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Login failed (connection has failed with state 'Not connected')

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I can't seem to connect to the ERA server (version 6).  All the services are up and running.



Login failed (connection has failed with state 'Not connected')



Any suggestions?


Edited by chrisk
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Hello Chrisk,


I can say I have also seen this. It seems that the Apache server takes a few minutes to actually start listening even though the service is running. If it never connects then I would run a "netstat -aon > c:\ports.txt" in a elevated command prompt and send it to me in a PM. I will go through it and see if this a port issue. The other issue we are seeing is that Apache does not update the new path for Java when it updates. You need to update the path to the new Java Update by using this program found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\Tomcat7w.exe


When you open the exe it will show you a path. Follow that path and you will see that Java changed the path for the new version. Simply copy and paste the new path into the dialog box replacing the old path ad click ok.

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I too just upgraded to 6 and get the same error.  Followed the instructions and it does not accept the password I entered.  


I checked netstat and do not see anything listening on 2222 or 2223.  


I've even uninstalled and reinstalled on the same server and get the same error.


This is Server 2012 R2 running WSUS and DPM 2012 R2 and it used to host the ERA 5 server.  I'll go install Microsoft Security Essentials and Defender back on all the workstations until you can figure out what this is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the same problem restarted the SQL server then i saw my eraserversvc service was stoped started it and problem solved Hope this helps

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  • Administrators

Please let us know if Gimlie's advice helped. Otherwise we will ask ERA engineers to chime in and advise.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm having the exactly same issue, but i cannot restart the sql server because it's a production server!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

I wanted to post this a while back, but had endless problems registering on the forum.


I also recently had this problem. In my case it was because the ERAServce service had stopped running. If I take a look at the logs:

tail -f /usr/share/tomcat6/logs/catalina.out

I see the following:

Jan 04, 2016 1:05:05 PM sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.FileLogWriter addItem
INFO: [2016-01-04 13:05:05.640] V2 [Administrator] <WARNING> Login (session creation) failed (code 3) from address
Jan 04, 2016 1:05:05 PM sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.FileLogWriter addItem
INFO: [2016-01-04 13:05:05.642] V2 [] <ERROR> Connection closing because of ERA server communication processing error: Connection refused
Jan 04, 2016 1:05:05 PM sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.FileLogWriter addItem
INFO: [2016-01-04 13:05:05.642] V1 [Administrator] <TRACE> Login failed. Reason: Connection failed 'NOT_CONNECTED'
Jan 04, 2016 1:05:05 PM sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.FileLogWriter addItem
INFO: [2016-01-04 13:05:05.644] V2 [] <ERROR> Connection closing because of ERA server communication error: Connection refused

Check the service status:

service eraserver status
ERAServer is stopped

Start it

service eraserver start
Starting ESET Remote Administrator Server                  [  OK  ]

Check it again

service eraserver status
ERAServer (pid 13936) is running...

And with ps

ps ax | grep ERA
 1846 ?        Ssl   53:26 /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Agent/ERAAgent --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/eraagent.pid
13936 ?        Ssl    0:09 /opt/eset/RemoteAdministrator/Server/ERAServer --daemon --pidfile=/var/run/eraserver.pid

I haven't seen the ERSServer crash more that the one time, but perhaps a feature request for ESET is to create a monitor service that checks if the required services are running and start them if needed.

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I will say that I had the same issue yesterday.  I restarted and the issue persisted.  I ended up having to have ESET's escalation team repair my install on Windows 2012R2.  They were unsure of the root cause and could only speculate that Windows updates was the issue.

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  • ESET Staff

I haven't seen the ERSServer crash more that the one time, but perhaps a feature request for ESET is to create a monitor service that checks if the required services are running and start them if needed.


We have decided to rely on system to restart service in case it stops unexpectedly. Main ERA components have support for both systemd and upstart (added in version 6.3) init daemons with enabled automatic restarting of services - which should cover most of mainstream linux distributions (including ERA appliance which was really missing this feature). 

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  • ESET Staff

I will say that I had the same issue yesterday.  I restarted and the issue persisted.  I ended up having to have ESET's escalation team repair my install on Windows 2012R2.  They were unsure of the root cause and could only speculate that Windows updates was the issue.


Hope they we able to resolve it.


There are two main reasons this type of error:

  • ERA server is not running: can be check in "Services" and possible failure reason can be found in ERA server trace.log
  • Apache Tomcat hosting ERA Webconsole is not running properly: this may happen after java update - especially in case old java runtime environment is removed during update
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I'm having the exactly same issue i find a solution :) . this issue hapen in sql server login fail.  To verify that  


please check era server logfile in C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server\EraServerApplicationData\Logs\trace.log


open check some thing like this Error: Service [Thread 2228]: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]

Login failed for user


then go to



open in text editor change your password



then restart Eset Remote Administrator Server  service


then try to log

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I will say that I had the same issue yesterday.  I restarted and the issue persisted.  I ended up having to have ESET's escalation team repair my install on Windows 2012R2.  They were unsure of the root cause and could only speculate that Windows updates was the issue.


Hope they we able to resolve it.


There are two main reasons this type of error:

  • ERA server is not running: can be check in "Services" and possible failure reason can be found in ERA server trace.log
  • Apache Tomcat hosting ERA Webconsole is not running properly: this may happen after java update - especially in case old java runtime environment is removed during update


They were that day.  But as I arrive back in the office today, I am having the same issue all over.  This is twice in one week so I will have to take time out of my day as well as our Engineer's to get this fixed.

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  • ESET Moderators

I experience this daily, but I am able to always easily resolve it. I haven't investigated the technological reason further, but I suspect that (in my case) it has something to do with the Apache server taking a little bit to start listening. I also tend to remove the previous URL because it is a path to the last location you were at in ERA -- I don't know if that correlates to the solution, but I have had the most success by navigating/refreshing back to the 'root' Web Console URL: localhost/era/webconsole, and logging in again. It resolves for me every time. 


That might just be for my use-case, but it may be a worthwhile troubleshoot to try because it's so quick. 


Regardless, I am working on a new Knowledgebase article that will synthesize the existing knowledge compiled on this error, and will provide the known solutions to it. Expect it forthcoming. 


Here is a brief list of the solutions I've seen offered for the Web Console error Login Failed, Connection has failed with the state of 'Not connected'

  1. Internet access is required for both http and https protocols without authorization
  2. hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/63/en-US/index.html?faq.htm(and for v6.2 as well)
    Check if ERA Server service is running or MS SQL Server service.If not, start it. If it is running, restart the service, refresh web console and then try to log in again. hxxp://support.eset.com/kb743/
  3. It seems that the Apache server takes a few minutes to actually start listening even though the service is running
  4. The other issue is that Apache does not update the new path for Java when it updates
    You need to update the path to the new Java Update by using this program found here:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\bin\Tomcat7w.exe
    When you open the exe it will show you a path. Follow that path and you will see that Java changed the path for the new version. Simply copy and paste the new path into the dialog box replacing the old path ad click OK

Here is a quick screen grab video of this error on my VM and how it resolves (after about 50 seconds):

ERA WC Failed State Not Connected.mp4

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I ran into this issue today when upgrading to ERA 6.3 with Components upgrade task.


After the task completed my EraServerSvc service will start and crash after 10 seconds.


Had to contact ESET support and was told to remove all ERA installation and re-install.


After doing that the EraServerSvc service will start without crashing....Just a heads up for you sysadmin guys..had me scratching my head for a few minutes. 

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I ran into this issue today when upgrading to ERA 6.3 with Components upgrade task.


After the task completed my EraServerSvc service will start and crash after 10 seconds.


Had to contact ESET support and was told to remove all ERA installation and re-install.


After doing that the EraServerSvc service will start without crashing....Just a heads up for you sysadmin guys..had me scratching my head for a few minutes. 


Just want to add that 2 of my clients ran into the same issue recently. Turns out the culprit is that Network.dll  had not been properly upgraded. After running component upgrade from ERA 6.2 to 6.3, Network.dll is still 6.2 version, causing 6.3 service to crash. I took the dll from a working 6.3 installation, replaced it, and viola service starts working properly. 


Attached is the list of files in C:\Program Files\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server from a working 6.3 installation, might want to check this first in case someone else run into the same issue.




Edited by RyanTsai
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I ran into this issue today when upgrading to ERA 6.3 with Components upgrade task.


After the task completed my EraServerSvc service will start and crash after 10 seconds.


Had to contact ESET support and was told to remove all ERA installation and re-install.


After doing that the EraServerSvc service will start without crashing....Just a heads up for you sysadmin guys..had me scratching my head for a few minutes. 


Just want to add that 2 of my clients ran into the same issue recently. Turns out the culprit is that Network.dll  had not been properly upgraded. After running component upgrade from ERA 6.2 to 6.3, Network.dll is still 6.2 version, causing 6.3 service to crash. I took the dll from a working 6.3 installation, replaced it, and viola service starts working properly. 


Attached is the list of files in C:\Program Files\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server from a working 6.3 installation, might want to check this first in case someone else run into the same issue.



Adding to RyanTsai's solution:


  1. Since I do not have an additional working 6.3 installation, I downloaded the ESET ERA Standalone component server installer (in my case Server 2012R2) Server_x64.msi
  2. Extracted the contents of the .msi to a folder. Example: msiexec /a C:\temp\Server_x64.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\temp\Extracted
  3. On the ERA server, rename the old Network.dll to Network.old
  4. Copy the newly extracted Network.dll to C:\Program Files\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server
  5. Started the ESET Remote Administrator Server Service


Have not experienced anymore issues

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  • ESET Moderators

Thanks for including other workarounds here for this issue. Different network configurations as well as deployments (for instance, whether a clean install or upgrade) seem to affect the solution for each environment.


We've published KB article hxxp://support.eset.com/kb5852/ with a combination of solutions we've used with support cases, this forum thread, and information from ESET engineers. 


We will continue to review this post and the solutions in kb5852 for this issue. 

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I ran into this issue today when upgrading to ERA 6.3 with Components upgrade task.


After the task completed my EraServerSvc service will start and crash after 10 seconds.


Had to contact ESET support and was told to remove all ERA installation and re-install.


After doing that the EraServerSvc service will start without crashing....Just a heads up for you sysadmin guys..had me scratching my head for a few minutes. 


Just want to add that 2 of my clients ran into the same issue recently. Turns out the culprit is that Network.dll  had not been properly upgraded. After running component upgrade from ERA 6.2 to 6.3, Network.dll is still 6.2 version, causing 6.3 service to crash. I took the dll from a working 6.3 installation, replaced it, and viola service starts working properly. 


Attached is the list of files in C:\Program Files\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server from a working 6.3 installation, might want to check this first in case someone else run into the same issue.



Adding to RyanTsai's solution:


  1. Since I do not have an additional working 6.3 installation, I downloaded the ESET ERA Standalone component server installer (in my case Server 2012R2) Server_x64.msi
  2. Extracted the contents of the .msi to a folder. Example: msiexec /a C:\temp\Server_x64.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\temp\Extracted
  3. On the ERA server, rename the old Network.dll to Network.old
  4. Copy the newly extracted Network.dll to C:\Program Files\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Server
  5. Started the ESET Remote Administrator Server Service


Have not experienced anymore issues



It's weird that network.dll was not repaired when I tried to repair the 6.3 installation with server_x64.msi.


Anyways, great job for actually locating what the actual file is causing the issue. I tried to search for clues in event viewer and trace.log and nothing useful could be found.

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  • Administrators

It's weird that network.dll was not repaired when I tried to repair the 6.3 installation with server_x64.msi.


Since the version is same (6.3), network.dll won't be replaced during a repair. It's necessary to replace it manually. If you were installing ERA v6.4 (which is not available yet), upgrade would work and the dll would be replaced automatically.

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  • 1 year later...

Not sure if this helps, but this is may help those that have changed their default ports for their installation.

Recently began an upgrade to 6.x from 5.x and was forced to change the default ports for the 6.x installation. (changed 2222 to 2224 and 2223 to 2225 in 6.x) Began experiencing the same issue logging in and tried all the steps in this post:  hxxp://support.eset.com/kb5852/

I also tried to address port conflicts from this post:  hxxp://support.eset.com/kb5678/#PortConflicts

A complete reinstall corrected the problem, until I changed ports again.  I was pretty confident it was a port issue.  I did not find this in any of the documentation I ran across, but I did note that the process to rebuild the era folder under the Tomcat directory requested a replacement of this file:   C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\era\WEB-INF\classes\sk\eset\era\g2webconsole\server\modules\config\EraWebServerConfig.properties

Opening that file, noted that it contained the line:  server_port=2223

Changed it to 2225, restarted the Apache services, and blam...started working.

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