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  1. i am using Microsoft Office LTSC Professional Plus 2024. is not from MS Store
  2. Hello, Unfortunately the spam plugin no longer works for me in Outlook. I have already completely uninstalled ESET, shut down my PC and reinstalled it. Plugin is displayed but the mails in the inbox are unfortunately not filtered by SPAM :(
  3. have now german 9.0.318.20 how can activate spam protection for outlook 2016?
  4. using outlook 2016 and same problem. need this for spam filter. when is working?!
  5. please see my last post and screens. habe tryed this with 2 rules and 2 blocked IE.exe 32 / 64 bit but always same. can surf normal with IE, nothing will be blocked. cache is clear
  6. Have tryed this. Have now two rules for Internet explorer with this 2 folder: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe and C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe i want to block internet access if my IP is 192.168.x.x But i can surf with Internet explorer on web. also sides who are never surfed and 100% not in cache are opening
  7. i dont understand why this here is not working. i am connected with and want block Internet Explorer access on: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe also tryed with chrome.exe same result. should i reinstall ESET? What is the Problem?
  8. is not working, i tryed this: Block both sides, TCP & UDP, Application selected iexplorer.exe, remote adress added 2: and when i have my 192.xxx.xxx.xxx IP i can surf with IE, nothing will be blocked. For testing i delete this 2 routes and added - so all traffic in IE should be blocked? but here als i can surf with IE It shows connection blocked but i can surf normal and open all sides who i dont have in cache and never surfed
  9. when i do this, all traffic will be blocked. but i want allow this traffic if ip range is - and block explorer.exe if ip is not in range.
  10. i want to allow access internet explorer if ip range is - If IP range is other one i will block access who can help me?
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