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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. I still say adblock plus over admuncher or adgaurd, sorry.
  2. Hello, The web control is not included in the Endpoint Antivirus solution. Web control : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2512 Web control groups modification : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN3051 It would be very simply to upgrade your existing to Endpoint Security. Contact your local distributor and they should hook you up ! If you need assistance migrating, return here.
  3. Thanks Paul ! I too used to hate security suites, until i tried ESETs.
  4. Hello John, Those links need to be broken. Per the terms and rules of ESET's forums here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/76-rules-of-the-eset-security-forum/ #9 Do not post direct links to any executable files, malicious/suspicious software or web sites in public messages, even if you think the software or site is clean and incorrectly detected by ESET. Break up the URL by inserting spaces into it, or replacing the protocol handler with an obfuscated one. Unsuspecting people, especially users that are not protected by ESET and their products do not detect the trojan dropper that is being pushed out by that link according to ESET's detected threat. If you have ESET installed, you can assume you did not get infected, as the threat is being detected.
  5. Well ESET sure didnt unpin them either.
  6. Wow thats the first time i have seen this pdf : hxxp://go.eset.com/us/resources/white-papers/Problematic-Unloved-Argumentative.pdf Amazing work by Aryeh
  7. As a workaround, you could always uninstall it and reinstall with a trial to get the expire message to go away temporarily till you contact them by phone. As always, stickaround just in-case a Moderator would like to add any additional instructions or insight, as their guidance is paramount to mine.
  8. Hi jadinolf ! The expiring message is normal. It has always warned people of expiration, because its better that.... than to have it expire and have customers infected trying to blame ESET that it didn't warn them. It would be a back and forth debate. Even adjusting the settings would allow a customer to turn it off and then forget again themselves, in turn would cause some to blame ESET because of their infections. An automatic process by a computer for a timed event will be more reliable then the errors we humans are capable of. ( But now i'm just rambling off topic , my apoligies). Sorry jadinolf for your frustrations ! ESET does not pin itself, nor does it unpin itself from the start menu or taskbar, those are user customizations. I would suggest pinning it back to your taskbar, or place the shortcuts back in your start menu as those may have been caused by windows or a third party, even, corruption or an accident. It should work as normal. You could always call customer care on Tuesday as i think ESET might be closed for Memorial Day, and let them try and help with your renewal, they may be able to renew and keep your last few days.
  9. Thats ok, just ensure that you have the licenses setup in ERA
  10. Thanks Paul, why do you choose Outpost Firewall over ESET's ? @ Hopie - you will probably have to disable some features on either end to make it work.
  11. Hello, You are not suppose to log into the phantom account at all. Its only there for collecting data and assisting with recovery as soon as its stolen. It also triggers a warning to the web interface when someone does log into it.
  12. Hello, If you ran a scan of the file, and ESET did not detect anything. ESET is not blocking it ??? Are you trying to use the desktop version ? The Mobile version ? The OSX version ?? Thanks
  13. Thanks for your report jadinolf that's good to know. It is possible that Outpost have made some changes in recent version to work better with some AV's. Do you use them on Win7 64-bit wich is the platform where the OP had issues on? Four are Windows 7 64 bit. One is Vista 32 bit.
  14. Hello friends, I would be interested in knowing what makes you choose Outpost over ESET's ? Likes , don't likes ? Is it the GUI ? Options ? Look/Feel ? Protection, etc. No big deal on my part, just curious and interested in what you guys have to say about each! Thanks for the discussion and as always for reading.
  15. Try adding the subnet to the trusted zone. Also if you bring up the main menu. Choose Setup, then click Network. Then choose the "Change the protection mode of your computer in the network..." Ensure it is not set on public.
  16. Hello, I dont think there is a way to actually command a restart on a workstation from ERA, but you shouldn't need to when you can use the following command from a cmd prompt. Shutdown -m \\workstation -r -f -t 00 Of course on a network you would need to launch the cmd or login with domain admin priv.
  17. Hi See link: https://forum.eset.com/topic/2508-false-positive-with-latest-definitions/#entry14321
  18. I would create a Sysinspector log so we can get an idea of what programs are installed. In your new components did you get a new Power supply ? Didnt mention that above. What do the 3v 5v and 12v rails read out under a full load on your computer ? Have you checked your PSU can handle all the new components , there is a difference of course with full load. Prime95 is nice to max your processor out. Windows loading puts quite a load itself and may be why its commonality is crashing on boot. I would suggest disabling HIPS to see if the problem goes away but thats also not practical for a week.
  19. Hello, I would use ccleaner and disable every startup item except ekrn and egui. See if your freezing continues. If not start adding yer others back one at a time. Do you get any blue screen at all or a hang? Windows is on SSD ? Have you tried running the ESET Uninstall tool in safe mode yet ? (Do this, and make sure ESET is the only driver for security installed. ) Remove all including ESET, and reinstall by using the Live Installer download. Let us know the results.
  20. ESET has the lowest false positives out of all other vendors. If you have ESET installed, you dont need anything to do with spybot. Restore your origional host or download a better host that doesnt have a problem with ESET. Try mvps : hxxp://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.htm
  21. Applying all those updates listed, along with the ESS updates, and you probably caused your own problems. Next time, apply your security program updates, reboot, then run your windows updates and reboot, followed by your office, vmware, adobe, etc.
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