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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. I imagine they rebooted the database server. I was also unable to connect, it may be sluggish for a few hours after while objects start to load into ram again. Im just speculating, have no clue why it was down.
  2. Hello, I didnt see in the user guide information regarding the new embedded network commands. Added: Basic network actions from console (for example: Wake on LAN, Ping, Shutdown, RDP, and Message) Having some errors and troubles with a few and they may need a few variable changes in the code. Message features gives an error 01 - Is this a net send ? RDP gives a host not found, and ping also does not result in a reply despite having good dns settings and manual communication through cmd or opening mstsc works just fine using hostname. Thanks !!
  3. Hello, The only thing that comes to mind is to password protect your clients which presides over any advanced feature, including restore from quarantine.
  4. https://forum.eset.com/topic/2515-pop-up-sig-update-file-not-digitally-signed/?hl=%2Bupdate+%2Bdigitally+%2Bsigned https://forum.eset.com/topic/766-error-on-updating-update-file-has-not-been-digitally-signed/?hl=%2Bupdate+%2Bdigitally+%2Bsigned
  5. Hello, I just did a manual update to 9957 and did not get this. As it has been stated in the past, this only happens if your updates are filtering through a proxy or similar. Check for proxy in all the locations ie. browser/hostfile/adapter Check your DNS, what are you using ? Ofc let's see what a moderator says too. Maybe get some pcap logs ready.
  6. Hi again ! Who said ESET catches everything lol ? I said it already contains exploit protection modules.
  7. Also, do you have proof of this "take it to a tech" statement ? Its all hearsay on our end. Did you call a support number ? Which one ? Marcos is correct, usually when you contact ESET support a technician will offer to remote in and repair.
  8. Well lets just see what kind of holes it fills ? Please provide said holes, and i am almost sure ESET will patch and protect these missing "holes" if possible and plausible. It's okay to post in this thread regarding the weaknesses you find in ESET Security. Moderators read and respond on these exact kind of issues. We may be able to add protection to an already proven and trusted security software !
  9. Many users are accustomed to use windows -There is no big difference in the UI of win or linux based, it uses the same backbone UI. (The eset environment "scan/update/settings") Maybe there are more drivers available - The driver issue was what prompted the creation of a linux based so drivers don't come into play you can create a new CD with all signature updates included every time - I use a usb stick, we are at the age of creating computers without cd drives - I have no issues with database updates at all using the linux version you can select your MSI-file (of the ESET software) during the process of creating a SysRescue CD/DVD/USB, so you maybe are able to use an old version of ESET - why would you use an older version which has less features and the protection isn't as strong ? - All latest versions should be compatible everywhere, if not contact ESET and let them know of the compat. error. Again, no thanks on drivers, besides when cleaning a computer the only drivers you need are the HD and the keyboard/mouse/screen. ( Just get your scan done. ) Drivers missing and being unable to add new ones is what started the linux based. Can you manually add a laptops wifi adapter driver inside the windows based sysrescue ? I could not or i didn't try very hard either and moved on. Thanks for your list and taking the time to reply, as i can agree to disagree with your answers. Thanks for reading too !!
  10. I know their beta testing has been going for a while. Which i had enough errors with applications to take it off my computer. I tested their exploit program months ago. It is way too new to say its an awesome program. Let's see how it does for the year first. I stand firmly by my first post before the hog wash testing came into play. " You don't need any other exploit protection if your running ESET software, it does a fine job with Live Grid, heuristics, as well as the exploit signatures implanted " Live results and scenarios have always ALWAYS trumped testing environments, poised at directing trade and business to vendors.
  11. I would like to hear the advantages of the windows based from rugk.
  12. Therefore, having Malwarebytes exploit application is redundant and may also cause application errors !!! Regarding browser plug ins, those fall under the category of "potentially unwanted programs" ESET detects and removes bloatware like that. The only purpose they serve is to bloat. Thanks for reading, good discussion LabVIEW707 !!!! Eset's exploit protection is not that great. See: www.av-test.org/fileadmin/pdf/reports/AV-TEST_XP_Exploit_Test_April_2014.pdf Sorry Greyghost, but thank you for your reply. Commissioned by Qihhoo 360 ?? They are dunganees. Don't get me started on Testing companies, where money is being thrown in the background to make other companies higher on the list. I'm not digging around for the last testing company who accepted money to bring companies to the top of their testing. Just know it has happened. Also, a test performed only on Windows XP ? A retired OS that everyone needs to quit using and will no longer receive any credibility? If your concerned about only exploits. Download and install EMET, not some third party exploit protection. Note: I like Malwarebytes and use their standard product.
  13. Hello, I don't think what your asking is an available option in ESET Remote Admin. AFAIK The only object logged will be the hostname/computername being updated. User logged on, and MAC would have to be retrieved another way. Maybe Sysinternals has something.
  14. Simply because they don't need to, ESET uses a better approach so the web protection works in all browsers. I actually avoid AV's using browser extentions or plug-ins for various reasons. The reason why ESET don't use them is one of the many reasons why I like it so much. They're bloatware Swex lol !!
  15. Hello, i would like to expand into this link when we had a discussion a while back regarding Kaspersky's Safe Money Environment: https://forum.eset.com/topic/51-future-changes-to-eset-smart-security/page-6#entry10746 In addition this thread discusses Keyloggers: https://forum.eset.com/topic/965-eset-and-keyloggers/?hl=%2Bwin32+%2Bkeylogger#entry8728 Aryeh mentions " ESET's software detects keyloggers using both conventional signatures (which detect many as part of the Win32\Keylogger family) and technologies like heuristics and HIPS. " Having a virtual environment changes nothing. You will still be sending and receiving traffic on the same http port 80 or secure traffic port 443 inside your virtual environment. Also as an added bonus, ESET detects exploits already. Check out this link for all the features of ESET : hxxp://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/ Adding Quote : Therefore, having Malwarebytes exploit application is redundant and may also cause application errors !!! Regarding browser plug ins, those fall under the category of "potentially unwanted programs" ESET detects and removes bloatware like that. The only purpose they serve is to bloat. Thanks for reading, good discussion LabVIEW707 !!!!
  16. Thanks rugk, Also there is a new improved linux based Sysrescue, totally beats having to obtain WinAIK and also the driver issues inside of a winPE. See sig for link.
  17. Hello, It sounds like a legitimate block that's coming from your browser since it references port 80. Normally i would say, don't visit the domain in question "Datacardsearch.info" It may be that you have a browser hijacker installed that continues to try and navigate you there. Best advice would be to call in to customer care or your local authorized support/dealer, and have them remove it. Keep in mind, ESET products protect and removes threats, but it does not perform maintenance tasks for which other windows tools are available for such. (In this scenario probably Task Scheduler) If you would like to solve on your own, i can recommend downloading a program called CCleaner which will allow you to delete temp files, and remove unwanted registry items. This tool has a section for start-up items, for each browser you have installed there will be a tab with its respective name. Under here you may be able to remove what you need. After this, perform a clean reset to defaults for each of your browsers, for IE this is in Internet Options > Advanced, Firefox you type in "about:support" in the browser then choose reset on the right. Let us know if you get this resolved.
  18. If you logged into the phantom account you will get that e-mail. That account is not for using or logging in. Login to the web and report your device as not missing if its in your possession.
  19. Additionally install ESET FIle Security Exchange protection includes real-time for all files !!
  20. Hello, I can't say i believe its crashing your system, unless you have some kind of hardware problem with your video drivers or video chipset. If you wish to disable automatic gamer mode, which is turned on when ANY Full-screen App is started, you can go to the advanced settings (F5 from main GUI) then Computer > Gamer mode. Then Un-check "Enable Gamer mode when running applications in full-screen mode automatically. " Thanks and sorry for your difficulties with a feature.
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