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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hello, The integration only adds additional features, such as Antispam (for products that have it) or a dedicated button to rescan messages from within Outlook. However, all emails are scanned for viruses independent on the email client, as we scan messages directly on the communication protocol (POP3, IMAP, etc...)
  2. Hello, I am not sure what you mean by "I got and email giving me a new username and password, but it expires". When you fill in the 'lost license' form, we will send you your curent license details. In case your current license is going to expire, you can renew it at hxxp://www.eset.com/purchase
  3. Hello, What is the exact situation you are dealing with? Had your computer been infected before you installed our product and now you want to clean it? It is best to have your computer protected at all times, but even when it was not, our product is capable of removing threats it finds in the system.
  4. Hi, as the general troubleshooting did not result in a solution of this issue, I recommend to submit a ticket to our support team at www.eset.com/support
  5. If you go to Admin > Certificates > Certification Authorities, you can click on Actions > Import Public Key. After importing the CA, the agents will continue to connect (as their certificate was signed by a CA which is now present on the server), provided the server's hostname or IP address configured at the agent will point to the machine where the server is currently installed. At this point, you can create a new certificate signed by the CA that was created during the new server's installation and then create a policy for all your agents in which you will change their certificate to the new one. This last step is optional - as long as you keep the previous CA imported, the agents will continue to connect. You will just not be able to create new certificates with the imported CA, only using the new CA.
  6. Hello, In order for the Agents to connect to the server, the certificates need to match. If you exported your CA from the original server when it was running, you can now import it and the Agents will connect. If you did not, the Agents won't connect. You need to reinstall the Agents with a new certificate, signed by the current server's CA.
  7. Well, frankly, to answer the original question, it would be best to compare the behaviour to Endpoint v6 running on the same machine where the problem occurs with v5. Just so that we know whether it is something that has been fixed in the meantime; you don't need to keep running v6 permanently now.
  8. Hello, the default password is written on the first screen that shows up upon deploying the appliance. One of the steps on the screen says to login to your webconsole using the default password 'eraadmin'.
  9. It is, but as it is not the latest version, any new features or changes will be applied to the current (v6) version. What issues do you encounter with version 6?
  10. Hello, we are planning to add support for Outlook 2016 in our products. We are currently not able to estimate when the update will be finalized and released.
  11. Hi, please check whether the task has a "Last run" time recorded (so that it can compare to the time it was last run). Anyway, does using "As soon as possible" work for you?
  12. What are the details of the task? Its type, target, settings, trigger, etc...?
  13. Hello, as a first step, please update to the current version of our Endpoint product and see whether the issue persists.
  14. Hello, It may be that we reevaluated some files and decided they should be included in our Virus Signature Database update. In any case, if you believe a file is being detected mistakenly, please submit the files in a password-protected archive (with password set to 'infected') to samples@eset.com Thank you.
  15. Hi, there is no time limit. They will be there as long as you keep them there. That being said, in case you don't need to restore the files due to their contents, you can remove them from the quarantine right away.
  16. No, this is the advantage of the Agent. Once it is running locally on the client PC, it receives commands from the ERA server and can execute the installation of the Endpoint, without the need of pushing the installation remotely. You basically have an "insider" on the PC with local administrator rights and you direct this Agent via tasks from ERA.
  17. Hello, you can do this. All the applicable settings will be transferred. You can also upgrade to v8, then export the settings, uninstall v8, install it again as a clean installation and then import the settings.
  18. Hi, the curent version on Google Play is 3.0.1318.0-0 and the current version of the web build is 3.0.1305.0 (The difference in the GP version and web version is mainly in the purchase and activation process, the features are the same.) The websites get the updates at the same time, both US and the international one (unless there is a special release only intended for a specific market).
  19. Thank you for the idea. I have submitted it to the responsible department as a suggestion for a future product improvement.
  20. Hi, Actually, deployment via GPO or SCCM is preferred, as the communication with the client computer is already in place and does not have to be enforced by setting several permissions, etc. As the push installation only uses the existing Windows platform with its possibilities (and limitations), the troubleshooting of this method needs to be done on the system level, not on ERA level.
  21. Hi, When deploying the agent remotely, you can't change the location from where the installation file is taken. You can specify that in case of the Agent Live Installer. Please see our help regarding this case: hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/62/en-US/index.html?agent_live_installer.htm(especially the bottom part where we describe how to edit the script to get the installer from a local share).
  22. Thank you for the feedback, we are glad the fix is successful. We will update the mentioned article as well.
  23. Hello, we do not have a list of "approved" or "disapproved" software that can or can't run along our product. As long as the software does not have real-time file system protection so it does not slow down the system, it is okay to use it with our product.
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