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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. When you switch adapters you are essentially using a new IP, a new network profile, and also a new mac address. So when you installed Smart Security you must have selected the wrong profile, which placed the wrong subnet in trusted zone, or marked your connection as public vs private. Any one of these could be the problem. I would suggest clicking F5 from the main menu, then drill down to Network > Personal Firewall > Rules and Zones, then click the Setup button under Trusted Zone. Choose Allow Sharing or switch from public to private. Do all this while plugged into LAN, not wireless. If this doesn't help i would just reinstall Smart Security and pay close attention to the prompts when it gets finished and begins to integrate with your network using the drivers. If you rather not go through the setup process, please call customer care for remote assistance by phone.
  2. Apparently the zooka bums have posted that they are a partner of Sony and finally added an image logo of Sony on their page, which makes no sense.
  3. There must be some kind of script there that was dropped causing ESET to flag it. According to the comment placed by unknown . . . hxxp://support.clean-mx.de/clean-mx/viruses.php?response=&id=10321888
  4. Hello Clear your cache and history with Firefox and try again. If still no go, Have you tried using another browser temporarily to rule out the "new firefox version" Try chrome which comes with flash and java embedded among other extensions. I do recommend switching back to Firefox or IE after you're done.
  5. Hello, The steps you need to take are adding the websites to the exclusions list if you wish to continue browsing them. hxxp://kb.eset-la.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2960 If they are as you say among the top download sites in your country, i am almost positive with absolute certainty the blocks are correct and will stay in place. Download sites always contain malware and fake programs.
  6. Hello, its apparent you have services that are not starting. This could be due to a lack of permissions on the driver directory or possibly in the registry objects. This is a break in windows, and windows will need some repair or maintenance. You could possibly try running "sfc /scannow" from an elevated command prompt to see if it provides some repairs for you. Is this a fresh install of ESET ? Did you install on top of an already infected machine ? For a repair of this nature i would recommend calling customer care and have an upper analyst see if they can assist.
  7. Each consecutive Smart scan after the first are pretty much quick scans.
  8. The local port is going to be the port for the connection coming from the router to your workstation. Remote port will be what the vpn connects to the router on. This is how i have understood from the basic network topology of a VPN connection.
  9. I totally forgot about the new version. Im still using 1.75. Thanks for clearing that up for chris and I.
  10. Hello, In ESET's real-time exclusions. Add the following: C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamgui.exe C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe For 64bit Operating systems the directory path for installation is C:\Program Files (x86) In Malwarebytes exclusions. Add the following: C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security\x86\ekrn.exe C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security\egui.exe Unsure if 32bit is the same for ESET's directories, but exclude ekrn.exe wherever it's located. That should be good enough to get you going for now. Keep in mind, excluding entire directories should be avoided whenever possible because its a higher security risk. Malware can hide in any folder it wants if its excluded.
  11. Thanks for posting, and thanks for sharing with us. Thanks for also submitting your harmful file so the rest of us can be protected.
  12. Hello Sure the problem is solved, but your steps are not actually solving the problem, its a workaround. Any future users of the software and ESET are going to hit the same hard wall. However, i am definitely glad you are back on the road and moving along nicely with ESET and your OnOne software. We will just need any future users to hopefully post here as well so we can continue where we left off. Thanks for posting Brian !!! Welcome to the forums, feel free to stick around.
  13. I like their knowledge base. hxxp://www.herdprotect.com/knowledgebase.aspx Even a little more so then ESET's threat database. Sometimes i'm disappointing not seeing extreme detailed info about the threats. However, i understand one of the reasons exactly why it isn't included, which i will keep to myself. (lol)
  14. john white, Have you tried TDSS Killer yet ? That utility AFAIK is leading the rootkit detection and cleaning as far as GUI apps go. Have you tried creating an ESET Sysrescue USB stick yet ? hxxp://www.eset.com/int/support/sysrescue/
  15. Quit calling me a fanboy. Really getting old hearing that around here. In the future when i see those kinds of derogatory statements whether its towards me or anyone else here, i will be filing complaints. You probably have Russel Crowe stuffed teddy bears.
  16. No you misunderstand. They purposefully left the update in question out of PCU. Its not broken. It was a decision they made. Any new customers that download ESET will automatically be getting the latest. Any current customers need to download and install over the top. See this post by Marcos: https://forum.eset.com/topic/2494-eset-smart-security-70317-has-been-released/#entry14201 Also read this : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2256
  17. In addition, adding the browsers to which exception list ? If you added it to the real time protection exclusion, that is primarily for disk level threats. Not a networking issue. You need to create exclusions for your local subnet 192.168.x.x , vs chrome.exe. Also Asus has a line of products that ESET blocks traffic with. What is your router ?
  18. People . . . It was 1 update. This is not a regular occurrence for ESET. They have already explained in-depth why this one particular update was not incorporated into PCU. Would you rebuild a car engine so that you can change the oil filter out ? Dumb analogy but if the shoe fits.
  19. I have no clue, but it is a little strange that i answered the question back in January and we continue to get additional stuff posted. Its all SEO. People keep finding the thread on the web and decide they want to add additional info. To each his own i guess.
  20. Yes. Leaning mode itself has a default policy for each type of traffic. -Inbound traffic from the trusted zone. -Outbound traffic to the trusted zone. -Inbound internet traffic. -Outbound internet traffic. In order to make the learning mode work for you with applications that use specific network protocols you have to adjust the learning mode settings. Advanced > Network > Personal Firewall > Learning mode
  21. Your right, he did say that. I also recall quickbooks pos doesnt work in learning mode either.
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