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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Original Poster quote for trash: In OSX, you drag applications and files to the trash bin.
  2. What we have left. Scanned 1284/1333 Next up, coming soon, attempt to execute and launch. if they even launch. Later on, Uninstall ESET, Install other security products. Will pick between 5 & 10 of the most common.
  3. After scanning all of them, the results are in... https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/027c/7ul8juxw8jaarbc6g.jpg 8309/8924 Old malware, still in DB Next: split up the ms-dos applications from applications.
  4. Hello , It may be that you need to turn on Device integration and create a rule for thumb drive, or if device integration is enabled, disable it.
  5. Hello Techsage, If possible, we would love to get your feedback on the product if you can think of improvements suggestions, post back here in a nice format for us.
  6. Try downloading the App from ESET's website. This is the US link to show example : hxxp://www.eset.com/us/download/home/detail/family/25/
  7. I see where planet gets off to think of cyber security because the OP stated "trash". osx has a trashbin you put things in, windows does not. I didnt notice that the first time around.
  8. Rugk You cant translate a hard coded, static language in a video, its permanent. You have to remake the video. Its the only way. You cannot translate it. You can put subtitles at the bottom so the language can be understood, lol You can give them access to the video easily. They wont understand it though. Its in English. Your request is not to have it translated. It would be, please make 180 more videos in different languages lol.
  9. I think the language translation is there available on almost all pages, for all languages etc, depending on where you are located. How fair would it be if you could not see what was going on in your own language. If you look in the picture at the link, it has US in the URL. Training was built, developed, and supported in the US and Canada area only. France does not have access either. Maybe this is a good topic to place in the suggestions area for future versions, so that other countries can start having access. However keep in mind, the videos that are in the training are in full English, so simply giving access would not work. New videos would need to be created in the appropriate language.
  10. Can you take a screen shot ? Automatically generated trusted zone for DNS locally will almost always be your gateway and local subnet. Local dns will be handled by your router so you can resolve other devices on your network, like printers and other computers. While the external DNS you are using will be inputted into the router, or in your lan adapter, this address cannot be blocked or you won't have internet, lol. When your subnet is added to the trusted zone, all traffic internally will usually be ignored by the firewall, its usually added as soon as you enable your adapter, obtain a connection, and get the ESET network popup asking for private or public. However we are starting to get a little off topic. I think Aryeh's response was pretty darn close to what the OP was asking for. As soon as i get the chance to sit down and turn my brain on, i will try and see if i too can help the OP.
  11. Hey chromatin !! Nice to see you buddy !!! Guess what, Training is for US / Canada territory only I'm sorry my friend.
  12. I'm confused. I hope its working ok now ? Thanks for sharing and glad your scanning clean.
  13. You cant block all dns servers You need them to route traffic and resolve addresses to ip's
  14. The computer in question that gets that error, could have a hidden proxy that is not just in internet properties Lan section. It could be hidden in the host file, or other places, using obfuscation methods. Hitmanpro is "PRO" at finding hidden proxies. Try a scan and let us know ???
  15. Bethidralas replied in PM's He compared the hashes, discovered he was indeed infected and had the false webproxy.exe. I encouraged an in-depth scan, which he said came back stating taskmanager was either infected, or he had a fake one. His decision was to reinstall windows and end troubleshooting/support. Maybe not the course of action i would have taken, but i am proud of his decision and it will for sure end to resolution and the malware getting removed completely. Good day~
  16. Hello everyone here on the forums. ESET staff. Future visitors. This topic will be very interesting to say the least. Recently i have discovered a few old CD's from back in the days when i was getting involved in application development. We are talking almost 20 years ago. I fired up my VM, inserted the CD's and began my nostalgic trip down memory lane. What i discovered i had, was astonishing, and i was surprised i still had them. 9000 + samples of old viruses, Trojans, and the like. I wanted the chance to see what ESET thought of all these nasty files on my system. I proceeded to run a scan. To start with here are some of the pictures i took: https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/fdde/ztzz54xfjh1a44u6g.jpg https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/3c9b/vj81on93u9t803f6g.jpg https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/64b0/di54g6n7zguuzk26g.jpg https://www.mediafire.com/convkey/ad65/ceng672057eueeb6g.jpg My plan in the coming days is to sort through all the files and mess, to find and separate the win32(32-bit) applications from the MS-DOS and 16bit or lower level language created files. Which are completely useless now days because they won't even run on the newer systems, Not even on XP even. You would need windows 98-95 and older. I am interested to see how they are going to act with NEWER security products installed. We need to make sure not to have these removed from ESET's db if they still work. A few points here to make. These are not in the wild. These files will not be re-introduced into the wild. They will never leave my VM. There is absolutely no reason at all anyone could come up with for them to cause an exodus. ESET is detecting most of these and i am extremely impressed and hope ESET detects them for as long as the company remains in business. Let us cover a few more points. Newer security companies will most likely not have these detections in their database. They started up after the year 2000+ If a few of these viruses were to be used or ran on workstations having newer security companies, the malware might just complete its task successfully. The malware would work especially if these newer products don't have strong heuristics and behavior analysis built in. Lastly i want to quote a friend that would probably say this better than i could. However to some extent i have to agree to disagree for some small points and to some degree, for the very fact that; If these viruses can still cause damage, who is to stop someone malicious in nature from obtaining this older malware, reconstructing or re-inventing, or simply trying to distribute. If only the older antivirus companies like ESET , Symantec, McAfee can detect these, then all the newer companies will fail their end users and customers because either A. They do not detect these because they are too old. or B. They removed them from the database simply because they aren't in the wild. Stay tuned for results as i continue to evaluate and have fun with these older files. This is for learning and entertainment purposes only. I encourage all comments, discussions, thoughts, and follows.
  17. Hello, If it is this : hxxp://www.isthisfilesafe.com/sha1/E74A4396A56EA74425B343187B61B8FA328CB27C_details.aspx Then you have nothing to worry about. It's Panda's However if it is this: hxxp://www.isthisfilesafe.com/sha1/2A9ADE64E5EB60ACCFC8CC1AEBB16F0467181746_details.aspx It just came out and was first seen on April 12th 2014. Here is what i would do. If you can find it/see it. Right click the file, and choose Advanced options > Submit File for Analysis then Check file reputation using ESET's Live Grid - (Take a picture or screen shot and post it back here as soon as you can) After that, i would call ESET directly and have them investigate. If you really want to investigate and find proof right now. Download HashSlash here !! Open it, and insert the webproxy.exe Obtain the results of MD5 and SHA1 Here are the hashes of the true spyware webproxy.exe Hashes MD5: 035F02B14F1F8437E215F2E9194083C0 SHA-1: 2A9ADE64E5EB60ACCFC8CC1AEBB16F0467181746 Good luck Bethidralas
  18. Hello, I would run a full scan with the ESET Online scanner, run a scan with Kaspersky's TDSS Killer, and finally, followed by a reinstall of ESET's Nod32.
  19. Hit F5 on the main menu. Computer > Antivirus & antispyware > check marks on the right.
  20. It seems i always have to reply to this stuff because it drives me crazy. IT would behoove future onlookers to take a look and read through these articles : https://forum.eset.com/topic/2654-financial-malwarebanking-mode/?hl=%20kaspersky%20%20safe%20%20money ESET already protects you during banking and the safe money and banking junk thrown in other programs are a false sense of protection: https://forum.eset.com/topic/51-future-changes-to-eset-smart-security/page-6#entry10746 Interface really has nothing to do with security, and ease of usage is the best kind of interface regardless of what changes are made and across what span of time. However i agree every once in a while changing it up a little and adding a few nice images helps keep it interesting. I don't understand what is so complicated about Smart scan(its smart because it skips files that have already been scanned before and have not changed since last scan) In-depth (it is exactly that a very detailed long and thorough scan) I think the other programs that have quick and full are misleading and their quick scans could contain less files and less areas, which is not very helpful when you are hunting for malware. I'm sorry but you cant be quick about removing malware and expect to be clean. PERIOD. I agree highly that a sandbox feature would be rather useful, however i use sandboxie already. ESET already has exclusions options on detections. Just not web, its either disconnect or not. You get exclusions when its on a disk level and where its possible to exclude. Web exclusions can be in the form of domain or IP already in the advanced setup of ESET. Thanks for reading, i hope i helped with understanding this stuff
  21. Well i can create licenses. I will make one for myself and try to activate etc. Or i will take your route and try to buy from amazon uk. I will use a vpn in Europe if i need to. Will post my results and findings on Monday-Tuesday.
  22. What a wonderful provocative thread. Patience is a virtue. They also already provided half of the response for you : As rugk blatantly pointed out, he is worried about license misuse. My opinion on this is that there isn't that much license misuse if any on "legitimate" "real" licenses", only a lot of trash and misuse going on with trial accounts. Take this scenario as an example: If you have a license for 5 computers, and you are using all 5 on a network. If someone stole your license, and applied it on 1 computer. Only 4 of your computers would receive updates every hour. 1 of them would fail or quit working and you would know. Which would prompt you to call ESET or your provider of ESET. If someone applied all 5 , then you would really be having retarded issues because none of them would be working properly. If you purchased many licenses from ESET for less or more computers, and are not watching them, working on them, or similar, then that is your own fault or the fault of your IT admin for not paying close attention to your network and security. If its for home use and you have 1 license, you would know if someone took it and was using it. What would you do ? Ignore it , or contact ESET support to find out why its having issues. In a sense i repeat the following statement: Partners, Distributors and ESET alike keep a close eye on the licenses and the clients they are assigned to. This is a fact. Any wrongful use, is looked in to immediately and appropriate action is put forth. I have 100+ license under my belt that i take care of so far and if anything was going on i would know about it. Some partners have much much more and they are just as responsible. My opinion about this is that ESET in a short answer said "don't worry about it, and we will provide an accurate and reasonable answer about the situation when we have the best answer to respond with". I imagine they have already had meetings and discussions over this, as well as thoughts of implementing https updates, in which they will come to a conclusion and post back for us to see. I might try to be defending ESET here, but i am a partner and it is almost in my direction as well because i sell the product and use it everyday on people, clients, friends and my family to stay protected. Please have patience while they prepare, what most likely wil be a very huge response and may even make the press channel if big changes are implemented. The importance of the question is high and everyone knows it. Thanks novice for posting
  23. Elusive lol. Most security products these days have self defense mechanisms, because manual removal of entries are similar to malware engaging. To manually uninstall ESET, boot to safe mode and run this tool : ESET Uninstaller source: How do i manually uninstall my ESET product.
  24. One of my co-workers has a Kindle Fire. They are bringing it in Monday. I'm interested in what you may be experiencing so i am going to have a look to see if i can find out what is going on.
  25. Hello Doctor9fan, It almost sounds like you may feel that you are receiving inadequate support. I just wanted to apologize and remind you we here on the forums will always be here to try and help with whatever conflicts you might seem to run into. ESET loves to get phone calls to, i hope you reside in an area that has that backbone. Are you in US ? If you are referring to EMS, mine updates all the time, and i would be curious to find out what your issue may be, whether it a problem with the account or the mobile device. Next time you are having troubles, even if ESET can't find your order by email address, we can also search by name, phone, address, etc etc. We have a pretty neat system in place for looking at accounts. Just come here to the good ole forums and we will make sure you are in good hands.
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