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rekun last won the day on April 16

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About rekun

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  1. You dont have to put it in install mode. When upgrading there are basically 2 ways, simply use the official installers downloaded from Eset.com and they will retain their existing settings and connection to the protect manager. Or simply use the manager https://support.eset.com/en/kb7708-upgrade-eset-endpoint-products-from-the-dashboard-using-one-click-action-in-eset-protect
  2. Yes, but the update to v10 has not been released yet afaik, but should be available later this month if I remember correctly
  3. Are there any reasonable idea behind why you are using Eset Mail Security for Exchange on a terminal server? I suppose you are using an Exchange server for RDS as well?
  4. We use Datto ourselves, and have just created an AIO installer with agent only. then we create a component in Datto and execute it with following command EsetAgent.exe --silent --accepteula
  5. I guess it is not considered an antivirus solutions job to change the behavior of the OS, especially when it’s not security related like in this case. When using the new auto update feature, it does not matter that a true reboot might take several weeks to happen, as it is fully protected in the mean time
  6. Since Windows 8 a shutdown and startup is not the same as a reboot, but kind of a light hibernation. if you do a reboot from the start menu it will work as well. As karlisi mentioned, disabling fast boot will revert to the old behavior. Theres not much else to do about it as it is behavior by design from Microsoft
  7. Could it be that the mailbox is shared with other users, or setup on multiple computers , some of which is still running an old version? that is the only way it makes sense.
  8. I fully support this, it would be nice to have web control and firewall included in server security as well
  9. As far as I know it is updated every time the agent is connecting to the manager
  10. I would also like to vote for this. Really leaves a big gab open when users can just use Citrix og RDS to skip the filtering
  11. Hi @Peter Randziak I think the OP asks regarding Server Securty / EFSW?
  12. You can just get the standard but it doesn’t matter how many databases you have, it is the number of mailboxes
  13. Hi You need a license for every mailbox. you can find more information here https://support.eset.com/en/kb3761-how-does-eset-mail-security-6-for-microsoft-exchange-server-count-mailboxes
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