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Everything posted by rugk

  1. ** SOLVED ** OK I think I know what the problem is. The developer(s) of the software tool where able to reproduce the problem. Here their findings: ESS 6 sometimes unregisters from the WSC for updating the VSD and reregisters after this. This showed these messages. But ESS 7 didn't do this anymore. There it's works fine. Can someone from ESET confirm this?
  2. OK and make sure that you have activated automatic updates. (check it in the scheduler)
  3. OK thanks for your answer. That's good.
  4. I'm not quite sure if this helps. The problem is the following: Sometimes (e.g. in 2 weeks: 5 minutes at one day and 5 minutes at another day) the software tool reports that the antivirus or spyware protection would be deactivated. This reports look like this: 00:01 h: Antivirus deactivated 00:01 h: Antivirus activated 00:02 h: Antivirus deactivated 00:03 h: Antivirus activated 00:05 h: Antivirus deactivated ... So there is a "crowd" of this messages, although the user says nothing has changed (ESS icon is has the same color) and of course he also didn't activates or deactivates the antivirus. And I again repeat that this doesn't have to be a problem in the ESET software, but elsewhere...
  5. Just a small - maybe call it moral - question to ESET: If you find an Exploit in a software in your threat research, do you report this to the developers (for free), so they can fix it?
  6. I have an issue with a software tool that uses the WSC to find out whether the Antivirus is running and if so which modules are active. ESS v6 (v 6.0.316.1) Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, Service Pack 1 x64 I'm in contact with the developer(s) of this software tool to find out what the problem is and I also can't prove that this isn't a bug in this software tool.
  7. BTW I hope you'll like my picture of the ESET robot/android looking at the IFTTT website.
  8. OK and in what version(s) does ESET this correctly? (according to Windows 7 SC) Only version 7 or also the earlier versions?
  9. Please update your VSD, try the downloading again and tell us afterwards what VSD version you have.
  10. That's good to hear and if you have any problems or questions, you of course can ask them in this forum. We will try to help you as much as we can. Enjoy (safer technology)!
  11. Them you should suggest "these computers" to upgrade to a new version. And BTW you can also give us a kudo (at the right) if you liked our posts.
  12. I only want to link to an idea that would extend the ESET software with large notification and maybe also managing possibilities. I especially wrote it for business users, because they would have a greater benefit, but I think also Home users could like it: Description: Integration of the ESET software into "If this then that" (IFTTT) Detail: see topic "ESET And IFTTT - Put The Internet Work For You - With Eset?"
  13. OK, but I think that this is an option that (especially not such advanced users) don't check very often. Nice idea (with the hot key), but if it will added it would be nice to made it configurable. And for @all IMO the best things to improve the tray menu would be the following. But because I know, that they can complicate support, I want to say that these two things should be separated from the other (default) tray menu options (e.g. in a submenu) and these other options also shouldn't be replaced, but they should still be there in the context menu ((quite) at the same place). You should either... make a "often used" or "favored tools" part, which will automatically list the most often accessed tools or actions or make a configurable part in their, where the user can configure (from the advanced settings) what tools or actions should be listed there (I would suggest that this list is empty for default and an empty list should just be hidden in the tray menu, so that it won't be displayed at all for many users that don't want to use this feature) Anyway I always liked that you can configure the ESET software so much and for the tray menu it would also be a great thing. And of course you can also made a "hybrid" of the option before, where the list will be updated automatically, but the user can configure the list and "pin" things. Such a hybrid is shown below. Here is what it could look like: Edit: Added mockup to show how it could look.
  14. ** Problem is maybe solved. See this post ** ** Error occured again. See this post ** ** Problem solved in this post ** I'm asking this question for troubleshooting a problem with a tool that is using the security state from the Windows' Security Center. So does ESET register and unregister correctly in Windows (Security Center)? I'm not only talking about installation and uninstallation, but also if the security status changes. And if so, are there any issues concerning older versions (like ESS v 6)? I'm especially referring to the Security Center of Windows 7.
  15. This is an interesting question and here is what I can say about it: If you mean with support the the ESET knowledge base and the personal support then I'm quite sure that they won't end the support in the far future. If you mean the support for downloading virus signatures, then this is often only limited for technically reasons. E.g. - if I remember correctly - to v 2.7 or earlier cannot be send any VSD updates anymore, because the signature system has changed in this version. And I don't think that it requires effort and money to support older versions (with VSD updates) because they all use the same updates. And I also don't think that ESET has plans for ending support. Maybe the time will tell if and when ESET will end the support for older versions, but currently we aren't able to say something about this. But in the end there are many benefits of the newer versions of ESS, like I explained here and so it is always good to upgrade to the newest version. Here you have detailed instructions how to upgrade: hxxp://kb.eset.com/esetkb/index?page=content&id=SOLN2476 Related links: Download an older version of the ESET product For future support of (old) OS versions see this post. Edit: version number corrected, thanks to SweX
  16. Hello, @klv12gcn it's good to hear that ESS is working find for you, but you should know that many things were improved in the newer versions, like an Explot Blocker, Advanced Memory Scanner, and Botnet blocker (in ESS Beta 8) and ESET LiveGrid. And yes ESET LiveGrid is a cloud service, but ESET software can 100% work without it. So ESET don't rely on it only, but ESET LiveGrid can speed-up scans and it also is useful for the treat researchers, because ESET LiveGrid reports suspicious files to ESET and so the threat researchers from ESET can faster detect new malware. More about ESET LiveGrid and other useful technology's of the ESET software you can read here: hxxp://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/ And I'm quite sure that ESS v 7 is working perfectly (if not better) then v 4. And I have to add that ESET also isn't a company that made huge (unnecessary) changes to the GUI, so you also won't have any problem in using the new version. You 'll love the version 7, too!
  17. Because I saw that ERA already is able to work with Pulseway, an app for remote managing and notifications, I got another idea. The ESET robot looking at the IFTTT website, created by @rugk What is IFTTT? If this then than (short IFTTT) is an online service where you can "put the internet work for you". You can connect many online services, apps or other things so that they do actions for you. These online devices are called "Channels". In so called Recipes, you can connect this Channels together. It uses the simple conditional sentences "If this then that", that means if an action happens then an thing will go on. E.g. you can use recipes like "If a new Bings Image of the day is published then set is as my Android Wallpaper". In this example the "new Bings Image of the day" would be the trigger and "set is as my Android Wallpaper" is the action that is performed. More information: IFTTT homepage IFTTT about Wikipedia article about IFTTT What has this to do with ESET? I think ESET could also include ERA there. If they would add a channel for ERA then this could extend the notification system of ERA. E.g. these recipes would be possible: If my license is expired then send me an Android notification. If a scan is finished then log the result in a spreadsheet in Google Drive/Everynote/OneNote. If a scan found threats then call myself on my phone. If my license will expire if < X days then send me an iOS notification. Send me a daily summary of my clients state per e-mail. If the real-time-protection finds a threat then post this on Twitter/Facebook. (of course the Twitter/Facebook account should be private). If the real-time-protection finds a threat then send an SMS to a person (your manager or your boss or somebody else). Of course also some actions would be possible like: start an on-demand-scan or check VSD for updates create a SysInspector snapshot But I don't know with which triggers it would be useful... If an astronaut enters space then start an on-demand scan. If it rains then create a SysInspector snapshot. (maybe later I can discover the reason why it rains... ) OK, maybe this wouldn't be useful , but maybe this: If I send an SMS to IFTTT tagged with #ESETscan then scan a client. (so you can manage your client with SMS) If I come home (Android or iOS Location) then check for a VSD update. If the real-time-protection finds a threat then start an on-demand-scan. (there are maybe more bad things...) If WeLiveSecurity reports a global maleware spreading (would uses the Feed channel and the WeLiveSecurity Feed to look for the word "maleware spread") then start an on-demand-scan. What are the advantages? At first you could do quite anything automatically and you can especially notify you and other persons about serious states. But not to forget you can also attract new users, because on IFTTT some users would see the ESET channel and would then look what ESET is and maybe try it out. Do you have more ideas? Of course. I posted this in the Business section, because I know that this would be primarily useful for business users, because they have to manage many clients, but of course it would also be really great if this could be added to the home users products, because already some users want to manage there ESET client online and this would be a quite simple step (compared to creating an complete online dashboard) for managing ESET from another device (incl. receiving notifications).
  18. BTW you can make screenshots (= photos of the computer screen) with the print key or with many free tools available online. A complete instruction how to take a screenshot you can find here: hxxp://www.wikihow.com/Take-a-Screenshot-in-Microsoft-Windows
  19. I tested it with ESS and it didn't detect anything during downloading, in an on-demand-scan and it also didn't detect any if I started the file. So maybe you should tell us what VSD you're using.
  20. Yes and then ESET should wait until the update has finished and then start the first time scan. That's a good idea!
  21. OK, but the pictures you uploaded are all in a huge size. E.g. the ESET logo you uploaded in the full size (link). So the browser have to scale it and so the website would load much faster when it wouldn't have to download the large pictures (and then displaying them in a smaller size).
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