlook are you using? You can see the list of versions supported for plugin integration at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2138/?locale=en_US T.
  17. Hello terrum, The description and the link to the new migration tool can be found at hxxp://help.eset.com/era/6/en-US/index.html?migration_tool.htm Regards, T.
  18. Hello kingoftheworld, I have submitted your wish for a feature expansion to the responsible department. As for the protection of settings, this works differently on Unix systems - there is no password to enter the preferences, rather you can define a list of the users who will be able to perform changes to the settings. This list can also be edited from ERA and sent via a policy. (New Policy > ESET Security Product for OS X & Linux > Tools > Privileges) Regards, T.
  19. Hello Gabriel, As the origin of the detected attacks is outside your local network, you can remain calm, there is nothing on your network that would cause the behaviour. Port scanning means some script is checking what ports are open, e.g. vulnerable for attacks. This is not that unusual - if somebody knows you IP address, they can easily send such requests to the address and see which ports respond to requests. In most cases, these attempts are stopped by a router, but if they went through, our product blocked them. I recommend to change your external IP address periodically (ask your ISP), or to configure your router to stop these kinds of scanning attempts. Regards, T.
  20. Hi flaviofranca, Is the issue present only on one PC, or are all your PCs affected? Also, is there any other connection problem mentioned in the log before the few lines you copied? Also, make sure the Server and Agent are both updated, as there could be a collision with different versions. Regards, T.
  21. There are no options to exclude apps from the detection on user's side. However, should you confirm that it really is caused by the Gamer mode, I will submit this to our developers as a bug in the product, so that they can fix it. I will check this thread back to see your response.
  22. We will post an official announcement once the release is fully completed along with more information. However, as for the upgrade, you can still use the upgrade task described here: hxxp://help.eset.com/era/6/en-US/index.html?component_upgrade.htm
  23. Hello everybody, I am glad to confirm that we are releasing ERA 6.2 today! Please be patient with the download links, the new files are being uploaded to the servers during the day, as it is a significant amount of data to be replaced on the download servers. Regards, T.
  24. Hello flaviofranca, We were experiencing activation issues in the recent days, some activation attempts went through and some did not make it to the server. Our IT technicians worked hard on this issue and it should be back to normal as of now. Please let us know whether the activation is successful today. Regards, T.
  25. Hi LocknetSSmith, You don't need to deploy ERA Agents to your mobile devices. Once you install MDM component of ERA, the component serves as a virtual agent (for each connected device). Then you only need to configure EES on your mobile device to connect to the server where MDM is installed. For further instructions, please refer to chapters 2 and 3 in the product's manual: hxxp://download.eset.com/manuals/eset_ees_android_2_userguide_enu.pdf Regards, T.
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