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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Hello, Switch your firewall to learning mode, then start your streaming. Switch back to automatic, or interactive, or whatever you use, after you have streamed a file or movie 1 time. The firewall will create the necessary rules to allow your streaming.
  2. I believe its the same code when running the ESET Uninstaller. Its not just Norton, i think it checks for drivers that conflict. Whether it be by a database, or the name of certain main ones packed into the program.
  3. The ESET Service might be for File Security if its installed. Shouldn't be greyed out , could be hung, maybe a restart of the server after hours could fix that.
  4. Amitchell, I have provided a few screen shots showing the manual search process to make sure you were performing the correct operations. I also included a picture of the ESET services that can be seen from Administrative Tools > Services , (Control Panel) You can try closing the ERA console. Then restarting these services. Then re-launch the ERA console (black circle icon with arrow pointing northeast). It will ask for your login credentials when you re-launch for reconnecting to the ERA server. Once opened back up, proceed to the remote tab and see if your ldap search or windows network search can now see your machine with correct IP vs incorrect. Hope this helps.
  5. Most likely not, but might be a swift way to get the endpoint on the client workstation remotely through push if that is a priority. You may try restarting the ESET services then disconnect and reconnect to the ERA by closing and restarting the console app as well. Then re-check if correct IP gets pulled. (Let us know if you need any help performing the above ^ )
  6. IF the IP is not assigned to any other machine in ERA, you can create a custom search and specify a range of just the correct IP associated with the workstation, it should then see it and you can push install from that custom search. All located in the remote tab of ERA. As far as in IT networking, i would reset the dns cache of your server and the client through the command prompt after making your workstation switch out IP leased to it. Then re-try in ESET Remote admin console.
  7. Please explain how this is related to me ? It has nothing to do with me, and your accusations are incorrect. I don't give mixed signals, i use MBAM with real time protection and have no issues. The facts are stated in the link i provided in post #11, that link also does not dismiss mbam, nor eset. What is generalized about the link i provided and the statement i made.
  8. GoExplore.Net hxxp://www.eset.com/us/presscenter/press-releases/article/goexplorenet-celebrates-the-best-of-the-web/ This is an amazing head-start for ESET on safer global browsing for information. I think the web development and coders have created some awesome work here. That is the first thing as an individual working in IT, that i noticed. Design is incredible. Color and titles jump out at you. The templates in the background that plug in all the info is original in nature. Question to ESET: Are the journalists for welivesecurity.com going to be writing & blogging in both locations ? I saw some articles by few recognized journalists. I would love to get other peoples feedback on this exciting new venture from ESET. I almost didnt understand what it was at first, once i figured it out, i was amazed. Nice work !
  9. Could you try the following to see if the graphics of the ui changes or not ? Open Advanced System Properties (Right click "My Computer" or "Computer" and select properties) On the left tab with blue background, select Advanced System settings. Select Settings under Performance. Under Visual effects choose "Adjust for best performance". Click Apply at the bottom. *Note your GUI and graphics will all reset to an older style, and all animated and extra visual settings will be temporarily disabled. Re-launch Sysinspector and gauge the graphics and pictures again. Revert your changes at the end by proceeding back to Advanced System settings and choosing "Adjust for best appearance". Let us know if it still has the problems after your change to performance mode.
  10. ESET supports vm, so my suggestion would be to export your settings by XML then Uninstall. Virtualize, then reinstall the security software, import your settings back. The following pic is an example of location, even on File Security : hxxp://kb.eset.com/library/ESET/KB%20Team%20Only/SOLN2691/SOLN2691Fig1-5a.png
  11. Hi , See these threads here : https://forum.eset.com/topic/2252-heartbleed-and-vulnerble-sites/?hl=heartbleed https://forum.eset.com/topic/2290-bugs-in-heartbleed-detection-scripts/?hl=heartbleed
  12. Your welcome, yes laptops are totally different and some have weird batteries, sometimes soldered or permantenly attached requiring reset through jumpers or jumping resistors to short out the circuit. You may have just had some bad power in the board ? Power cycling usually fixes.
  13. All applications are going to give you problems if your system date is not corrected prior to going into windows, or able to be re-set once inside windows. If you set the correct date and time in the bios, and then upon reboot it does not stick, you may need to replace your cmos battery which gives the computer power to store date/time settings when the board is getting no power at all.
  14. Hello, Have you tried checking to make sure there are no other security products installed ? Run the ESET Uninstaller from Safe mode, it will catch other software drivers as well. Does a fresh install of ESET make a difference ? I asked the above due to the fact you have 2 machines already running smoothly with the Outlook 2013/ESET combination.
  15. Because it doesnt conatain the firewall and thus all these issues wouldnt be at your doorstep. You could utilize the built in firewall of windows which would be less strict. Keep in mind if you have a router at your office it contains a firewall already for everything outside the DMZ and some connections inside the lan should there be any local threats. While windows firewall is not as great as ESET, it works well for file sharing and open network resources inside the lan or dmz.
  16. Since your Smart Security allows the installation and use of Nod32, i would recommend it in this situation using medical equipment creating network traffic back and forth. It will save you a lot of headaches. If you would like to continue use of ESET's firewall, proceed as Marcos suggested in trying learning mode for a moment to create necessary rules, then switch back to auto. .
  17. Have a look here : https://forum.eset.com/topic/1714-eset-and-malwarebytes-comparison/
  18. Who said i had problems ? I have multiple on-demand scanners, and ESET does not have the registry object scanning that Malwarebytes has .
  19. Not really interested in that, not the first metro design to show up here. I hope ESET doesn't go down that road. Microsoft is working everyday to take away the metro C### it started to add. Look at 8.1 Update. Every app now has a minimize and (X)Close button at the top right. LOL Microsoft has done nothing but take away the changes it started when it first released Windows 8, because people hate that and want it to be more like Windows 7.
  20. This is true I would simply continue use of Malwarebytes for the second db and Registry object scanning it performs.
  21. Hello, It was already stated, acknowledged, and broadcasted in multiple other threads on the forum. If you were to query a search you may have already discovered your answer. The threads "future changes to ..." are ongoing lists of users requests and/or bugs found, and while i only assume they are not obligated to reply to every single request, especially when they are mentioned in numerous places. I assure you most of the requests placed there go into great consideration and are usually implemented post testing. If there is something that will not be implemented you usually get a straight answer right away that it is not in ESET's best interest. The reason i reply now, is because we have already gone through this scenario and there are forum threads on the topic and subject, including official reply's from ESET. You stated here it was a suggestion and not a bug and asked I move it to the suggestion thread: https://forum.eset.com/topic/1584-disabling-phishing-protection-should-give-warning/?p=8990 Correct, because the suggestion threads gets looked at all the time by the developers and staff. They may just not always reply there. Its the best place for suggestions because of this.
  22. Hello, It was already stated, acknowledged, and broadcasted in multiple other threads on the forum. If you were to query a search you may have already discovered your answer. The threads "future changes to ..." are ongoing lists of users requests and/or bugs found, and while i only assume they are not obligated to reply to every single request, especially when they are mentioned in numerous places. I assure you most of the requests placed there go into great consideration and are usually implemented post testing. If there is something that will not be implemented you usually get a straight answer right away that it is not in ESET's best interest. The reason i reply now, is because we have already gone through this scenario and there are forum threads on the topic and subject, including official reply's from ESET.
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