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Everything posted by TomasP

  1. Hello megabc, we redesigned our website this week, so the correct link now is: https://www.eset.com/int/support/sysrescue/ The post you replied to is 2 years old, the link was active back then, and also during all the time afterwards, up till the website changed this week.
  2. Hello, there are currently some issues regarding this, we are working on it. By the way, Firefox or Opera are not supported, as they do not provide the necessary API to make Anti-phishing work.
  3. Hello, as you said yourself, you reported the post instead of sending a message, that's why Marcos did not respond. Now I see he has directed you to send a message properly.
  4. Hi Doge2000, You're not doing anything wrong. There is an issue with the product which causes that under some circumstances it may receive such response from our update servers. We will fix the issue in the next version. In the meantime, there is a workaround - after booting, just delete the file /var/opt/eset/esets/lib/data/data.txt (you may need to use the built-in Root Terminal, as there are no permissions for a regular user to manipulate with the file). Thanks for your understanding, T.
  5. Hello azi, you are now approved. As for the download speeds, we are looking into it with high priority. T.
  6. Hello, with v10, there will be new product line-ups so that everybody can choose the product with the features they want. More details will be announced later on, so stay tuned!
  7. Hello jce, If you retain the same license and you only renew it, there is no need to reactivate, the new expiration date will be loaded automatically by the product and it will continue to be activated till then. Regards, T.
  8. Hello, If you believe the website is being blocked mistakenly, you can follow the steps at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb141/ Regards, T.
  9. Hi, By "disappear" you mean they don't get saved at all, or they disappear after a reboot? If it is the latter, that is expected, as this is a "Live" medium, meaning nothing is stored persistently and it is always booted from the initial, unchanged configuration, as intented for this type of product.
  10. No, this product does not support import of configuration - you can, however, choose the server in the Setup once you boot SysRescue up.
  11. Hello alapshin, We have identified an issue with ESET SysRescue which causes the VSD not to update under certain circumstances. There will be a fixed build coming, but in the meantime, you can work around it by deleting the /var/opt/eset/esets/lib/data/data.txt file once SysRescue is booted up and running.
  12. Hello simplepinoi177, you are now approved.
  13. Hello, Delayed updates are only applicable when updating directly from ESET's servers. Once you update from a mirror, it is irrelevant which update type you have selected, as you update from the mirror's content and it contains only one set of update. Regards, T.
  14. Hello Chris, I am sorry about your experience. We have a beta build for the upcoming service release, so if you are willing to install it and see whether it resolves the issue for you, please PM me and I will make the build available to you. Regards, T.
  15. Hello, If you believe the file is being marked by our product mistakenly, you can follow the steps at hxxp://support.eset.com/kb141/. Moreover, the mentioned file is detected as potentially unwanted, not outright malicious - thus the users can enable or disable detection of such files and use them if they like. Regards, T.
  16. Hello, That is most probably a misunderstanding with the version number. Version 1.x has not been available to download from our website for more than 10 years (it was discontinued in 2005, it was way too old already back then). I think you would not even be able to install it on today's operating systems. Anyway, malware removal should be free of charge for any ESET customer with a valid license.
  17. Hello, This is definitely not our statement and/or attitude towards this product/situation. Could you please specify who told you this information and what might be the reason? Thank you, T.
  18. Hello, This is definitely not our statement and/or attitude towards this product/situation. Could you please specify who told you this information and what might be the reason? Thank you, T.
  19. Hello, no, ESET Internet Security is a new product with a new feature set. ESET Smart Security is currently not part of beta testing.
  20. Hello, Why do you think the pages are malicious? They are redundant at most - besides the random names, I can see they are completely empty.
  21. Hello Lutz, I am sorry to hear that. Can you please PM me the numbers of the tickets? I will ask our German support team to look into it. Thanks, T.
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