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Everything posted by MichalJ

  1. Yes, but your ESET PROTECT Cloud instance will be later on shut down, as you will no longer be entitled to use it. But your endpoints will run, after you manually replace the license.
  2. Hello @Romain Dheilly, even if you have just used the software install task, the application should work in a way, that it will keep the license (even if no license was selected in the software install task). I will check with the teams here, whether they have witnessed similar behavior from the other customers. One of the things that I know tends to happen is, when customer accidentally installs EES and his license is for EEA, that will result in products being not activated, as the license and product do not match. When you have attempted the manual reactivation (vie the software install task), what was written in the task details / executions history? What was the reason for it to fail?
  3. Hello, The paid license that you have bought does not allow you to use ESET PROTECT Cloud. You should have purchased "ESET PROTECT Entry" without the "on-prem", as that is only limited to use on-prem deployed ESET PROTECT console. Unfortunately you will have to upgrade your license. Regards, Michal
  4. Hello, I was trying to contact colleagues that has a deeper knowledge about this topic, but we might require some additional data, about what is the problem. There were recently some modifications in the last iteration of ESET PROTECT, so it might require an update. I would recommend that you create an official ticket, and it will get to our devs, who will respond.
  5. @BrianMorris you can easily use "dashboards" for this. Over there, you can filter out the computers, which have either not latest version of agent, or security product. Especially in EPC, we have implemented agent auto update, so in foreseeable future, all machines will be automatically running the latest compatible version. So column would not be required anymore.
  6. From what you have shared, I can´t understand what is the actual problem. You do not need a business account for you to activate the software, Software can be activated locally by inserting the license key, if the license key allows activation of such product. https://help.eset.com/eeau/8/en-US/?activate_eeau.html
  7. We are currently looking into options how to enrich our portfolio with such functionality. However, as this is still in define / design phase, I can´t share any details with regards to roadmap. But I can confirm, that it is currently being looked into.
  8. Hello, do you recognize the devices by name? One of the options is that you have a leaked license, meaning what is recommended is to contact your ESET Representative to reset your license credentials, and reactivate all of your devices again. Also, I see that the license has been activated by "key" (insertion of the license key into the application) per the icon next to "Activated by" column. How was the license added to your ESET PROTECT server? By Key, or by entering EBA credentials?
  9. Hello. There is no "vulnerability protection scanning" functionality in neither ESET Endpoint Solutions, or ESET PROTECT.
  10. Hello @Joshi - I will be interested in hearing more about the particular deployments of this product in your / your customers environment. For what they were using it? What kind of mail servers they have been using? We are discussing internally a potential successor, but no decision has been made yet. Your insights might be very helpful. You can message me directly over here, if you do not want to disclose details publicly.
  11. Hello, manually altering task execution results is currently not possible. You can rerun the task on the "failed clients", and if the correct version will be there, it should end up in "finished state".
  12. Hello, you should follow the steps in this help article: https://help.eset.com/protect_install/81/en-US/migration_same_version.html
  13. Hello, you mean that you want to point the ESET Management Agent to communicate with a different ESET Protect Server? Correct?
  14. However, this functionality is not enabled by default. You have to apply a policy for ESET Management Agent, targeted to group "all", and in the "Advanced settings" enable the setting called Report non-ESET-installed applications
  15. You can do it by simply removing the policy, or unassigning it. I assume, that what you did, is you enable the HTTP Proxy during the setup of the appliance. As a result, the policy was automatically created and assigned. You can remove the assignment. Just click on the policy, click "change assignments" and then select a target and click unassign.
  16. Hello, if you were looking for them in "applied policies" tab, you won´t find them there. What installer does, is it configures the endpoint according to those policies upon install, but not applies the policy. Policy can be applied only by the means of assigning it to a specific group / client.
  17. Hello @j-gray, I will try to help. Our EDR works in a way, that it requires a separate server with a separate console, however the "EDR console" is inteded only for incident investigation. Management / deployment / activation still happens in ESET PROTECT. So given the fact that you have already deployed ESET PROTECT environment, those are the steps needed: Install ESET Enterprise Inspector on a dedicated machine. You will have to connect it to your ESET PROTECT, as it uses single sign on between those two, and ESET PROTECT is the one that is also managing user access rights. On this machine, also install ESET PROTECT Agent (you will need it, for future updates). EEI server needs to be installed manually, you can´t do it from EP Server (not the first time). Once your EEI Server is installed and running, you can proceed with installation of a component called "EEI Agent". Even though it is named "agent" it is a very small binary, that just sends the detection metadata gathered by our Endpoints (Endpoint is the "AGENT" per se) to the EEI Server, where the detection logic resides. You will have to specify the EEI server connection details into the policy for EEI agent, that you can assign to group all (they will connect). Also, you will have to activate EEI Agent (If you have the latest version of ESET PROTECT, there is a context menu option called "deploy EEI Agent", that will do the trick for you). Once you have your environment setup, EEI detections will appear also in ESET PROTECT. From there, you can easily navigate to details of each detection. You can also access the EEI UI directly, if you are interested in just the EDR functionality. Hope that this helps. Michal
  18. Also, as of ESET PROTECT 8.1, you can click on the group name, in which you want to update the security products to the latest version and click "update".
  19. @Martin Sabo - technically, it will support them by the means of having older (still compatible version) of ESET Management Agent installed on the affected systems. They will still communicate, but won´t be upgradable to the latest 8.x agent version. But statuses, and control will be possible, at least until any breaking change in communication protocols.
  20. Hello, what is the reason for which you would like to disable the automatic updates of the management agent? It is possible to disable it via policy, by setting the "automatic update" toggle to "off" (but we do not recommend this).
  21. Hello, EDTD is only included in ESET PROTECT Advanced, Complete, Enterprise + is available as a standalone product for purchase. In order to enable EDTD, you have to activate it using a product activation task (EDTD license should work for EFSW the same way as it works for Endpoint) and enable it via policy (which you indeed did, as otherwise you won´t be getting that error).
  22. Hello, you can target a task to a single computer, static group (even group all), dynamic group, or multiselect all available computers in a view. One option how to filter "only connected" computers, is to navigate to dashboard "computers" and select the ones that have "relative time interval" value "today", and then click on any "computer name" and click "open in computers page". That would filter you out only the active / connected computers, however is limited to 100 rows only. I have talked with the devs, and they have told me, that it will be possible to add such filter also in the main "computers" view (most likely in some future releases). What you can also do, is to create a new report template, with symbols "computer name", "last connected" and filter it out by "last connected - relative time interval" set to "last day". That will filter out only the machines, that have recently connected. Template for import is attached. Report Templates export 2021-07-08 09-54-22.dat
  23. Hello, currently it is not possible to set a "baseline / target version". The report template you show is not editable, and it simply compares the installed version vs. the latest available version in repository. So if 8.1 was released, anything below (including 8.0) is considered as not latest = outdated. We plan to adjust this, to reflect the "support state" of the application, meaning latest / fully supported / limited support / EOL, however I can´t currently provide an exact timeline. I have reported this to our UX / PM teams.
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