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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. What most likely happened was the default firewall mode, "automatic". It probably needed to go into learning or interactive, which is how he described the windows firewall prompt. Usually with programs that are blocked during automatic mode, or no rule has been created yet, forces you to manually create your own rule. I have to do it all the time with Quickbooks. The best way is to create an application rule using the desired port of the app.
  2. Hello You may need to exclude your local subnet in web control. The other feature is protocol filtering that may be blocking.
  3. While we're disussing favorite utility softwares and on demand second opinions, i also like to use AdwCleaner (good for browser cleanup) and EEK from Emsisoft. I would never betray ESET, but if they weren't around i would probably be using Emsisoft's AV or Security Suite. I recently learned they made a decryptor for earlier versions of Cryptolocker, specifically prior to April of this year. It can be found quickly at bleeping computer. I would praise them 100% however the program isn't that magical because it was discovered the private key (used for de-encryption) was lingering locally still. Anyways im rambling, sorry to get off topic ! On-topic: I am glad for the OP to have made a great decision choosing ESET, on a weekly basis ESET's Live grid and virus definitions are cleaning computers that were otherwise ready to be reloaded. For the less experienced with ESET, if you are having trouble cleaning a threat, sometimes you have to scan multiple times with reboots in-between. I find it easier to clean systems when switching cleaning mode to "Strict cleaning". Take care if you add it to real-time as i usually only use with Smart and In-depth scans, or if making a custom. Keep in mind custom scans aren't just for directory choosing, but get in there and adjust the settings and items the scans detect as well or you could be telling ESET specificaly to skip certain types of objects !!!! Thanks for reading, thanks to the OP for sharing with us.
  4. To answer your question the next major release will be version 8 and released at ESET's discretion.
  5. Router make and model ? Try adding the local subnet to the trusted and safe zone !! That will fix it and get you going. if you need remote assistance let us know !
  6. Good buy chris ! Don't forget to add exclusions for each real time scanning to minimize lock ups or driver crashes. I think i have had 1 blue screen in 2-3 years caused by pairing the two software. A restart and everything resumed. The biggest advantage i have seen comes from pairing both web protections. On occasion Mbam will block a malicious site that ESET may not have in the db. However i must proclaim that ESET always catches live threats before malwarebytes, sometimes mbam will repair a few extra registry objects or temp files and remnants.
  7. Thank you. Please let us know if everything works ok after you uninstall eset. However, keep in mind the exclusions you and the tech are referring to are exclusions for real time file protection which are threats unleashing on a disk level. Your issue appears to be network related and the way to correct the blocks that are being done from ESET you would need to exclude the program from protocol filtering or similar as with web control you could or with smart security allow the software to communicate on its desired port by creating a firewall rule.
  8. hxxp://blog.malwarebytes.org/malvertising-2/2014/06/a-look-at-a-double-dipping-advertising-network/
  9. Hello, I am not sure what your actual problem is. Although this is primarily an English language forum; could you try typing or speaking in your native language, most likely we can translate. If ESET is blocking a particular file, there are exclusions you can set : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN560 If you have issues with anti-theft, visit https://my.eset.com and login to resolve issues.
  10. Hello AdwCleaner or (JRT)Junkware removal tool will probably take care of that for you with little to no effort. Delete all your shortcuts to the browsers and create new ones from the main exe. Normally i would suggest contacting customer care for ESET members as it is free support.
  11. Yah the dates are all messed up. Someone at ESET needs to take a look at that.
  12. Hello. No difference in 2014 & 7. Same thing. Do not turn off windows firewall. I would recommend turning off real-time protection for mbam. Yes uninstall MSE. Thanks for your questions.
  13. Very nice image rugk
  14. I agree with Marcos, try HIPS in learning mode, or disable as he suggested, followed by a reboot, and try to install again as well.
  15. You're welcome ! When i was network admin and operations for Citibank, i used to always bypass the exchange when sending internal program updates or personal .exe .com file extensions by double renaming the extensions to change format. The fact ESET mail security does not allow that now is a huge improvement against end users when it comes to security and evil developers with malicious intent.
  16. You will need to obtain a File Security license. Most likely, but your business edition AV credentials should allow you to at least download and install File Security. I would try it and see if your problem is fixed first.
  17. To rule out ESET, i would uninstall ESET and try to install your software. In regards to privileges, you don't want to lower your privileges, but raise them. Also, if its a permissions issue, i sincerely doubt ESET is at fault. When you say you used the admin account. Is that an account that YOU created ? If so, its not THE admin account, but your admin account.
  18. Hello, Have you tried creating an exclusion for the application on the desired ports that it requires ? As a test, change your firewall mode from Automatic, to either learning mode to see if it creates a rule, or interactive to see if it prompts you for the creation of a rule; let us know the results. Also the OnOne software states that it is a good idea to disable your AV during installation. With ESET i would disable protection and firewall, run your installation, then re-enable if installation is your primary issue at the moment. hxxp://www.ononesoftware.com/support/1179/
  19. LOL Herded like sheep. Good one. There have been multiple requests on this subject. Maybe there is something ESET can do to minimize the reminder, however that will be solely at their discretion. I would be interested in what the benefits of a poll on this subject matter might turn over.
  20. Hello, Gamer mode isn't just notification suppression. What is Gamer mode in ESET Smart Security / ESET NOD32 Antivirus?KB Solution ID: SOLN3330|Last Revised: February 12, 2014 Gamer mode is a feature in ESET Smart Security and ESET NOD32 Antivirus version 5.x and later: Activated by default when ESET detects any full-screen application in use (games, movies, etc.). Maximizes performance and minimizes intrusion when full-screen applications are running. Postpones scheduled tasks (for example, virus signature database updates or scheduled computer scans). Disables notification windows. Minimizes CPU usage by ESET to improve system performance.
  21. Hello, So we know another machine is working ! Have you tried testing under a different profile ? See if you receive the same issue under a new one and let us know the results.
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