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About Axoft

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  1. There's no reason at all, i could use my corporate proxy. I thought ESMC's proxy is optimized for this scenario/use.
  2. 1. Probably that's the problem, can you point me to a url with the procedure for ESMC? 2. Yes, my corporate proxy is correctly configured in Tools -> Proxy server. "Use direct connection if proxy is not available" turned on too. One of my biggest confusion about this configuration is where to set the http proxy apache installed with esmc (only for virus database updates) and where to set the corporate proxy for the Endpoint/File Server to connect to internet for activation for example. I've attached the activation error
  3. Hi! I've migrated my old ERA 6.5 to a new ESMC 7 in a new Windows Server 2016 installation. Almost everything went ok but i'm having some issues: 1- Deployed Endpoints and File Servers Antivirus doesn't activate automatically like it used to happen in ERA 6.5. I don't understand why. 2- Deployed Endpoints and File Servers Antivirus behind proxy can't be activated, only hosts with nat configuration are able to. I've a corporate proxy (squid/pfsense) and the apache http proxy (esmc) installed and configured correctly.. maybe the esmc configuration policy for the clients are wrong. What should i configure to achieve activation behind proxy? 3- Where should i define that virus definition updates are only downloaded from the apache http proxy (esmc) thanks in advance.
  4. Hi! I've migrated from ERA 6.5 to ESMC, everything is working pretty well but i'm having some issues with client activation randomly.. i'm gettin this error on Agents logs: Warning: CPushNotificationsModule [Thread 2034]: Failed to configure EPNS resource (retrying in 640 seconds): Error calling PNS API 'PnsRegisterClient' (return code = 19108) Is this the reason? Thanks!
  5. I upgraded yesterday from 6.5 to 6.6.. I'll wait i have a 6.6 installed on another server, let's see whats happens.
  6. Rolling back to 6.5, where can i get version 6.5.2094.0 or similar download link?
  7. Hi! There's a new ransomware with .wsf extension, i have ERA 6 and ESET Bussiness deployed in 150 workstations, i need to block that file extension. How can i achieve that? Thanks in advance!
  8. I'm having the same issue, no dump generated at all, i'm gonna reproduce the steps you've said Marcos and wait for an answer.
  9. I'm having the exactly same issue, but i cannot restart the sql server because it's a production server!
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