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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. There are too many points to answer separately. As you wrote, some things are already in the product (e.g. drivers and ekrn.exe starts as soon as possible, Linux-based LiveRescue not requiring AIK, etc.) and most of the rest are ideas that would make the products unnecessarily bloated or they are not good or safe ideas (e.g. ESET cannot remove PUAs automatically by default for legal and safety reasons) and ESET won't include them in future versions of the products. This is true, the user is seeing the gui open, not services start. There is a strict cleaning option. ESET isnt a datacenter or hosting company. There is already graphics adjustments. It already looks for conflicting drivers and warns during installation. Many of these are already available, the user just doesn't have the product knowledge. A nicer, more organized, and utilization of forum tools would also help us read those, its discombobulated .
  2. More than happy to edit my post (it's 2nd) if you'd like? Not a bad idea planet. It would be most appreciated. Although directing people to PM Peter wouldn't be the best or favored idea, i would place a shortcut link to his post, whichever number it is; that way any changes that need to be made, or further instructions, Peter can simply alter his post. ie: #93 - https://forum.eset.com/topic/2102-process-crash/page-5#entry14492
  3. Hello dbaps, if possible find the option to remove the scan and heuristics on every single file, and leave only the option for newly created files or ones which have been modified (typically from malware). This is essentially how the business portions of ESET work and are default settings. The home portion has every file checked as default settings. See attached pic please. Source: hxxp://www.eset.com/fileadmin/Images/US/Docs/beta/eset_ecs_5_RC_userguide_enu.pdf
  4. My Outlook account works fine Swex. Never ever had an issue. I think i have had it for 2 years now ? Since its release whenever that was.
  5. I use outlook.com for my personal email. ********@outlook.com. I used hotmail before that. My mail has never been tampered with. I also only use the webmail once a month .... if that. I use Outlook 2010 from MS office at home. I use Outlook 2007 from MS office at work. It's all about passwords, and keeping your computer clean from trojans that will use your existing login credentials to spam.
  6. HAHAHAHAH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HfdWcnyhp0&feature=youtu.be
  7. Hello, This is all you will find on the context menu handlers See pic. It is most likely hard coded.
  8. hxxp://blog.malwarebytes.org/online-security/2014/07/are-these-free-movies-the-reel-deal/
  9. Please reference the thread right above the one you created. https://forum.eset.com/topic/250-eset-has-blocked-my-site-what-to-do/ Thanks.
  10. Well we could make our own batch file to test this theory, wouldn't need his.
  11. The next step would be to RDP to the workstation and manually run the msi to determine where the fault is. Maybe a mod can shed some light on the error code given as well. See the following KB articles regarding the given error : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN166 & hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN3363 Let us know if this is of some assistance for you.
  12. Hello, Very good question. I would be interested in hearing this answer as well, however that could be construed as proprietary information and may not be revealed. I can only speculate that it is most lilely a completely separate form with variables that are filled in accordingly. ESET uses C and C++, and extensive assembly language knowledge is almost a requirement. Nice to meet you Anatoly.
  13. This may answer the question to why sometimes a scheduled scan does not run. I have seen multiple inquires regarding why the scheduled on-demand scan didn't run.
  14. hxxp://thehackernews.com/2014/07/google-drive-vulnerability-leaks-users_9.html
  15. Hello, Usually this can be accomplished by switching the firewall mode to learning which will allow it to create the necessary ports on its own, vs manually creating. Or Interactive mode and standby for prompts to allow the rules to be made.
  16. If your network can use net send commands. Yes. Test from command prompt.
  17. Yes. The latest version has a built in net send.
  18. Yes. Run > mmc > Add snapin > certificates > computer account > local computer > trusted root certs > import. the eset cert exported from the product. stop and restart wu service > try updates again .
  19. If you manually go through the motions to add or re-add the cert to the Trusted Root Certificate Authority in windows, does it make a difference ? On a side note, are you using a local wu server or were you referring to windows servers the whole time ?
  20. You're welcome. ERA will automatically use the best licenses available or in thsi instance move to the 5 when the 45 is exhausted. Would it be possible to mark thread as solved ? Thanks friend.
  21. Hello, olavski As a partner i can tell you that if the 5 additional were added within like 60 days we could have made your license into a 50. Once you pass that date its essentially paying for 10 months or less vs the full 12months, so we create a new license so you get what you pay for or as advertised. What has normaly happened is when those 45 start to expire, renew with the price of 50 instead of 45, so all 50 expire on the same date as you stated.
  22. Excellent news, thanks for reaching out again to let us know you are good to go, could you mark this thread as solved ? Much appreciated and glad to help you.
  23. Hello, As usual wait for ESET Staff to reply. If possible however, if there is truth to this, the severity is high. Please, please call the company directly by phone so they can take samples and start a ticket and investigation! Thanks Proactive Services !! :)
  24. Yes it is blocked. Immediately after visiting the site, the index was sent to ESET for analysis automatically through the software.
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