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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Hello, No it does not. I think even egui is not needed. Try clearing your "Tray notifications cache" followed by a restart of explorer.exe. ( This should fix your issue when it happens, and may for future occurrences until there is bad cache again )
  2. Hello, The problem is, no one from ESET has read this yet. If you need a quick answer, call. Otherwise, be patient and someone will answer your concerns when a professional and complete answer/explanation is ready.
  3. Hello, Umm what ? I'm confused. When you have the issues you are describing you need only clear your cache and cookies.
  4. As stated, don't draw conclusions until the investigation is completed. Pent tests were performed and security was double checked. We will know soon enough what happened. For all we know an employee could have handed out credentials to the database to someone, etc etc yadda yadda. Don't blame the bank because of a bank robbery, do you get me ?
  5. LOL @ some of the responses thus far from people who know as much about security and forums as my dog Willy.
  6. Password reset done. The method used to infiltrate will be the anticipated topic. Sql injection will not impress me at all. Neither will entry point being the domain hosting providers (out of ESET's hands for the most part). Any form other than, will surely peak my interest. Since this forum is hosted by a third party, ESET was indirectly attacked.
  7. This should help hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN540
  8. There is definitely means of spreading through RDP, however i don't think crypto does that. However if you use a 3rd party program that transfers files, it may use that if you have FT turned on at the time. hxxp://www.darkreading.com/attacks-and-breaches/new-malware-puts-nasty-spin-on-remote-control/d/d-id/1103465? hxxp://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/threat/encyclopedia/entry.aspx?Name=Worm:Win32/Morto.A
  9. Your configuration is not correct if its still prompting. Check your policy, ensure your licenses are embedded, clients should be changed when they check in to ERA. You must remove the username and password from the clients, etc. If you need instructions let us know.
  10. Also take note, everytime i have seen crypto its been from e-mail. Not to say it doesnt have other methods of spread. You might like this article: hxxp://www.welivesecurity.com/2014/06/03/cyber-crime-gameover-zeus-cryptolocker-bogachev-most-wanted/
  11. Most variants of cryptolocker launch from the appdata folder. If you have FIle security on your servers hosting the network drive, it will protect the network propagation, however if it tries to spread through network protocols, you will need Endpoint security on your clients. I have witnessed and assisted with crypto attacks that jump to network drives in the past, this has been its design for a while.
  12. Hello, Unsure whether ESET was detecting or preventing, and i would wait for an official response. Going forward i would create some policies whether local or global that will prevent crypto's basic functionality. Another prevention method is to encrypt your drives yourself, so any future encryption attempts will be failed. ESET offers this protection here: hxxp://www.eset.com/int/business/technology-alliance/deslock/
  13. At the very least, it would be great to see this flexibility implemented in the Advanced > User interface > Graphics area : Color Scheme for icons 1. Default 2. System match
  14. I have no life. Metaller takes precedence on who to receive information and support from however... Reach out to us again SassyDevil if you require additional assistance.
  15. You cant use default clients policy because thats the default settings on the client when installed. Switch from default client to your editted policy.
  16. Maybe your admin account is turned on ? In Xp i think you can only see it from Safemode. Try restarting in safe mode or type this from elevated cmd prompt. "Net user administrator xxxxx" Where xxxxx = your chosen password.
  17. This is true Dave, sometimes the third party has created their own installer and bundled it with goodies that makes them extra $$ !! The comment about your maintenance before every shutdown is very unusual to me, but it sounds like a great idea, especially if Swex likes it ! I am also one to take caution when dealing with computer systems, however recently, i have been confidently telling a few that ESET is worthy of trust. Even if you had a malicious js or exe sitting in c:\users\username\appdata\temp or Temp Int Files , ESET should catch it; Either by heuristics on file execution, live grid, or advanced memory scanner, even startup-scans, if it executes during shutdown or logon. Don't forget definitions if it's already been introduced into the wild and come in contact with an ESET protected system.
  18. Hello Bernette. After adjusting the policy did you assign that policy to the clients ? Right click on a client in the clients tab and set. After the clients check back in to era it should take effect.
  19. Hello Here is a link to a picture. Not sure how long it will last, pulled from google images. hxxp://community.linksys.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/3652iF173DFCB909EC8E3/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1 Disabling remote management simply ensures the router cannot be connected to by http, tcp, or any other network layer based method. When disabled the only way to adjust settings is by hard wire directly to it. Or by using a com port with serial cable and telnet/ssh, they look like an inverted vga port. Not all routers switches allow the latter method.
  20. Hello, See this KB as well in addition to Aryeh's response . hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2138
  21. Hey guys, although i have not seen myself the aforementioned bug, and i install ESET daily for people. I do recall assisting a user here with repairing by changing the phantom account name from the web portal, once, and then a second time to verify. However i am not sure if he just stumbed upon the strange "alphanumeric" user account and it was renamed, or if he had 'two' user profile accounts. At any rate planet's suggestion to delete the profile may be good enough. I would try not to delete the ESET profile though as you may have to reinstall at that point too, unless the web portal will assist with new creation. Try to follow the guidelines here as well, as other methods require decent experience with windows profiles.
  22. Hello Planet, Welcome to the forums; Thank you for signing up. We can always use more ideas, feedback, and friendly people around here. Thank you for your feedback on Cyber Security and your reporting. Just some friendly conversation for you... Do you use any software to assist with your web dev ? Are you versed in .NET or do you like php, action script, html etc ? I like that you are interested in GUI, that was the main portion that started my programming endeavors ! When my company builds web interfaces for people we use DW and WP. When i worked at Citibank we were some hard core SQL and .NET builders for our back-end infrastructure. Reach out to me if/when you get some free time via PM or here. Again welcome Planet !
  23. True, also since this post, i have learned that conduit is actually a legit company who has no control over their source code.
  24. Is Dolphin a mobile browser that does not have any way of adding anti phishing support ?
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