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khairulaizat92 last won the day on December 9 2017

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About khairulaizat92

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  1. News from Bleeping Computers: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/iobit-forums-hacked-to-spread-ransomware-to-its-members/ Personal Note: Man that nasty, if eset forum is hacked, and i got this type of email, im surely gonna be tricked. Anyway, when i checked at virus total, eset still not update the dll detection yet. I wonder if in the real time it already been added to the detection?
  2. Dear Sir Mdm, Im authorised reseller for ESET. And recently i have few customer that using ESET Cloud Solution on the premise. So my question is, is there anyway i can manage the customers account in EBA and ECA using my company email address instead of need to logged in using the customers credential? I tried by adding my email at Customer A EBA account and assign the highest permission available. Then i tried to add my email on Customer B EBA account, but it rejected saying that the email address already existed (referring to the email present at Customer A EBA Account). So is there anyway that i can access the customer account via EBA and ECA using my own same credential instead of having to depends on customers credential to logged in?
  3. ESET Internet Security with Anti-Theft features should work nicely on your laptop, in the end, it depends on your budget. I do think it much cost saving to purchase for 2 or 3 users license instead of purchasing 1 to 1 license. Try asking ESET on your origin country for more info.
  4. Hi Good Day, I will answer based on my ESET region experience. 1) do you purchase boxes license or online license? Boxes license can be activated anytime, while online license, the license activated the first day of your purchase. 2) As your purchase new license, i dont think it will extend the current existing subscription. I believe you should wait near expiry date. 3) Yes you can insert into license manager at my.eset.com, the license will be manage separately one another so there will be no issues it will mixed up with other activation code. Once your current subscription expired, simply put the new license on your current existing installation. Im just curios, did your origin country did not offer renewal pricing? renewal will extend the current subscription instead of replacing it with the new one. And do you purchase separate license for that 3 device or 1 license for 3 device?
  5. For some region the license offered up to max 3 years. But then again, if you purchase 1 license (3 user 1 year) the start date start at the first day of purchase for online purchases, and first day of the 1st device activation for box purchases. Unless if you purchase 3 different license for 1 device (Box version). Then you might be able to use is year after year after yea. But please refer to your local eset support either the license can be kept for more than a year or two yea.
  6. Hi, I have found certain cases in Malaysia, and it might be the same for you in your case. You have purchase illegal license from unauthorized reseller. And usually this pirate reseller has abuse the way license being activated by selling it to so many people at the same time. I didnt know how they manipulate this, but on the recent years i have seen decreasing in this kind of cases maybe to ESET new license manager. My advice is that you only purchase the license from an authorised reseller and to ensured that your license is safe, registered it at my.eset.com license manager to ensured that its only yours. As eset license manager only allowed the first email registered with the license to be used with the account. So hope this answer many others who ended up with such problem. You will need to repurchase new license key from authroised reseller. To knew who, you may asked directly to your country distributor.
  7. Im just curios, what OS are used on the client pc? if windows, there might be possibilities (Im not an expert, so im just guessing based on my past experience) that the Proxy settings on the windows are somehow maybe changed, either caused by unknown factor such as, maybe malware or something. You can try look at control panel > Internet Option > Connection > LAN Settings. By default, it should look like the attach pict i provided in this post. If not the same then you should untick the "Proxy Server" as in the picture.
  8. Usually it takes more than a few times entering wrong password before it starting to take pictures, and are you sure you set it up correctly? Some system like huawei miui and honor miui required you to reprovide some permission after the application update. Run some test on your device via your anti-theft webportal. It might help to see if it working correctly
  9. Update: its seems to be my Google chrome only. Maybe cookies or cache problem.
  10. Dear All, is there any announcement for this? or is it just my computer?
  11. Well update for both of you, the link indeed alive, and shockingly, the link automatically update new variant or type of trojan for grancrab 5.0.4 everyday. And i have been collecting sample everyday put it to the test and submit to the vendor that missed it. And the latest 4 Nov 2018 GMT+8 theres new update that eset missed, already submitted it though to samples@eset.com and yeah, im crazy enough to click it everyday, hahah. well obviously in safe environment, on unused pc with vpn enable.
  12. Well maybe ESET researcher just that good ?
  13. I see thanks for the verification. The malware start to be infecting customer from bitdefender producst 1 day earlier, but the sample arrive at our cegah ransomware malaysia fb group around the time i uploaded it to VT. Anyway is the website behavior seems suspicious to you? as before i submitted the sample and forum post to available vendors, it seems to display as per below. But after around 15-30 minutes after its discovery, it change as 2nd screenshot After Change: It remove the link like it was detecting the site. Though i still posses the original download link however. Its from .org domain name
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