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Everything posted by MichalJ

  1. Hello, in general, once the "uPCU" and "Auto update" is implemented in Endpoint for Windows, we are certainly planning to add it into the server products. Or at least change the behavior, that the upgrade targeted to server, will execute before the actual reboot, meaning the "reboot" operation would trigger the update (the same way as in case of uPCU, which also has a benefit, that it is a differential update, so it has smaller impact on the network as well).
  2. Hello, When I checked your license 33B-3V7-PTR in our licensing system, it is correctly upgraded to ESET PROTECT Entry. The license is also correctly shown in ESET PROTECT Cloud, and the Endpoints seems to be activated (I see consumption of 10 out of 20). The reason why you see two lines there, one is the "bundle name" and second line is the "included product name". So no action is required. Now, the next step is to deploy the management agent, so the devices which are currently in use, would be present in ESET PROTECT Cloud "Computers" Tab. Regards, Michal
  3. Yes, the license should be freed again. As the connection is between the PROTECT server, which knows the "seat ID" (registration identifier for our licensing) and our licensing infrastructure. So even in case when the machine is no longer running, it should still reach the server, and trigger the license correction.
  4. Hello @jcy If you have purchased ESET PROTECT Entry, then indeed you should be able to activate ESET PROTECT Cloud. Just do the following (if you have not done so): Create EBA account at eba.eset.com Add your license key there. If you register EBA under the same e-mail that the license was purchased under, license will be added automatically. Once the license is added a tile showing "setup ESET PROTECT Cloud" will appear. You can choose the DC location, and setup your EPC instance. Once instance is done and running, you can proceed according to the migration manual posted above. Can you please share with me the license e-mail that you have received from whoever sold you the license? Ideally via private message, as the email should have included the instructions. Regards, Michal
  5. Hello @StotheR If the customer does not have yet EBA account, and the license is not added to it, upon adding such license into your "central EBA" account the owner of the license will receive authorization request to the e-mail address that is listed in our licensing system (was specified during the license purchase). Once he confirms, the license will be visible in your central EBA account, however customer will not be able to add the license anymore (license can be added into EBA only once). We are currently designing a solution intended for resellers / MSPs, that will allow them to transparently / automatically get visibility into all of their licenses (licenses that they have provisioned for their customers). So those manual steps will no longer be required + customers will have have the option to have their own EBA (for example to create the ESET PROTECT / ECOS instances).
  6. Hello, details with regards to the migration can be listed here: https://help.eset.com/protect_deploy_va/80/en-US/va_upgrade_migrate.html Also, for such customers, I would recommend to migrate to ESET PROTECT Cloud, as that would remove any further burden of on premises migrations.
  7. Hello @Ufoto As of now, this is indeed not possible. I assume, that you are a reseller, and you have more than one customer, that has their own EPC instances. As of now, you will have to have a different aliases for every such instance, as one "EBA USER" can be linked only to one EBA instance, and one EPC Instance. We are working on a new reseller focus portal, which will allow you to have a "service level login" to all your customers EPC instances. So yes, there is plan to add multi instance access, however I can´t confirm exact timeline at this moment. But our target experience is similar to the one you are referring to. Regards, Michal
  8. Hello @StotheR , as of now, there is not a dedicated "reseller focused" portal. ELA can serve that way, but especially for the new products, like EDTD, or new ESET PROTECT Bundles, you need EBA, to work with them. However, EBA has been created as a customer centric system. If you add the customer license to your EBA, customer will no longer be able to create EBA of his own. If your customers are OK with that, as you fully manage them also in ESET PROTECT, you can do it, however in order to add a license to EBA, the license e-mail should be matching the EBA e-mail, or the customer will receive "license authorization request" on his license e-mail, and if he confirms, license will be added to your EBA. With regards to the ESET PROTECT - it should still free the seats when a device is removed, and option to "deactivate licenses" is clicked. If it does not work, I would recommend you open a ticket, as there might be some communication problem. However, there is a delay, between the time when you trigger the "removal" and when it is reflected in the data on the side of the licensing, and subsequently in ESET PROTECT (that gets updated only once every 24 hours, if you want quicker turnaround, you can click on "synchronize licenses" in there.
  9. Hello, @Serial.com As pointed out above, I just wanted to understand what are your intentions. There is no secret, but for example I can now ask my colleagues from documentation team, to include the GUI screenshot into the documentation. Internally there is a document called "what´s new" that is always shared with our distribution network for their usage, so they can use that for creation of webinars / marketing materials. This has more screenshots for this particular product (although the user interface is limited, as the new Linux product was designed in a way that it is intended for managed environments, so the level of control from the GUI is small). I will ask the documentation team to expand the GUI section a bit, and include a screenshot. Regards, Michal
  10. Hello, this information is available to the reseller / distributor for follow ups. Of course, deliberate over usage represents a violation of the end user license agreement terms and might be acted upon.
  11. Hello, for what purpose you would need that? I was checking the official documentation, and it does not include screenshots. We might ask our QA / PM to get some, but I am interested in understanding the purpose. But as a sneak peek: Thanks.
  12. One more thing @leoo1231. In order to keep the mail security running, you need to get to the .lic file. The lic file should have been present in the license e-mail, alternatively you can get it in ESET License Administator / ESET Business Account.
  13. @talaee71 are you using as well Enterprise inspector server? As that might have some impact on the ESET PROTECT performance as well.
  14. You can use the product activation task, to deliver the client. So do the following: Login to protect Navigate to licenses tab, click "add license", choose the option for "offline file" and copy the token Navigate to EBA to the place where offline file is generated, add there the token, and generate the LF Import the LF into the protect Create a new "product activation task", targeted to the clients activated using the offline file.
  15. When you have attempted to enter the license into EBA, you should have added the "ELA password" which should have been delivered to you, when you have ordered the license, and you should have used for adding it into ELA (or to login into ELA). You can send me the license in a private message (public license ID, format XXX-XXX-XXX) and I will try to investigate on our side, and try to suggest next steps).
  16. You are right. Unfortunately there is no SSO between ESET PROTECT and EBA Account as of now (this is no longer an issue in Cloud, as EBA / EP Cloud share the same identity). With regards to the setting - my suspicion would be, that this setting was not there from the beginning, and when it was added, it did not act retroactively. Hopefully this would not happen again, but I will notify the team, so they can check if there are no issues with this functionality.
  17. Hello @j-gray. Changes in ESET Licensing, to use "EDF" (cloud based licensing backend, that is used by either ELA, EBA, or by ESMC/ESET Protect to show the amount of licenses) were triggered by continuously changing business landscape. New licensing methods, like monthly subscription, or large adoption of our software via MSPs, requested a more dynamic licensing solution. Also, ESET has various deployment alternatives, where we do allow also installation of completely unmanaged (locally controlled) endpoints, or their control over RMM software etc.. So the licensing was designed to accommodate all of the use cases, which was in favor of a fully independent, and cloud based layer. I do agree however, that the excessive usage reported by EBA / ELA is a problem, that we are working to address. We have already a new HWF (hardware fingerprint) logic that should prevent further duplication of seats. If your computers are regularly online, you can easily setup a shorter deletion interval, that should hold those two figures (actually managed computers, and computers reported as licensed) closely together. As far as I remember, you are within education sector, so 3-month interval would work. Alternatively, you can set it even shorter, and in case a machine gets accidentally deactivated, if it still in daily operation, you can configure a dynamic group, that will automatically activate our software upon entering (or can even try activations on applicable computers every hour, to just double ensure no issues will occur).
  18. Hello @Ruben_Castillo Thanks for the feedback. I have forwarded it to my colleagues from Product Management. I understand your point, but can´t comment about any particular specific plans at the moment.
  19. Does the client correctly connect to ESET Protect? Policy application order shows how it should apply, however "column with numbers" shows which policy is actually reported as applied. Therefore, if the number does not update, I would expect it to be due to a connection problem.
  20. Hello, @rubencastello90 in the first phase, it will work in a similar fashion compared to the on premises deployment. However, EEI and EP Cloud will be closely interconnected, and you can see all of the detections from EEI also in ESET Protect, with a very simple navigation between them. What would you envision under being "fully integrated"?
  21. Hello @HSeber - you can replace the offline license file anytime. And yes, you can setup a dynamic group, that will activate a not activated client automatically, even when offline license is to be used. The task itself does not differentiate between the fact whether it is an offline file, or standard license. Regards, Michal
  22. Hello, I am checking with one of our developers, however on the first sight it seems that selecting just clients that are activated by an offline license is not possible.
  23. Hello, ESET Endpoint Antivirus 7/8 for Linux do have a local user interface, however it is intended to be "managed", meaning controlled via the console, so interface gives access only to a limited set of information, as listed here: https://help.eset.com/eeau/8/en-US/?gui.html. Now, with ESET PROTECT Cloud being available, we do not see a valid reason to provide a full blown UI for the end users.
  24. I think that @MartinK or @Marcos will be able to confirm this. In theory it should, but I do not know exactly if this scenario was tested and is confirmed to be working.
  25. Hello, as of now this functionality is not available, but is planned to be added in future iterations of ESET MSP Administrator.
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