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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. As i stated.... You can create that with a basic single gui form Remove borders... remove buttons.... use your own background, use your own graphical made buttons and text etc. Are you more impressed with the fading in and out ? That can easily be achieved with the following code: This is again a form of .NET If you need a different language just yell.
  2. Peter informed me in PM's to contact support by phone when an issue like this arises.
  3. There is only a problem accessing router's administrator interface via http due to a faulty http server implementation on their part. Other than that, there are no known issues with ASUS routers. Oh you're right. It is impossible for me to connect directly to it through http, i always have to remote to my server, vs my workstation which runs endpoint security. My mistake, thanks Marcos.
  4. Can the unlock utility be used on file security ? If so, can someone assist here on the forums, or do i need to call ? I have an unlock ID already from unlock util.
  5. Hello, ESET Anti-theft won't function properly if you cannot create a phantom account. You can disable user accounts from an elevated command prompt : "Net user 'account name' /active:no", however this will also most likely cause anti-theft not to work. We would need staff to confirm.
  6. Just trying to help here. There is a known issue with ASUS routers , specific model/firmware, that ESET will not work correctly with. My office has one. Again i ask the same question, how did you confirm there are no conflicting drivers ? Did you look through drivers under Sysinspector ? Also assuming you already uninstalled using the ESET Uninstaller tool in safe mode, and completely reinstalled ESET ? (Not remove from add-remove programs). You could also try running this tool : hxxp://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/complete_internet_repair.html Thanks, and sorry for your troubles.
  7. 1. Is this computer behind an ASUS router ? 2. Have you tried selecting the Default button in the bottom right corner after you enter Advanced > Network > Rules and Zones Followed by a reboot... Of course there is nothing but deny rules everywhere. The strange log is the TCP packet not belonging to any open connection.
  8. Marcos will assist if you follow his directions. However, how did you confirm? Looking at drivers in Sysinspector ?
  9. I have seen this before recently. I cannot say for sure without looking at a Sysinspector log, but the computer(s) may have a driver still installed or running that is causing your issue every single time you try to use or install ESET's firewall. I would contact customer care by phone to troubleshoot further. Or go to helpus.eset.com in your browser and start a session. If this option is unavailable to you, we can try to assist here but we need to see logs. (Do not post logs here directly as they will contain personal information about your system(s)) The last driver problem i had like this was actually a ZoneAlarm driver, but can come from any other software vendor.
  10. .NET means the code can be put into Visual Studio and it will recognize it right away. That code is a version of Basic
  11. To communicate with SQL inside another language is what my example is. You still have to use SELECT statements, etc. However it gets embedded inside the language your using. Thanks rugk , Done. The color is not correct between code and notes though.Anything following a " ' " is a comment.
  12. Example code for 1 single check select statement & 1 single Add to DB on 1 database using .NET Basically to convert this to English is this : 1. Connect to Database 2. Check if there is a user or number existing, if so... proceed. 3. Add 1 name, and 1 number corresponding into the Db 4. i made so many changes in the code not to list my own servers and users and numbers, there are probably a few variables that are wrong. As you can see this is for 1 single entry. The amount of work that would be needed to write this code ...... Keep in mind this is my personal code from a project a few years ago. This code is also .NET, and it is also on a local server ( the computer initiating the action and the sql server resides on the same network ) Having it used for a client computer or a PC outside ESET's network would be far different. Also we have no clue if ESET is even using a SQL server, it could be Access, MySql, Apache, Oracle ???? Could be using ASP, which sucks compared to other options. I simply did this and shared to shed some light on the amount of work that goes into development. Plus for Rugk.
  13. Heys I agree with the misuse being a little off-topic.
  14. Sorry but you nor I know what kind of backbone database is being used here. We will not know. Therefore we have no clue if it would take a lot of programming, or if it wouldnt. I was simply speculating. I have been programming myself for a long time. Let me give you an example of SQL code for the process you are describing. (standby for this, very busy day for me) What if ESET is using a different method for storing and keeping up with licenses. I would never in my life, ever tell ESET to copy Norton. They fail at life.
  15. I just got a phone call 5 minutes ago from 1 of my clients who cannot update. It is my job to find out why, and troubleshoot. This is one example. If a distributor cannot maintain and secure his clients, they should not be a distributor and i am sure ESET takes the appropriate action. Of course ESET can detect license misuse also. I have to agree, someone incapable of keeping up with 5 devices seems to escape me.
  16. For my business clients ERA lets us know of license issues. For home users, they have my contact info if something is amiss, i also have a list of every license and can test. Speaking of deleting licenses, its only 1 username for licenses (EAV-****) for license counts ie 4. or 5 PC etc. Giving the user access to add/remove license count would not work. I am not sure of the programming involved in setting a max count for the user and what type of errors or prompts and checking against ESET servers and database would take. It may be easier said than done. Could be some massive programming needed to implement this kind of infrastructure. I'm not saying its a wonderful idea, because it is a wonderful idea.
  17. Marcos is correct ! As a distributor i take care of every one of my clients and their licenses. Discussed here . Customers with 1 single family pack or multi of course seems to be on their own to pay attention to their devices and which ones have ESET. They always have the ability to contact or call ESET and ask them to see how many are being used.
  18. Actually DONT. DO NOT. You need to find out what the problem is. This would ruin that workstation if there are conflicting drivers or similar. Bart you have said this before. You need to quit offering this ignore conflict switch.
  19. Hello I imagine those are from carelessness and trials. None of my accounts are compromised. I use encrypted e-mails. Rackspace hosts. An encrypted drive, Deslock. I follow the company rules and guidelines. I have 108 + mine, my families, my friends. Growing..... As soon as i even remotely thought of some kind of license issue, i would be on the phone getting it dealt with. As far as the credentials transmitted back and forth......... We still just need to be patient and await a company response. Assumptions get us no where.
  20. Yep. Marcos is passionate, dedicated, and performs moderation as good as anyone can expect one too. I presume he is in Slovakia. Good luck with Pizza Would be better to send some buchteln & wine/alcohol.
  21. I do support your post and will also be diligently waiting for some staff to place their post.
  22. The main point is, for the most part, and i stress the most part, not all companies. ESET is doing better and improving the areas that need to be improved, while other security companies are failing. They aren't concentrating more efforts in certain areas, are not biting off more than they can chew, and not trying to be the best, they just are by their actions. ESET has partners that are assisting in areas that do not require ESET, but may add that extra layer of security. Very good example: Deslock I installed it on my office computer to test. Its a brilliant piece of software, and i have more trust, faith, and passion for the product being able to purchase and receive support from ESET.
  23. Weekends are a little slower, since closed until Monday. Any moderators logging on, is on personal time, and simply to help due to compassion and love for the job and industry. Plus willingness to assist end users at all times.
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