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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Yeah if your ICMP returned nothing, its off the network and won't receive an update till back online and ERA won't update till then either leaving you with Problematic Clients error. The one with same policy not updating, i would try to RDP to it and manually update to see if it works, or returns error. Usually if its a fluke, when it goes to update again which is usually 1 hour, it will jump on track with the others.
  2. Actually in the Install Tasks tab, if you double click the Remote Install task, then choose details tab, then double click your client again, you should be presented with informative diagnostics. I have attached a picture to make sure you see the right dialogue.
  3. When it says some Old at the top, it is referring to the clients under your server. Under Virus Sig DB that may be referring to the updates downloaded from ERA, however if your not using a mirror, it shouldn't matter.
  4. I can confirm the issue where creating a manual search of the IP range, takes a significant amount of time to end the background process if it does it at all. Clicking stop shows all the IP's or at least where it was in querying each IP. Adding ICMP to the mix only slows down the search i assume. To rectify this i have always kept my ranges small and stopped the search process.
  5. HIPS self-defense doing its job. Sorry Okami for your removal issues. What steps did you take to remove in the very beginning ? Programs and Features ?
  6. Good day, The reason you cannot delete the folder is because there are drivers contained therein that are tied to running services etc. You could try checking to see if you still have any ESET services in Administrative Tools > Services. Stop them, then try your delete. However, manually deleting a folder is not the correct practice for removing programs, simply because deleting the folder does not remove the services or the registry entries; not to mention files in appdata etc. I would then have to ask, did you have any errors in safemode when running the uninstaller tool ? Did it not say complete and reboot after ? I would run the uninstaller tool one more time and take note of any errors or issues along the way.
  7. Hello again, To answer you last statement, you wouldn't need to perform an uninstall. Just 1 push install with the correct msi. Eset will upgrade or remove the old drivers and directories on its own in a single msi, using the appropriate xml from Config edit. I want to ensure we are talking about the correct way to make the change. In your scenario, i don't figure you need to make any config changes or maybe i am not sure what you are referring to by "Created a Config Change". The Config editor is only for creating an xml to be embedded with an MSI push install. On the old RAS, working with 1 client for test. It should be as easy as Opening the Policy Manager instead, adding your update mirror URL and port and saving the policy, then right click on one client and choose the Set policy to the policy you have just made the update change on. Wait 10 minutes then look in new ERA for client. Just to bring up the basics, can you confirm the clients can ping and telnet etc to the new RAS ? Firewall ports n such are configured on the clients and on the new RAS? Here is a quick KB that you can run through the basics quick too. hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2716 Hope we can discover your problem.
  8. Hi blackkat, I have seen this issue before on my personal desktop. My scheduled scans were not starting. I could create a new one that would run in 30min etc, and it would not start or fire up the event. I no longer have this problem, and i am unsure what was done to repair, or if it started working on its own. Are you able to try a reinstall and re-test your scheduled scans ?
  9. Hello warswe, Here is what i suspect is happening and hopefully i can get you on the same page as me. Please correct me if i misinterpretted your post. 1. An external hosting provider was using ERA to provide managed services for your endpoints. 2. You have now installed ERA on your own servers and wish to take control of the endpoints. This is how it works AFAIK. The policy change (which is my best recommend for managing your endpoints) occurs when the endpoints "check in" to the ERA server. If currently they have a different server for "checking in" your policy will never get deployed because they are checking in with another ERA currently. What you may have to do is request that the 3rd party managed services company deploy a policy that points them back to your ERA, then your own policy will start to be absorbed by your endpoints. Here is what i would do and recommended based off how i have understood ESET to respond. Your endpoints are currently running version 4. The latest is now 5. I propose that in order to keep from having to reach out to your third party again, you can deploy the new latest and greatest version 5, and within the msi you can set the update settings and new reporting server together using the configuration editor within. So when the push install of your clients is finished, they are updated with new settings. This uses xml. Manage by policy after the fact. Let me know if im on the right track with your scenario, would be glad to help.
  10. The following needs to be verfied: In ERA , go to Tools > Licene manager Under currently loaded server license, check that you have your active license there. Choose Details to see your Endpoint license. If not, click Browse above and find the EAVEndpoint.lic that came in your email after purchase. Once this is complete, open Tools > Policy manager. Expand the windows desktop version 5 Also expand through Update > Profile(my profile) > Settings String for update server should be as you stated previously "hxxp://" For username, leave blank, password leave blank. Click the save icon on your policy manager above. Close Policy manager. RIght click one of your clients in the clients pane of ERA, and choose Set Policy and the policy we just editted, or server policy if default. IF you havent started using policys in ERA yet, i recommend ensuring the other settings are good for that policy before deploy to all clients. Just push to one. Whenever your client reconnects to ERA usually within 10 min, it will absorb that policy and then the next update session which is usually within an hour should be good to go and working now. You can RDP to client and try manual update which should go through as well give or take 10 minutes. If you don't use policy at all, place the same settings into the Update portion of the client manually. Let us know if this helps for your updating issues, or if it is already ground you covered.
  11. Trying to find what is causing crash, Try disable protection from the tray menu. See if crash occurs. If yes, Re-enable protection, then... Try Disable HIPS followed by a restart. See if it still crashes. Once we find the culprit, we can start repair or fixing.
  12. If you are still having issues with the dialogue prompts or feel the rules are messed up, i would suggest a reinstall, it will clear it all out and allow you to jump back on track correctly. Im not at home so i cant attest to the HIPS for home in regards to application modification and rules etc. I only have Endpoint at the office right now. Will check at home and play around with it to see if i can reproduce.
  13. Hello, I would delete all the rules you have applied for explorer or any other apps in question, then switch to learning and let the software re-create your rules again. I have seen this occur with application modification detection of the firewall rules, unsure whether HIPS has the same, if so, it would be a good idea to set exclusions for application modification detection on the apps in question where the rules may get corrupt or not working appropriately.
  14. Okay, so we wont see a change until a new build. Thanks !!
  15. Hello Jeteroll, Have a look here at our FAQ on licenses: https://forum.eset.com/topic/1591-licensing-faq/ Swex has entered a response that leads to ESET's Unilicense, which should help you with what you are trying to accomplish !
  16. Hello, Not a huge deal, but i figured i would remind someone in the interest of professionalism. Startup screen still contains 1992-2013 vs 1992-2014 now Will this be inserted in a specific isolated update similar to module update or entire package version update like move to v8 ?
  17. It may be the lighter on your end, but as Marcos stated, your gonna have nasties creep in and ruin your machine in reply to using an outdated program with worse detection.
  18. Why didnt you just PM in the beginning instead of making all this mess personal and public. Your question is silly, i didn't say you were. You need to calm down. Take a chill pill. Go attack ESET in PM's not on this forum. Quit attacking me too.
  19. Who would put this on their own car. hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GB4jYgyiUNw hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFHxlbdB2N8 I would if i drove something fast, however i have a Toyota FJ Cruiser lololol I used to have a 97 Z28 , would have looked great on that. Have not seen the new NeedforSpeed movie yet
  20. In conclusion, Marcos has stated already in post #10 at the very end. The technical data that we collect is anonymized and does not contain any personally identifiable information.
  21. Hello, In ERA, check Tools > Server Options > Updates Does it say update finished ? Do you have 2221 port open on client computer and server? License entered in ERA ? If not, username entered in client setup ?
  22. 1. Swex and i are friends, we talk a lot outside these threads. 2. Its a public forum. I can act as i please, and any behavior not following with forum rules will be moderated by Staff. I'm not ordering anyone to do anything i am suggesting and guiding, since i have been looking upon these forums for more then a year, know how they operate etc. 3. I never once claimed i was staff, or representing ESET. I come here on my own free will, with no compensation to me, to accomplish one goal. *Help the people here on the forum. I am not attacking you personally, but you have started down a path that makes this thread nothing but me and you. I have suggested to you multiple times to create a new thread regarding your concerns because it would receive more attention. This is not a demand from me, it is me helping you. Your first question about information i answered only to help you. Information like that is stored in variables and not usually static or used whole when developing a program. This is a fact. Like we drive on the right side of the road in US. Your second question about IP, i answered as well. the Private IP subnets used by the entire world are in classful networks, class C, class B and class A. Any of these IP's usually fall behind local communications within a private network as specified by RFC 1918. These IP's are not going to indicate "PERSON, LOCATION, ADDRESS " Etc. These IP's will only be used behind your router for communication from computer to computer inside your network privately. Transmission of this address really doesn't matter. We all use the same internal IP's. I was trying to help you with your second question. However none of this really matters as your opinion has already been voiced and i don't count here. I hope you standby for an official staff response.
  23. Hello, Maybe if you didn't approach your questions with such rudeness and a demeanor that is pushy and accusing towards ESET. Call me passionate about the products i use and the vendors i support. This is what i thought about of your statements when i submitted my reply's. I can almost promise you, Swex did not create this thread for you to come bash ESET and demand answers to your questions. If you want your answers in a more hasten fashion, create a new topic in a category under the product in question, and not in General, and in someone else's thread, when you are making this whole topic about you and your questions. Get more personal, email ESET, phone into the support line, or create a new thread by "you" with your questions you wish to be answered. Enjoy
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