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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hi, on top of setting the log to have the "warning" verbosity, you also need to have a report template created that will ask for that data, only then it will be transferred to ERA.
  2. Hello, we do not support direct access to the database. ERA has its own reporting tool which can view numerous data about the clients and export the outputs.
  3. Hello, there are some issues with the activation process and certificate verification on specific systems, please contact your local customer care who will provide you with further steps. Thank you.
  4. With Windows PE, people needed to install the Windows AIK first and have the 32-bit modules (even on 64-bit systems, they needed to download the installer separatela), which made it a huge pain in the you know what. With the Linux-based version, it is fast and easy to create the SysRescue Live CD or USB, as it is available in the .iso format ready to burn, or with an easy creator tool.
  5. Thanks for posting this, it may help others in deciding or troubleshooting.
  6. Hi rugk, I am not saying we do it like that. I just mentioned that I saw it implemented this way and asked whether it was the case here as well.
  7. Hello, GPO can be used for the initial deployment. However, once the Agent is present, it is recommended to upgrade it using the built-in mechanism.
  8. Hello, we are not aware of any change. Please submit a ticket to your local customer care from the product's Help and support section and attach a sample of such email (exported to .eml format).
  9. Hello, you could also check the article at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2850/ to rule any of these issues out.
  10. Hello, that does not sound like a proper behaviour, our product is not configured to do that. Could you try to uninstall it and install the latest version 9?
  11. Hi, I found that many icons look like that on my PC when I change the DPI. Couldn't that be the issue? I believe Windows doesn't take a larger icon, it rather scales the regular icon up. Maybe they use a sloppy algorithm for scaling the tray icons?
  12. I find that improbable, but you can always check the digital signature of the ekrn.exe file in our Program Files folder.
  13. In case the regular uninstallation does not work, you can use our standalone Uninstaller tool, according to hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2289/
  14. Hello, You are contacing ESET, but your post states you installed a software from a competing manufacturer. Thus, you should contact them for support. Regards, T.
  15. This is what the website looks like: As you replied "No, that's not the case!", please specify what is different in your case. You should be able to upload screenshots, but you can also upload them somewhere else and post a link here, if you want to show us how it looks in your case.
  16. Hello j-gray, We have the RD Sensor specifically for this situation, but since you don't want to use it, you could look up the computers in AD using a script checking installed software.
  17. Domain controllers are being connected to by their hostname, so changing it would break the functioning of the domain, DNS, etc.
  18. Alright, so I tried the issue on a physical machine instead of a virtual one and could see the blinking on some occasions, but not every time. Anyway, I reported it to our developers so that they can have a look at it.
  19. Hello, The page is not "an offer to get ESET software", it is a feature of your installed ESS v9, called Banking & Payment Protection - it allows to launch banking websites in a separate browser window without add-ons, with encrypted keyboard input, etc., i.e. in a secure browser, to protect your payment. You can read more about the feature at hxxp://help.eset.com/ess/9/en-US/index.html?technology_online_protection.htm and hxxp://support.eset.com/kb5657/ Thus, it is actually Firefox and IE that show an incorrect behaviour. Do you use default settings regarding SSL scanning in our product and is ESET's certificate correctly imported in the mentioned browsers?
  20. Hello, Yes, Agents will also install on clients running Endpoint v5. Please note that upon installation, the Agent will automatically redirect the Endpoint's ERA connection to the new v6 server and the client will stop reporting to v5 ERA. It is also possible to remotely uninstall Endpoint v5 (in case your settings are password-protected, this needs to be specified in the task), but you do not need to do that, you can just upgrade from v5 to v6, the settings along with the license will be preserved. As for Agent deployment on OS X, you can find all the necessary information here: hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/62/en-US/index.html?deployment_steps_mac.htm
  21. Hello, as Marcos says, the system is only supported with Service Pack 2 installed. Also, such older systems are (although still supported) not recommended, as they do not support many of the newer features, such as protocol encryption (older and less secure versions of TLS are used by ERA on these systems), etc.
  22. Up to version 8 (including), there was no mechanism that would launch the installation without user's explicit consent. Offered updates were either on-demand (after clicking check for updates), or promoted by a pop-up window, but in either case, the user had to first click and agree with the upgrade.
  23. Do you also enter the domain name followed by a backslash before the username, and do you check the checkbox to log into a domain? Does logging in with the domain administrator account work?
  24. In the unfortunate situation that you have two machines with the same hostname, I recommend disabling the renaming options in ERA, as they allow for inputs to the same entry when not all the details match (such as IP, MAC address - in case of more network interfaces, etc.)
  25. Hello, I believe this is the correct behaviour, the Banking & Payment Protection feature offers you to launch the banking window in a protected browser - and the offer is shown on that URL. What do you consider wrong about that?
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