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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hello, the plugin only adds antispam features and the ability to rescan messages. However, antivirus protection is provided on protocol layer, regardless of the plugin. Thus, if you prefer not to have it enabled, you can do so and the emails will still be checked.
  2. Hi, as a first step I would try to restart the proxy server's service, to make sure it is running correctly. A good indicator is whether you can browse the web if you set this proxy in a web browser. If not, the browser will show an error message which can direct you further.
  3. Hello, installation logs are created automatically in the Logs subfolder, which is put where the installer was run from. Alternatively, you can download the Mobile Device Connector separately and run it as a standalone installation, in which case you can apply the steps from article hxxp://support.eset.com/kb406/
  4. Hello, We release the modules in batches during a limited time period to a limited number of users. So one of your computers managed to update in today's batch while the other one will be updated later.
  5. Hi, please check /Library/Application Support/com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent/Logs/trace.log and /Library/Application Support/com.eset.remoteadministrator.agent/Logs/status.html on the client machine to see why the Agent can't connect.
  6. Hi, did you check the Agent's trace.log and status.html files? They always contain the current information about the Agent's health, connection to the server, possible errors, etc. The files are located in C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\
  7. Hi, did you set a time range in which the task should be carried out? In case it is run at the same time on all computers, it can hog the network and/or resources and it may fail on several machines due to a time out.
  8. Hi, please see the About section and check which version of the HIPS module you have installed.
  9. Hi, The occurence of the rating dialog was probably just a coincidence, it pops up only after the app is opened (thus the dialog was not waiting on the background). What is more likely is that your phone was low on RAM and it freed some memory in order to keep the phone running. While our app tries to restart automatically, it may have not been able to do so, due to low RAM.
  10. Thanks for sending the PM now, we'll have a look at it.
  11. Hello itman, I have checked with the developers and yes, our product is able to protect against these methods. Regards, T.
  12. Hello, You can't launch a pre-defined scan or another feature of the product by running an external command, you can only run those manually in the GUI or using the built-in scheduler. However, you can run a scan using a separate command-line utility "ecls.exe" (ESET Command Line Scanner) which has no GUI and accepts parameters, so it can be launched externally by a third-party tool. You can read more on its usage and on the accepted parameters here: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3417/
  13. Hello, Thank you for bringing this up. I will check with our developers. EDIT: The version of MySQL was tested in our environment and it worked correctly. If you keep having the issue, please contact your local customer care and provide them with the log and additional information about the system. Thanks.
  14. Is there anybody else with the issue who would be willing to contact their local support team and provide logs to investigate?
  15. Hello, as there is no response from the forum community, have you been able to resolve the issue on your own? Did you try the respective formats and which of them worked? The information may help to other people reading this thread later on.
  16. Hello, as nobody had any suggestions for this case, please contact your local customer care in order to investigate the issue further.
  17. Hello, This seems to be an issue with the Endpoints on the computers themselves, not the actual policy. I'd suggest contacting the local customer care as further logs will be needed to investigate why it is not possible to enable the protections on the computers. Thanks, T.
  18. There was an additional space at the end of the link, it is edited now.
  19. Hello, as I explained earlier - the notification itself is not an issue, as it is not there just for the sake of being. The issue is that when the Presentation mode is enabled, the protection is actually reduced to a certain degree. So if you have apps that run on fullscreen permanently, a better option for you is to disable the automatic running of Presentation mode with fullscreen apps - otherwise the protection will be reduced permanently, of which the notification really informs.
  20. Hello, you still need to have an internet connection, as an initial information aboput currently available updates is downloaded from the internet and then only the update files themselves are downloaded from the cache. As for the question about the proxy server being down, you can set two update profiles, the primary one using the proxy and the secondary one (used when the primary is not available) going directly to the internet, according to the steps at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3621/ Regarding the server itself, it is automatically caching files after installation, no setup needed. What setting did you want to change?
  21. It is not possible to only export settings of the server without keeping the database, the settings can only be transferred by keeping the database. You can either keep the database along with the settings, or perform a new installation in which the default settings will be applied.
  22. Hello, According to the error, it means the Agent tried to set a policy to the Endpoint product, which failed (probably due to the Endpoint, not the Agent). Thus, the issue needs to be investigated from the Endpoint's side. Please contact your local customer case who will further direct you to gather logs from the PCs. Thank you.
  23. Hello, as there is no response from the forum community, have you been able to resolve the issue on your own?
  24. Hello AStalUK, As there is no response from the forum community, have you been able to resolve the issue on your own?
  25. Hello, as nobody had any suggestions for this case, please contact your local customer care in order to investigate the issue further. Thank you.
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