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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. https://threatpost.com/cryptolocker-ransomware-alive-and-evolving-says-researcher/107323
  2. E-mail files probably refers to .msg files which are used for outlook from office and probably live mail or outlook express etc. Since not everyone installs and uses Microsoft outlook or .msg files, its not in the highest interest to be an always on option. Since ESET already watches incoming mail through the transport layer, and application layer for webmail, this is a minimal option to have added to scans. I could see it being added to default though, not sure what the repercussions would be if any.
  3. Rugk............ Your just hungry for learning aren't you. lol Linux kernel security: ( Unix permissions, POSIX ACL, POSIX Capabilities, keyctl, LSM(SELinux, SMACK, TOMOYO Linux, AppArmor) Linux kernel integrated firewalls: ( *ipfwadm (2.0 –) ipchains (2.2 –) Netfilter (2.4 – 3.x) nftables (3.13 –) Windows Kernel: ( ACL only ) Windows kernel integrated firewall : ( windows filtering platform ) Do you see the difference ??? Android doesnt need a firewall. And even so, you need root access to be able to install it, configure it, etc. Thats how linux and android works. Everyone uses android in a user mode, therefore i defer to Dan Womack's answer.
  4. Because they have more vulnerabilities, no linux kernel, barely any security, i can go on.....
  5. Windows Mobile and Symbian are not Android OS, based on java and using a linux kernel.
  6. Hello Roger, In addition to planet's fine post, i will convey to you that Two-Factor Authentication in a simplified explanation is putting 2 passwords on 1 login account. You enter your normal username and password to login to a server or website, and before it lets you proceed you must enter a second password to get in. ESET helps out with this by providing a mobile app that goes on your smart phone. After you pass the first username and password, it asks for another password that only can be retrieved or sent to your phone. This prevents anyone who has stolen your password to login at all because they will not have your phone to get the second password. This is the easiest way i can explain it. The technical version can be found here: hxxp://www.eset.com/us/business/products/secure-authentication/
  7. Hello, From time to time, ESET will re-analyze your network and trusted zone. I have noticed this on my laptop 2 or 3 times now. Especially after an update, or if any of your network drivers were update etc. Of course this will also happen if your local subnet gets changed. ie: Switch from to or This will happen sometimes also if you have your router set to DHCP and your network adapter is not specifying a static IP. This will cause your private IP behind the DMZ to change from time to time. No you have not been hacked based off the current status and picture, and my best advice going forward is to upgrade to the latest ESET Smart Security 7. Here is a direct download link for your convenience : 32-bit ---- 64-bit You can install over the top of your existing and the procedure should keep your settings the same.
  8. Parental control - Most of the time DNS is at the core of filtering. Just switch from your data provider to someone's wifi. Bye Parental control.
  9. Upgrading doesn't necessary mean its security is getting better. What do you think needs to be reinforced by this upgrade you are speaking of for security purposes?
  10. Don't forget about Citibank and it's job cuts.... tight wads ....
  11. Most banks use Java. Back in the day there wasn't many choices for web development ASP, CGI, JSP, PHP PHP has grown recently and become better. ASP couldn't involve more than 1 server CGI was slow Guess what was left. JSP Haha Now days it might be possible to find some PHP banking sites, but many are still using java, its cheap and the most used programming language today so its easy to find employees and web developers.
  12. The Java vulnerability exploited by the attacks was patched by Oracle back in June 2013. Java is a very powerful programming language and can work into almost any piece of hardware. I hate it, but i love it too. I need it for a lot of things i do online. And if you own a smart phone running android ......
  13. Following Planets method would be far more desirable with less chance of corruption. I have tested Peter's beta and it worked for one of my clients exceptionally. I have been using osx for a long time, however it is not my forte. I hate Macs. I prefer Windows or Linux.
  14. You should be able to install over the existing.
  15. Hello, the following article may be of some use to you. hxxp://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/16378967-8a39-4aef-85e4-d859a71648d3/hide-user-accounts-on-windows-7-logon?forum=w7itproui
  16. Yep. That Norton is horrible. Glad you found the issue. If possible make sure the embedded windows defender is turned off as well, sometimes its real-time likes to stay on and lurk around.
  17. You're in good hands with Peter I would follow his instructions explicitly.
  18. Wikipedia is an open source DB of information. Anyone can sign up and go make changes, so yes mistakes are definitely possibly everywhere.
  19. What you are seeing is the GUI loading. This is not the ESET service, only the visual aspect of the program, which does not even have to be loaded at all for the protection to work.
  20. Hello, It's a good chance Vista is giving you problems. Worst OS ever to come through Microsoft's door, followed by MCE is in second. I know this doesn't help, but it's the first thing that comes to mind. You are welcome to standby for other suggestions. even from staff however, even with this type of issue; creating a support case or contacting by phone may be more in your favor.
  21. Using Pdqdeploy, you can also push out the configuration xml files with the msi's which will in turn set the correct settings as defined in the xml. The xml needs to be in the same directory as the MSI and eset will pull the settings automatically. This only works on Endpoint versions. Name the xml 'config.xml' Of course policy is the best way Keep in mind you don't need AD necessarily to deploy using ERAC, it will work regardless even using Windows Network and you can set the local admin user:pass on each deploy. So essentially you don't really need pdqdeploy either. However it will work great if your pushing the config files too.
  22. In addition ERA shows clients automatically once they check in. You don't add clients to ERA. You will need to confirm you have the ERA server listed in Update, the username and password removed, and the connection using the right port which is excluded on the server and allowed.
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