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ESET Endpoint Security 7 BETA signup

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Dear ESET Endpoint Security / Antivirus users,

It’s been quite a while since we released the 6th generation of our Endpoint solutions, so a question regarding generation 7’s availability shows up from time to time. The simple answer is: it’s close.
As we are approaching the final stages of development and preparation for the global release, we would like to share it with you so you can try it before it gets released officially and give us feedback on it, which is very valuable for us.

Those of you who visit our forums regularly have probably already noticed some mentions of the promised new features, but let me briefly summarize:
The Ransomware shield feature known from the products for home users to improve protection against file-encrypting ransomware.
Time-based scheduler for Web control and Device control, so you as an administrator can allow / restrict access to websites and devices based on time.
Automatic upgrades and many more - to find out more, join the BETA program.

In case you are interested, just sign up here, or send me a private message, I will then send you instructions on how to proceed.
There are just 6 simple use cases we would like you to test and share your feedback on. Besides those, you are free to enjoy the test ride with our new flagship for endpoint protection.

Also by joining the BETA you agree with our BETA Program agreement.

I hope that you are excited, so do not hesitate and sign up for the private BETA test right now! 
We are looking forward to your feedback.
Thank you in advance, 
Peter Randziak

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My organization is interested in being apart of your beta test group for this and other products. 




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Hi Peter - Please sign me up for this as well. I so long awaited this version of ESET Security 7 beta, I really want to test. Do not refuse me, please. I will help you - you'll see. Do not look at me as a . I tested a lot of antivirus software from 2000 year. I like yours ESET  the longest. Despite the fact that I am a novice. Please. I buy Eset Endpoint Security in febraury. I have almost a year ahead.


Kind Regards,


Edited by Descloix
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Tell me please, Peter, beta-version of THIS product It is necessary to put on a clean system or can be on top of ESET Endpoint Security 6.6

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Hi Peter, 


Can you please sign me up as well? We have a test OU of computers/mobiles/tablets that I'd like to test the upcoming changes on.


Do you know if this version has the cleaning PUAs by default, without alerting the end user?

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9 minutes ago, johnnybon said:

Do you know if this version has the cleaning PUAs by default, without alerting the end user?

We cannot clean PUAs by default because of legal reasons.

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2 minutes ago, Marcos said:

We cannot clean PUAs by default because of legal reasons.

Ah, well either way thank you for the prompt reply there, Marcos!

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