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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. It seems you have installed Endpoint v5 and not the latest Endpoint v6 contains improvements in this regard. Before deploying ESET, it's a good practice to create a configuration that will have known networks set as trusted to prevent this dialog from opening. You can also enable the option "Do not show the dialog with protection mode settings of the computer in the network" in the policy to automatically treat any other networks as public / untrusted.
  2. I don't mean cracks. I mean the worm which rewrites legitimate files with its own code. If you installed the operating system from scratch, it must have been that it got infected before installing and updating ESET if the files started to be detected immediately after install. I would not make any exclusions as it's not a false positive but actual malware detection.
  3. 1, Yes, v10 does not suffer from any serious bugs. Not sure what bugs in firewall, HIPS, Anti-Stealth (?) you mean but there are no prevalent issues with them. Basically I know only about an issue with duplicate HIPS rules that was reported by 2 users in our forum. Then there's an issue with support for newer versions of Chrome x64 by Banking and payment protection which will be addressed in the upcoming v10 service release. 2, Although the Script scanner in v10 injects into common browsers, I haven't seen any reports of issues caused by the injection. 3, I assume you mean the situation when the definition database is too old right after installation. 4, As I have already mentioned, I'm not aware of any outstanding or prevalent issues. 5, As of v10, ESET's firewall honors allowing rules created previously in Windows Firewall by default. This is to make transition to ESET smoother for those who used Windows Firewall before and have a set of rules already created.
  4. It's likely the variant you have overwrites original files with malware. Have you had ESET installed and regularly updated for a longer time?
  5. You can use the attached default era_http_server.xml. era_http_server.xml
  6. Please create a new software install task. The link in your error message is incorrect. Instead of hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/apps/business/eea/windows/v6/6.4.2014.0/eea_nt32_enu.msi, the installer should download from hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/eea/windows/v6/6.4.2014.0/eea_nt32_enu.msi By the way, you've posted in a beta forum. What ESET beta program are you using? Or you've posted in the beta forum in error?
  7. I don't believe ESET would detect executables of popular applications and nobody else would complain. Please post a screen shot of the alert you're getting.
  8. There's no option to remember the action. You can only exclude a PUA from further detection.
  9. A phantom account is created when you enable Anti-Theft. Do you mean that you didn't enable it after installing ESET?
  10. Since you are an existing user, you can download ESS v10. If you want to get ESS Premium with a password manager and data encryption modules, you can purchase upgrade to it for a small amount of fee. If you don't use Anti-Theft, you can uninstall ESS and install EIS v10.
  11. I'd strongly recommend contacting customer care and providing them with a Process monitor log from the time when the issue occurs. Also logs from ESET Log Collector may be helpful. You can also pm me with download links to both files to have them checked with priority.
  12. Hi Marcos, tried pre-relase updates and run manual update but still the same, cannot receive email if attachment more than 2MB Thanks Please post information about installed modules from the About window. Also try the following, one at a time, and see which makes a difference: - disable automatic start of real-time protection and restart the computer - disable protocol filtering - disable HIPS and restart the computer - disable firewall in the advanced setup
  13. You can exclude a file or url at your risk. I reckon it's detected as a potentially unwanted application.
  14. Unfortunately without logs it's impossible to tell what the issue was with v10. Unlike in older versions, ekrn.exe runs as a protected service on Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. I'd strongly recommend installing v10 from scratch and collecting the requested logs that are important for troubleshooting the issue.
  15. I wouldn't hesitate with upgrade to v10 as it also addresses bugs from v8 and v9 besides other improvements like Ransomware protection, smaller memory consumption, improved performance and many more. By the way, what do you mean by "iffy" virus definition updates? Updates are same for all versions in terms of the code.
  16. I have asked the appropriate person to look into it and respond. Unfortunately, I have no clue how the purchase in Thailand works.
  17. You can run the Firewall troubleshooting wizard to see a list of recently blocked communications and to create an allowing rule for it.
  18. Please post the information about installed modules from the About window so that we can check if you have the latest version of the Internet protection module installed.
  19. The latest TorrentLocker Baidu Win32.Trojan.WisdomEyes.16070401.9500.9928 ESET-NOD32 a variant of Win32/Injector.DIOL CrowdStrike malicious_confidence_89% (D) 3/56 ON 2016-12-09 09:41:16
  20. To start off, please provide logs from ESET Log Collector as well as a Procmon boot log. You can upload them to a safe location (e.g. OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) and pm me just download links.
  21. Does switching to pre-release updates make a difference? In Internet protection module we've added a workaround for troublesome communication where the server provides incorrect content-length information. What protocol do you use for downloading email?
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