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Everything posted by Arakasi

  1. Have a look at my picture attached. Do you have it setup like mine ? " mirror\ " Or did you enter this : " C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESET\ESET Remote Administrator\Server\ " Thank you please answer.
  2. Hello ! This is a known issue and has been stated will be fixed in the next program release.
  3. Hello again, I'm sorry for the frusterations, and hope migrating data and software wasn't too much trouble. The reason i suggested what i did, was due to the history of myself standing over my tech bench fiddle farting with multiple machines with the same kernel issue, or similar with different products. Rootkits were sometimes the problem, but in other times, the reinstall was always the fastest, less stressful choice to take.
  4. Hello, sounds like you may have some services logging on incorrectly, or may be that your registry has been altered to the point repairing would be a nightmare. Your best bet may be to backup your data and license keys, then reload your OS. Certain versions of conduit can really break windows bad, including the version my office computer just ran into that after cleaning killed the ntldr or boot configuration. I reloaded.
  5. I imagine those notifications are built on top of the tray portion of ESET which would be a seperate part of the project files, hence my suggestion. Sorry it had no effect.
  6. Have you tried clearing your windows notification cache ? CCleaner has an option to do it in temporary file cleaner. These steps should suffice for manual: (Use at your own risk, editing the registry can cause irrepairable harm, always export or backup reg keys when testing.) Open the Registry Editor If you use Windows 7 browse to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify Delete the data of the following keys in this folder: IconStreams LastAdvertisement PastIconsStream PromotedIconCache UserStartTime You must restart explorer.exe at the end as its holding cache, or reboot your PC. Then see if your notifications start popping back up.
  7. Use the ESET log collector. hxxp://www.eset.com/us/download/utilities/. Only provide logs via PM to a forum Moderator for your own security.
  8. The site is not blocked for me.
  9. Oh recent topics. i see it now lol.
  10. I stll have the view new content button ? That ?
  11. This is not a gateway or location to dispute these kinds of claims. Resolution will not be met through this channel of communication. Only by following these guidelines: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN141
  12. If you don't hear from someone by end of day, i would phone in the following day.
  13. I can only suggest possibly phoning in to support and letting them take samples if its a new variant. They may help you with the cleaning process as well after license verification. Marcos may have more to add so stick around just in-case.
  14. Please follow these instructions explicitly. hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2895 If the tool says you are infected, you are infected. It's not a FP.
  15. You can do it two ways signified by the period. Left side will be your file name, right side will be your file extension. If you have asterisks on both sides, it takes all folders and files in that directory. C:\*.* = all files and folders at root
  16. Here is a neat trick that may help as well. You can go to a working client. Export the configuration. Setup > Import and export settings. IT will save an xml file. Rename the xml to cfg.xml Manually download the ESET MSI. Drop the msi and the cfg.xml into the same directories on the problematic client locally, then run the msi. ( ESET will pull the settings from the xml ) Test after installation if everything is working locally. If you exported the xml from a working client, the new one should retain the same settings if instructions are followed. Good luck.
  17. Thanks for updating us here, and glad you have followed through to resolution.
  18. Yah sirefef is pretty ugly, hence the standalone cleaner marcos has linked. It requires multiple reboots to clean.
  19. Hello, Sorry for your troubles. I would run the uninstaller in Safe mode until it no longer sees ESET. Then try installing again. Uninstaller for your convenience: Click here
  20. hxxp:// This one is HTTP application layer protocol, usually on port 80 and we use this in the browser. This is how we access the web server portion. The other one is UNC hxxp://compnetworking.about.com/od/windowsnetworking/g/unc-name.htm If your putting in the server for Remote Administration using ERA Console into the client, it will not be http, it will be : "192.168.X.X" And the port should be already inside the next textbox to the right. 2222 If you setting up the update feature, it will be "hxxp:// " See ESET used ports also. hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2221
  21. We know, its not supported on ie11 yet.
  22. I am a partner. We have a 24x7 support contact in the US?
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