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Everything posted by MichalJ

  1. ESET File Security is compatible with ESLC (as it shares the same codebase with Mail Security). You have to install version 6.
  2. Hello, this is theoretically possible, but It would require some manual work. First, you have to install ERA 6 on Linux (CentOS 6.6, as that one is tested with ESLC) manually. To do that, follow the instructions here: hxxp://help.eset.com/era_install/64/en-US/index.html?installation_linux.htm ESET Shared Local cache, is besides the appliance available also as a binary file https://www.eset.com/int/business/server-antivirus/shared-local-cache/#downloadwhich means, you can install it on the same machine. I will also check with the developers, if it is theoretically possible, to install ESLC into the ERA Appliance on Linux (this was not tested, AFAIK). Just out of curiosity, why you would like to do that?
  3. Hello, concerning the uninstallation password parameter, this is documented in ERA console itself, in the tooltip for the uninstallation task, and in the screen for "installed applications", when additional pop-up with request to specify uninstallation password is displayed. For what you would like to assign a license file in case of V6? V6 is activated either using offline file, or activation task, other activation methods are not supported (package installer allows activation using the silent token, however only ERA is able to generate this one).
  4. The issue is that when creating the "software uninstall task" and choosing the option "uninstall application from list" there is not an option to choose other than ESET application. There is a bug in the current webconsole released with ERA 6.4, which will be fixed in a standalone webconsole release during next few days. We will let you know, when it is released.
  5. You have basically identified a bug (thank you for that). The bug is now reported in the bug tracking system, and should be fixed in the next release. Thank you for reporting (and sorry it took so long, to determine the root cause of the problem).
  6. Hello, this is currently not possible. What I would suggest instead is to use "nested dynamic groups". One for the Agent & its version and another one nested with Endpoint & its version. The first will catch all of the clients with the Agent, and the second one with Endpoint. I will discuss with developers, how (if) we can improve this behavior in the future releases.
  7. This will be resolved not sooner than in ERA 6.5, as server products won´t get the same installer method automatically. We will need both new ERA, and new server products, to support this functionality.
  8. I have checked with the devs, and there are following possible results: - agent might not be running, it might be crashed. You will find our, by checking not just the errors, but also the time of the last successful replication - there might be a problem with ETL, server service should be restarted - agent is connecting with a different name than expected (DNS resolving issue) - it might be a duplicated entry, created by cloning another machine - reset agent task should help Can you please confirm, that it is not any of the above mentioned? Thank you.
  9. What do you mean by "combine"? You simply either add both licenses to ERA, or create a security admin account on License Administrator, where you will import both licenses and then add this to ERA, or use it for activation. Upon activation of product, you will choose from which license the product will be activated.
  10. Hello, this is currently not possible. Agent connects to ERA server in configured interval. What might happen is, that agent is busy, sending excessive log data to ERA server, so the policies are not applied (for example, if diagnostic logging is enabled on the computer). Besides that, a restart of the machine should help. You can check the status of the agent, in status.html.
  11. Hello tbsky, I will try to explain you the issues you were experiencing. First of all, some basics about the new ESET Licensing: All of the new business applications needs to be activated. You can activate the product by 3 means (by license key, by security admin account or by offline file) Activation by license key, is done either directly (license key is typed into the application) or using ERA, where license key is added to ERA, and then used for activation Activation by security admin account is done either directly (you type in the credentials and choose the proper license) or using ERA, where all licenses present within the account are added to ERA, and then used for activation Please note, that for both those activation types, internet access (either direct, or via proxy server) is needed on the target Endpoints Activation by offline file, is done either directly (offline file is generated using ESET License Administrator and copied into the application) or remotely, using ERA (offline file is generated using ESET License Administrator, with a specific ERA Token, imported into ERA, and then used for activation) Please note, that activation of computers which have internet connection using offline file is not recommended as it would result in the situation described, meaning ELA will report and error, and further operations with offline files will be disabled. If you are using the mirror tool, offline file is needed, but it should be not used for the activation of the clients, if the clients have internet access. If you are using ESET Remote Administrator 6.4, the new license dialog was redesigned, to fix the confusion "which license I am using". So even upon activating, you see, which license is offline file, which is key and which is security admin account (screenshot below). Here are the results of activation attempts in various scenarios: Online (key / account) with internet = success, client is activated, and visible in ELA Online (key / account) without internet = failure Offline (file) without internet = success, client is activated, not visible in ELA Offline (file) with internet = success, client is activated, alert is displayed in ELA that offline unit has connected, and client is displayed in ELA We are tracking an improvement request, where the client application will better indicate, if it was activated using offline file. Hope that this helps.
  12. It works only in a case, that client was activated using "online" license (license key / security admin account). This works in the way, that ESET Remote Administrator contacts ESET Licensing Servers, and those are synced with Endpoints cca every 6 hours. So you should wait, till the changes makes effect.
  13. I have forwarded this issue to our QA / development, for comments. As soon as I will have some feedback, I will come back to you.
  14. You can simply activate it with different license. Or, removing of the license could be done using the option "deactivate products", which is available within the "computers" section, in the footer selection. You need to select the computers on which you want to remove / deactivate the license and click "deactivate products"
  15. There are two ways how to achieve this: Computers without direct internet access could configure a connection to ESET servers using a proxy server (proxy has to be connected to the internet). It should be properly configured in tools / proxy server. Computers without direct internet access could be activated using an offline license file. Such license file could be generated using ESET License Administrator, and imported into ESET Remote Administrator. Please note, that offline license file is product specific, so you have to generate one for EEA and one for EES (if you use multiple products). Concerning the guidance, how to generate offline license file, please check the following KB article: hxxp://support.eset.sk/kb3615/?viewlocale=en_US However, for better user experience, I would recommend using the proxy scenario, as that would ensure the transparent license update functionality (anytime you do change your license, changes will be reflected on all activated clients).
  16. What is configured in the "action to take, if the task is not run at the specified time"? What I have seen in the screenshots is, that the each scan was started with +1 minute after the previous one. So can you please send us the details of the scan profile (try to edit). I mean this screen:
  17. Have you consulted the documentation? hxxp://help.eset.com/era_install/64/en-US/index.html?migration_same_version.htm
  18. Can you send us your scheduler profile? 5 scan boxes indicates, that there are 5 scans happening at the same time, which might indicate problem with configuration.
  19. Hello, This is currently not possible. Also, if I may, what use-case is behind this request? What are you trying to achieve? Why is the static group membership not sufficient? Should be the AD membership tight to the computer, or to the logged in user? Should it be based on the OUs, or Security Groups?
  20. Hello, this functionality is planned for ERA / Endpoint 6.5, which is currently scheduled for December 2016.
  21. Hello, Under MSP program, you should not be downloading the software from the web. Instead, after installing EMU, it should prepare you "smart installers" which includes the license information in them. This help article should be able to help you locating them, and installing them: hxxp://help.eset.com/msp_guide_emea/index.html?install_eset_client_software.htm Hope that this helps.
  22. Hello, This works OK, when you have no exclusions set by policy from ERA. In that case, "restore & exclude" option will fill in a valid exclusion. However, when you have the exclusions set by ERA, it could not be appended, as the "list" of exclusions is handled as a one setting, and centrally set list will overwrite the one created by this entry (either local, or the one by ERA agent). This is certainly an issue within the current design, and we will do our best, to resolve this situation for the new version of ERA / Endpoint. As of now, I would suggest the following workaround: Disable the centrally forced exclusions Execute "restore & exclude" task for the problematic threat Request configuration from Endpoint Copy the Exclusion path, and add it to the centrally forced exclusion
  23. Hello, the announced version of ESLC is already undergoing QA, and should be released in September.Until then, I would suggest the only possible thing, which is to redeploy the ESLC OVA, and prevent it from getting the 6.4 agent. It will work well, with the older ERA agent instance.
  24. Hello, I would suggest that instead of "URL" blocking, you will use "category" blocking. For Facebook use the category "Social Networking", & for Youtube:use category "Streaming & Downloadable Video"
  25. Hello, in order to collect webcontrol logs and be able to generate reports from them, you have to adjust all Webcontrol rules to "warning/error" severity. Othervise ERA won't collect web control entries.
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