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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. I allowed and excluded my subnet as well, however still had problems in the office with Quickbooks. It wasn't till the QB pos and program was excluded "with" the ports did the other workstations finally get connected to the db. The excluding subnet may be too generalized, as i had to disable a few other things as well. There is an IDS exceptions area too where i added a few private IP's. Look forward to hearing back !
  2. Hello clyde, all of your mentioned issues relate to the firewall, and since you said they went away after disabling, its proven. The firewall has several modes it operates on, the one it is set on may not work for your client. You may need to create some rules or exclusions in the firewall to accept connections from Sage, other workstations on the domain or workgroup, plus allow sharing etc. I recommend adding an exclusion for the programs and what ports they are using. Dropping a configuration randomly with ESET will not work. Keeping defaults on any firewall and then expecting all traffic on the network to work would tell me its a crappy firewall. It may just need some tweaking, we would be glad to help you make some changes on Monday if you have access to the system.
  3. I looked at the site. Could not find a download link anywhere on your site at all for your free software according to the page. Without looking at the software, i can only point you towards rules to follow in your application. If any of your software fails this guide, you would have to fix. hxxp://www.antispywarecoalition.org/documents/BestPractices.htm
  4. 1. Try here : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2716 You don't add clients to the client portion tab, they show up automatically after adding the setting in the clients. If by Policy then see here: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN962 You simply need to add under the windows desktop section, the corrent RA settings. 2. If using http, the first string will allow you to use IIS and access ERA from a browser. Your second one is actually a backdoor connection to the directory.
  5. Josh, What is your product and where is your website. DO NOT, post direct links in this thread. Use this format : hxxp:\\ www thiswebsite com You may send me a link in PM as well. I will not be able to unblock anything, and i do not work for ESET. However, i may have some spare time to analyze and inform what i notice as unwanted based on experience. If you decline, my feelings won't be hurt. I'm just curious as well on the block.
  6. If there is a process or service in use, you will receive the access denied everytime. You could try docking the drive and deleting the key with a different computer and registry editor then turning the computer back on after moving the hive. This may then reveal an error on startup when the malicious content tries to load.
  7. Thank you Mr. Goretsky for your most informative response.
  8. Upon downloading a new copy of SysRescue live, i was able to create a new bootable usb drive. Unsure what caused the break yet. ChadH provided superior assistance in this case and there may be more to come ! System restore would not work for os repair. I am almost certain Conduit is at fault.
  9. Update: So the cleaning of Conduit, broke the pointer for boot partition. I was aware some versions did this, but never found one. Will be using Startup repair to hopefully fix. The reason for my USB SysRescue being corrupted and will no longer boot is still under investigation. Will be formatting the usb stick and reloading the SysResq live; then trying to reproduce the incident.
  10. Found what could be a flaw in design or problem with the way i did things. After scanning and cleaning i chose to try booting to windows from sysrescue and i received an error. Attached is the infections found and error. I can no longer boot to windows, the computer tries to load a non boot partition after the fact or similar. When i try to boot to my sysrescue live usb after the fact, i encounter the "Missing Operating system" error. May phone in to support for this if any staff is ready to troubleshoot or create ticket for this new roll out.
  11. Cleaning a laptop for the first time utilizing this new software. Updates and Scanner. Found 8 threats thus far.
  12. This key here he provided: https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1697x955q90/841/bjxb.png Could be his problem, does not belong, and he is having issues deleting it. Have you tried taking ownership of the key ?
  13. Thanks for providing that. I was able to delete any REG_SZ string value in that section on my own registry without issues. I'm afraid ESET might not be the cause of your unable to delete that particular string value.' Having that key there is not default and definitely signs of infection or alteration. Also, i was referring to which folder of ESET that you could not delete.
  14. Yes we will continue to assist. Can you give us a screen shot of the directory you are trying to delete, or type the full path here.
  15. Hi SANman, i wanted to send you a quick reply on behalf of Aryeh. What he means by his statement of upload to a server is simply generalized and not implicit. You can visit a decent site which will host your files for free and provide you with web addresses to get your files when you need them. Example : hxxp://www.firedrive.com/ Add the samples you need ESET to investigate and then send them a private message using these forums and give them access to your files via "http download link". Hope this helps you.
  16. Hi, Chances are, that picture you posted, is a threat using explorer to run by way of launch and ESET possibly terminated the threat. So now the malicious file can't run but returns an error instead. This is not necessarily the case, but what i have seen in the past experiences.
  17. Since this does not require ESET credentials, will the credential enforcement be removed from the original Win based SysRescue, or will that be retired ? The core promotional offerings is scan once with the online scanner, or download trial and receive unlimited scans for 30days. ( Of course the SysRescue is not protection on a system ) How does Sysrescue Live come in to the light not requiring ESET credentials. Just curious.
  18. Testing feedback Internet LAN cable: OK Virus DB Update : OK On-Demand scan : OK Submit File: OK Teamviewer: OK GParted: OK System does not see my Pci-ex SSD. So my Windows C:\ is missing. This does not worry me as my other 4 standard mechanical drives are detected fine. Edit: SSD is detecting fine. It shows up in the Computer interface. I feel like its Christmas. Thanks ESET for going above and beyond. Posted with Chromium @SysLive
  19. Hello, I has returned posting from Chromium ! I moved my usb drive from the front header to the back motherboard port and had no issues this time.
  20. Hello, My first interaction with the linux distro is bumpy. I downloaded the iso first from the official release thread posted by Mr. Goretsky. Thanks to my admin tendencies i created the usb boot drive myself using Rufus. (fat32) (udf was available) Upon booting i received a Live file system not found. Returned to create using the Live tool. Checked the already downloaded ISO. Screenshot attached is what i ran into. ISO is ok ? Can someone double check ? [its fine] I will continue to update here.
  21. The only software i trust to test memory in a system, embedded. Perfect !
  22. Hello, For ESET staff. I would be interested to know if Endpoint security has the same issue. The home version may not be setup the same as the business portion which would be meant for AD and a workstation on a domain.
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