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About fidelius2

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  1. Hello, I have a license for Nod32 for windows for 2 PC. 1) one for a laptop with windows 10 (someone else, not my home) 2) at home, my PC with a dual boot Linux/windows I renewed it several times during the last years. Now, in my.eset.com I see that the number of devices is increasing, 5 devices for 2 licenses. I don't recognize the names of the devices so I don't know which ones to remove. I renewed the license in a computer shop and the "technician" renewed it for me. What can I can do ? Thank you.
  2. Hello, I currently use Nod32 for Linux at home. In a couple weeks I have to renew my subscription. According to what I am reading here, it will soon be no longer available. So, what solution do you offer ? Thank you.
  3. I have just read this topic. My Nod32 is 12.x for window$7. It can't update to the latest version 14.x I won't update it (w$). Question will Nod32 still be able to download antivirus databases. Thank you.
  4. I have changed my user name EAV... and password into a license key and I cannot activate because the server does not answer. 24 hours now. What happens ? Is there a problem with my triple boot computer ?
  5. I just installed version 9 of Nod32. When I try to activate, it says the server is busy and try later.
  6. Hello, I have just added windows xp 32 bits for a multi-boot. Does Eset provide something to protect this OS ? Thank you.
  7. Hello, I am a customer of Nod32 and have renewed several times my license. The scenario is as followed : There is a PC at my mother's home with windows 10. I have my own PC with a double boot Linux Ubuntu and Windows 7. The past years I renewed my license for 2 PC 1 year. This make 3 OS but 2 PC. Must I renew Nod32 as usual for 2 PC or has something changed ? I am asking this question because "my eset" license says it is "over used", 3 devices instead of 2. The technical support by phone in my country is horrible. Thank you for your answer.
  8. Hello, As every year I went to the official seller's shop and just renewed Nod32 for 2 posts. My computer is multi boot, 2 windows and 1 Linux.The activation for the 2 Windows went fine. But each time, I have a problem with Linux. It has been 15 hours now and my Linux is still on the old license.
  9. Hello, I bought NOD32 for 2 machines and 1 year in a shop in my town. The new expiration date on the first Windows 7 machine is OK. On the second machine I have a multi-boot : Windows xp, windows 7 and LInux. The expiration date for the 2 windows is OK but for Linux it still shows the old date which will expire in 14 days. Note last year I had the same problem and it was solved here with a PM if I remember well. Thank you.
  10. Rami is spamming my posts. Please ban this guy. Rami is going to my black list.
  11. Dear Marcos, I have 2 machines. One machine has Windows 7 and the other machine has 3 OS (Windows xp, Windows 7 and Linux/Ubuntu). I currently use NOD32 for 2 machines and renewing my license will cost 25 Euros. Buying for the first time the Multi-Device license for 2 machines will cost 60 Euros. If I renew NOD32, will it still work with my 3 mutl-boot machine (Windows XP Pro X64, Windows 7, Linux18.04 X64) ? I am not interested in Network protection . or I I must purchase the Muti-Device Security because I have Linux on one machine ? Thank you.
  12. Hello, My license of Nod32 is for one year and two desktop PC. One PC is at my mother's house and Nod32 protects Windows 7. The other computer is at my home and it protects my triple boot : Windows Xp pro x64, Windows 7 and Xubuntu 18.04. Last year, when I renewed, It lasted a few minutes for the new expiration date to show for the windows versions of both computers. However, I had to write a message here because Nod32 for Linux/Xubuntu did not show the new date of expiration. It occurred only after several hours. On Eset web page comparative, I see "ESET Nod32 antivirus" and "ESET Multi -Device Security" (https://nod32.achat-licence.fr/comparatif-solutions-antivirus-ESET-2018.php5). I read "protect for Mac and Linux" in the multi device solution. My question is : Must I buy the "Multi-Device Security" or simply renew with my usual NOD32 ? Thank you.
  13. I did not touch to AppArmor, I leave everything as is. The problem solved itself, it was my ISP fault.
  14. You are right Marcos. The problem comes from my ISP.
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