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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Found it as an image. He's BACK !!!
  2. No the online scanner has advanced built in. Its at the bottom of the pop up window. ESET finds more threats then most other products due to their threat lab and research team. Potentially unwanted applications is a new form of malware that are not considered (virus, trojan, spyware), but simply junk that has no business on a PC besides marketing or financially driven companies. They hijack half the computer and make changes the user either a. did not choose, or b. to benefit themselves or further distribute the malware. ESET is a security product, it comes in two flavors: Nod32(Anti-virus) - Smart Security(Anti-virus+firewall+spam protection) Smart Security has Anti-theft for tablets and laptops as well. However turning on "potentially unwanted applications" or "potentially unsafe applications" essentially turns the product into a combination anti-virus+anti-malware. Have a look at an older thread i wrote regarding ESET's capabilities against an anti-malware tool. https://forum.eset.com/topic/1714-eset-and-malwarebytes-comparison/ Thanks again !
  3. The online scanner isn't a real-time protection, so no you don't have to shut off Avast. However once you see the results, i bet you will be ready to uninstall Avast. Make sure you choose Advanced, and turn on "archive scanning" and "potentially unwanted applications" detections, or you won't catch all the newer malware. Thanks and glad you got it working.
  4. Molasses. My daughters leap frog is faster then today's load times.
  5. The free CCleaner is sufficient.
  6. Any browser should allow it. Reset IE to defaults in internet options > advanced > reset.
  7. Hi Michelle, Have you tried clearing your cache and temporary files, or resetting your browser to defaults ? Also try with another browser to rule that its simply the current browser you're using.
  8. Bricyen, decent feedback there. Have you thought about entering ESET's contest here : https://forum.eset.com/topic/2728-uscanada-ems-feedback-competition-win-tix-to-black-hat-2014/ They have Anti-theft for mobile now and if you have a smart phone i imagine you could make some decent suggestions. Thanks for your post.
  9. I think he is referring to either the local username and password to login, or the domain credentials.
  10. Hello, setting a username password for the mirror server can be done in the following location : See attached Check out this thread : https://forum.eset.com/topic/495-setup-basic-authentication-for-http-mirror-server/
  11. Playstation 5 is going to be the Playstation Zooka ! Super Fast !
  12. Thats the biggest load of false information i have ever seen. He should be fired. Its also a very funny read. The Play store is not the only source for apps. Malware can come from email, websites, sms, and many other places. He needs to get his head out of the app store. What about Simplocker? Thanks for sharing bean. Put me to bed laughing.
  13. Hello, Do you have any references for your post ?
  14. Hello everyone, I am stunned no one has posted their thoughts yet, but it is only day 2. Call me passionate , I'm ready to post mine right away due to excitement. As the returning winner, i hope i can lead by example and prompt some members to get their thoughts in as well. This is a life changing experience. The opportunity to meet the great people at ESET. Everyone i met last year was extremely professional. The knowledge i was able to take in from Blackhat was overwhelming. I am now able to share ESET with everyone as a partner. I can't stress enough how everyone that can, should definitely jump on this opportunity to assist in improving the quality of one of the greatest mobile security products of our time. Let's get the ball rolling people and see who will be the winner this year !!! Don't forget the first 20 will receive a 1 year license. All future guests should consider downloading the trial and giving us your thoughts, you never know. . . you may just like the program at the same time. Attached file is my feedback in pdf format for all to read. A link for a docx version is here. Enjoy and good luck to everyone !!!! Edit: I seem to have forgotten when an incorrect password is entered a snapshot is taken from the front facing camera if exists. This could be what is causing my lock-ups or slowness that i talked about in my report regarding authentication. Thanks everyone. ESET Mobile Security Feedback.pdf
  15. Awesome rlcronin. Thanks for sharing with us, and i am almost positive this thread will get to the right people. Enjoy your day.
  16. Hello, As a workaround you can set this when you turn off your monitor: See Pic Under Notification options in Advanced Setup I only suggested it because you're demeanor sounds like you really hate this anomaly. Sorry for you're troubles.
  17. A picture is even better ! Thanks rugk
  18. Hi again ! Smart scan is good enough, however we would need to look at the settings specified for the smart scan. In-depth scan already has all the necessary settings that are very strong for catching threats, however it will be a very long scan as smart optimization is not included. Follow the directions in this KB for if you catch a threat that ESET can't find : hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN141
  19. Hi again, You can't blame ESET, there are thousands of settings that could have been changed. We would HAVE to take a look to determine what was going on and what happened. Now that you have removed it and its gone, we will never know, and hopefully someone else doesn't catch the threat. Thanks for posting and sharing.
  20. Hello, first off delete the registry entry : HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run hmemms C:\users\proximedia\msocache32\patch\files\hmemmsh.exe Second, do you have Potentially unwanted options checked in settings ? Also what type of scans are you running ? Have you ran an In-depth scan ? I would highly recommend calling customer care so they can upload samples if ESET did miss the threat.
  21. He is trying to list ideas for future versions, yes his format is a little grey. This is what he is requesting for future builds: execution emulation for files bigger than aprox. 4 MB Mapping executables for LiveGrid whitelisting file skipping local cache similar to PrevX he says webroot is faster -.-
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