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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. In that case, please contact your local ESET support office so that the case can be investigated further. Thanks.
  2. Hello, If you can reproduce the issue, please PM me for further instructions. Thanks.
  3. In case the issue persists after uninstallation and installation, the issue will need to be investigated further. Please contact your local ESET support office and provide them with the issue description and ESET Log Collector output (hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3466/). Thanks.
  4. Closing the window while holding Shift quits just the GUI part of the app, not the actual kernel that deals with scanning, detection, filtering etc. Does the issue persist after a computer restart?
  5. It seems you have some sort of an add-on installed in Chrome which tries to communicate with the specified server. EAV then just warns you about the fact that the communication uses an untrusted certificate. Try to look for what initiates the communication (some add-on installed in Chrome, etc.)
  6. Hello jamess3973, sometimes the first update takes longer to complete, as it needs to download all the updates from the version you have, to the version currently available. If it won't work even after some time, please follow the steps from this article: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3189/
  7. Hello, This is a desired behaviour, as disabling HIPS can lower the protection level and should be done only for short periods of time as part of troubleshooting or testing.
  8. Just FYI, v9 has been released a while ago globally, you can download it from our website
  9. In this case I suggest Microsoft's Process Explorer or Process Monitor to find out which process exactly accesses the file, so that you can exclude that process then.
  10. Yes, our licensing system has always worked this way. You only pay for a product, not a specific version. Once you buy a license for a product, you can use any of its versions, including future new releases. [previous message was edited, it originally asked whether the update is free]
  11. Hello, I have checked this with our development team and they say a fix for the situation is planned for a future version.
  12. There were some fixes regarding the activation process and keyboard input in the secure browser, so unless you experienced one of these issues, you do not necessarily need to update, however, you can.
  13. Hello, As hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/62/en-US/?component_upgrade.htm says, the RD sensor can't be upgraded via a component upgrade task and needs to be upgraded separately. You can send a software install task to the client and specify the msi package of the RD sensor, for further instructions see hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/62/en-US/index.html?fs_product_installation.htm.
  14. Hello, as Gonzalo said, I'd suggest contacting your local ESET support office, as further logs will be needed.
  15. Hello, I can see you are using rather old versions of the client and the server. I suggest upgrading to the latest versions which include various bugfixes and new features as well.
  16. Hello, the msconfig entry was just for the GUI part anyway, the kernel was started regardless of the entry. If you want to boot your operating system without the antivirus enabled, you can uncheck "Start Real-time file system protection automatically" in Advanced setup > Antivirus > Real-time file system protection. As for the trusted zone, I believe this is due to communication with our activation system, which was introduced in Endpoint v6.
  17. Hello, we are currently evaluating a bug-fixing release, as the current version was released a while ago and there are some issues with newer versions of some products. When we release the update, we will post the information on this forum as well.
  18. Thank you. Upon further inspection, I'd suggest contacting your local ESET support office as further information will be needed and the case will need to be tracked. When contacting them, you can already pinpoint to the error in the log "SQLSTATE = 42000 Native Error Code = 2812 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.usp_setup_store_ca_certificate'."
  19. Hello, ESET HQ does not run partner portals of its distributors. With issues related to such portal, please contact the UK office directly. Thank you.
  20. Hello, The detection says it is detected as "potentially unsafe". This type of detection is not enabled by default, a user needs to activate it willingly. Thus, when scanning your file with our product using its default settings, the file is marked as clean. Regards, T.
  21. Each task has a trigger in its settings. You can either set to to ASAP, or to a specific time or link it to an action.
  22. Hello, You do not create packages for repository. Packages are present in the repository. You choose which of these packages you want to install and deploy the task. For further information, please see hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/62/en-US/index.html?fs_deployment.htm
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