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About mhimhdi

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  1. Can you explain more? I found the policy, but how do I enable and apply it to clients? The policy is Read-only and I can not set password for it.
  2. I use ERA 6.x and Endpoint 6.x in my network. I want to set password for Advances Setup in endpoints. How do I apply this policy?
  3. One important question How can I sure that agent was installed on client ? Note : When I deployed agent, its taks was finished seccesfully. It means that agent depoloyed correctly?
  4. I know that I first deploy agent. I deployed agent on client. Now haw do I install endpoint on client? Please explain more. I installed endpoint in ERA5 very easily but ERA 6 is not good.
  5. I created a new task. How can I run the task?
  6. I am using ERA 6 I want to install endpoint 6 on clients. How can I create package for repository?
  7. I installed ERAC and after that I installed endpoint directly (not remotely). Now ERAC can not find the endpoint. How do I connect ERAC to endpoint?
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