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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Thank you Dan for pointing the article out. I left a nice comment over there for Lysa. It's waiting approval.
  2. The reboot is normal, it has to access drivers already in use switched on by services running as well.
  3. hxxp://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20140521005813/en/eBay-To%C2%A0Ask-eBay-Users-Change-Passwords#.U3zAriiAOfE
  4. Exclusions will only be overwritten if your policy has the "Mark for Deletion", simply deleting the exclusion server side will only prevent the exclusion from being set on future pushes, and client policy update requests. Yes policy overwrites certain settings client side.
  5. You will have to download it and install manually. Hi, How do I manually update the program? Can I download a patch or do I have to download the latest live installer? Also can I install over it or do I need to remove the version I have first? Thanks, Use the live version posted in the announcement thread. You can run it over the top of your existing.
  6. According to Marcos in that thread : Which would mean, the next version, presumably version 8.
  7. From my experience and from other removal methods built-in to the project, there has usually been settings within configuration that sets for a removal of exclusions, i have attached a screen shot showing exactly this. Might need some more elaboration on the question here, but usually policy settings will over write the client side settings when the client checks in to ERA.
  8. This update has not been released as a program component upgrade yet. The staff is too busy working on the next version of ESET that will be released. You have to visit the download page and run the live installer(preferred). It can be installed over the top of your existing.
  9. Oh i remember now Wrogg, sorry. Does using an older version make the issues go away ? Your crashes list 7.0.317.0, however i have ...317.4 as well as the announcement stating that. Have you tried the uninstaller in safemode ? Then reinstall, then uninstall again after the safe mode tool has been run ? Does the error persist on that ? One of the fixes for the new build was the toast notify which seems to be your listed crash ???
  10. nope still broken. MsiExec still crashes on removal too. My smart security does not have any initial update issues, i have a dell inspiron running 8.1 with update 1. What are you referring to with crashing ? When removed from add remove programs ? Do you have instructions that these can be resproduced consistently, because ill go try again to make it happen on my laptop.
  11. If the button is missing he may need to clear his cache or try on a different browser until his is fixed i presume.
  12. Eset installs a driver that run directs traffic through a dns server. (AFAIK). Where the driver can contain your block list maybe. This is proprietary information and i am speculating. Just hoping to help you undertand. Your DNS settings in your adapter should remain automatic, your router, or what your ISP has instructed, or Google dns, or Open dns, etc etc. I suspect Marcos is having you change dns on your side to rule out issues by process of elimination, only in an attempt to help resolve your issue of course.
  13. Hi, Because thats how controlling the web works. Your computer always queries a dns server when you request a website to go to. If you query ESET's dns, they will turn you around if you have an ip in your do not allow list.
  14. Possibly the policy assigned to it, automatically changed it. You can't really make updates on the client side, and expect it to stick when it checks into ERA and grabs whatever policy is assigned to it. Unless when you installed, you left the default client policy. I would make your update setting changes in the policy manager, then assign the policy to the client with your changes.
  15. I do like that feature julio is referring to. Its similar to the Delayed service start, which is 2 min after the last service starts. However the 15 second or similar feature in mbam is pretty nice for compatibility reasons.
  16. You're welcome. Most companies with an antivirus program have a database of threats they detect. These will be different from company to company. If you suspect a threat has been found and ESET did not detect it. Please contact ESET directly by submitting a sample or opening a ticket for support by calling or visiting this link: https://www.eset.com/us/support/contact/ (US link) Other countries would need to visit their eset site index or other forms of contact.
  17. Hi again Kathy, You can proceed to this linked site where you will find every form of malware that is added to the program daily. hxxp://www.eset.com/us/threat-center/threatsense-updates/ As you can see in the list, trojans are being added everyday, so that is the assurance ESET detects trojans. As far as ESET not telling you, ESET's detections are more generalized for the end user, and the notifications are described as "Threat found" vs "Trojan found". However, you can see in the details or followed by threat, the name of the threat found or scientific name issued by ESET.
  18. HI, Kathy. You don't need a program specific to trojans. ESET detects and blocks most major trojan families, as well as heuristically catches new ones. ESET is all you need.
  19. Or people can disable detection of unwanted applications, and voila ! I checked your program and website out a week or so back. This is probably as forward as ill ever get : You won't get a response if the problem has not been addressed, fixed, or removed. (AFAIK, this has been what is observed) Do you have any advertisements on your site ? Take them ALL DOWN. Any Click ads ? Remove Them. Have any advertisements in your program, Take it ALL OUT. Does your program add any toolbars, change ANY system settings at all ? Remove it. I'm being kind of blunt and direct here. This is all respectfully in the interest to help you understand. See this link for more help. If you do not read it and apply it. The detection from ESET will remain. hxxp://www.antispywarecoalition.org/documents/BestPracticesFinal.htm Josh this is your 3rd or 4th turn to post here regarding your bot plus site and program. This is not the place to ask or dispute these detections.
  20. If you changed the path from "C:\Documents and settings\~...\Server" to "D:\mirror\" You also need to fire off the event and re-update when you change. Clickthe button highlighted in red after a directory path change. See pic
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