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Everything posted by rugk

  1. BTW: There are many feedback points that are described with a few words, but some of them are a "larger" idea then some ideas with more text. I hope you'll find it...
  2. OK. You must find the right balance between many information and energy save (this is also a point in my feedback). And I agree maybe some things (like proximity and humidity) are just an theoretically idea, but keep in mind that you can make use of many sensors in a mobile phone. And I have to say that at least the sound record would be quite useful. It's the same as photos, except of that it's not visual, but it's audio. But I have to admit that this also consumes battery. I provided this feedback. It's up to you what you do with it... BTW: I'm rugk.
  3. By the way: Here is a nice video from WeLiveSecurity about Twitters two-factor authentication.
  4. Sorry but that don't answers my question. About the camcorder read this: This might be the problem (the camcorder is empty). ESET scans the device, but ESET is too fast. There is nothing to scan so you don't see anything. But you can also have a look at the log files to find out whether it scanned. I'd like to know whether ESET starts an on-demand scan when you connect a device (e.g. an usb flash drive) with data on it. And about the problem with the slowing down, follow @Marcos' instructions.
  5. Today it updated to 4884. But this is still below the VSD number that @mal2moh have (4895).
  6. The uninstaller is only working for Windows. So it can't be used for Cyber Security for Mac. Follow these instructions to uninstall ECS if it don't worked in the normal way: How do I manually uninstall ESET Cyber Security or ESET Cyber Security Pro? And about this I think this might be a problem with Amazon. But it would be good if you could provide more information about this. At first e.g. whether you bought the download version or the version delivered by post.
  7. In addition to Marcos, who wants to solve your "problem that brought you here" I want to look at this problem: Checkbox unticked, so no automatic action So you have the setting set to "do nothing" (and not scan) but it scans your device? This would be an error. Are you sure that it scans your connected drives automatically? Does ESS really shows the "loading animation" in tray after connecting a device? (You can also look at the log files. There all scans are logged.)
  8. All other you said is right, but PUA must be enabled during installation. So it isn't blocked by default. But you have to choose between disabling and enabling PUA during installation. (No value is preset by default)
  9. At first: great that you got it out how to upload pictures directly. So you had to test/use it many times . This might be the problem (the camcorder is empty). ESET scans the device, but ESET is too fast. There is nothing to scan so you don't see anything. But you can also have a look at the log files to find out whether it scanned. Although it's a bit off topic... Windows is saving what devices got what letters. So many times it will tray to use the same drive letter as before. That's the reason! And what about the other problems? How is your setting on "Action after connecting removable media" (my post before, point 2)?
  10. Oh. Now I know why you always write enhanced (or enhanged) and something like this - Wikipedia: Advanced SystemCare (for me "advanced" is round the corner) And this product illustrates in a good way how ESET never should (and will) be! If you want you can give them the feedback you try to gave ESET here. Maybe they are glad! But ESET won't be deleting cookies or adding something that's not in their focus! And maybe you want to check out my other tips posted above too. But don't annoy ESET with not constructive feedback. Thanks.
  11. By the way: If you want to discuss a few points of my feedback, feel free to do it. I don't said this should be a static (boring) topic.
  12. OK, device control is disabled. It auto-scans your device. This is something you have to configured before. You can configure it here: But in your previously posted screenshot this option seems to be disabled. So it shoudn't do anything after connecting a device. About the camcorder: No read-only state shoudn't limit ESS to scan it, but maybe the camcorder does not appear as a "normal" removable device at the "Computer" of Windows 7? And about BBCode: You can't use normal BBCode here but try this: Click on "More reply options" or "Use full editor" (if it is displayed) Below the text input there is a button "Choose Files..." and there you can upload your pictures.
  13. You linked the same picture as before. BTW: You can also upload the pictures directly in this forum. And I think @Marcos and I mean the item "Contrôle de périphérique" (in English "device control"). There the option should be disabled if you don't want to use it. And the second BTW: If you like to test ESET SmartSecurity Beta 8 then you of course can do this. More infos in this topic.
  14. It's good to hear that you have no problems. And of course I really recommend to uninstall one ESET version, so that you not have 2 versions running side by side. You can also uninstall at first one version of EMS and then install the other version. And I think there shouldn't be any problems. But If you encounter problem you can of course come back to this forum, describe them and we will try to help you.
  15. Yeah ok, but they don't have to say how their engine works. I also don't think that it's the intention of ESET to scan password protected archives with the password " ". Hey, who is "securing" a file with this password? Also the "people" would - if they want to encrypt some files - never use such a password. They are not stupid! @Marcos: Thanks for your answer, so the one "mystery" is resolved now. Now there remain the other mystery(s)...
  16. Please take it more seriously. I tried to make the post a bit funny, but however there is a a serious question behind it. BTW: If you don't want to answer public, because you can leak things about how the scanning engine works, then you can also send me a PM. I'm just interested about this strange thing! And I don't really think that you are trying to crack passwords during scanning, or do you?
  17. Yeah of course it's no problem. And why not talk about this? Quite all people know that simple passwords are simple too guess and the "bad guys" of course know this already. And I also tried it with other simple passwords like "a", "password" or "1234" and nothing of these worked. Only " " worked! So that's no explanation. It also don't explains the two "anomalies": Why the RAR archive with encrypting filenames is not detected? And why is it not detected by real-time protection?
  18. Oh what's going on with me today. Of course v7. It was a literal error. I asked whether they are both disabled by default...
  19. OK that's strange. But thank you for your testing. BTW I can also recommend this topic. There it's talked about a similar "problem": Eset, Are You Cracking Passwords?
  20. Hey, but these archives are password protected and I don't executed (or unzipped/unrared) them! I just scanned them in an one demand scan. Also the filename(s) are in a few archives encrypted and I also added another textfile to the archives to change the filesize. If you want to use my files you can download them. But only if you have the password, if it's encrypted!
  21. AMS is a part of HIPS. But, by the way: Are AMS and Exploit Blocker disabled for default in ESS v7? By me it was. (Or can I don't remember to disable it manually? But why should I do this...?) Anyway I enabled it now...
  22. Hello, I just made an experiment and I found out something funny. You can go on the steps to reproduce this. I downloaded the eicar test file. (it's an harmless file that should be detected as malware) Because ESET will delete it (and so it will directly after downloading) I deactivated real-time protection temporary. If you have it on your computer then you can go on. I wanted that ESS does not delete the file after I reactivated real-time protection, so I zipped this file with a password. (You can do this with a tool of your choice or you can download the already zipped file I attached). And because I don't wanted to remember a hard password I used only one space (" ") as the password. (this is important!) Now you can reactivate real-time protection. And now you can play with this ZIP file! Like we wanted the real-time protection don't recognize the maleware. Of course you must not unzip the eicar testfile, because then it of course will be detected. But now there comes the point! Now right click on the zip file and select "scan with ESS". It will be scanned and it will be detected! Although it's password protected! So it seems that ESET is cracking the password. Funny. But of course I take this seriously, so I did more test. I tested all both with ESS v7 and the beta of ESS 8 (there were no differences between the results) and every time I used the password " " (and only with this password it worked). ZIP archive without encrypting filenames1 --> Realtime: Not detected, Scan: detected (<-- this we have just done) RAR archive without encrypting filenames --> Realtime: Not detected, Scan: detected RAR52 archive without encrypting filenames --> Realtime: Not detected, Scan: detected RAR archive with encrypting filenames --> Realtime: Not detected, Scan: Not detected RAR52 archive with encrypting filenames --> Realtime: Not detected, Scan: detected So the only archive that ESET couldn't detect is the RAR archive with encrypted filenames. This all is a quite strange... Here is also a screenshot from the Scan result (under ESS v8): And for all who wants this I attached all the files I used. Hints: 1: Encrypting filenames is not possible in ZIP archives. 2: This is a new RAR format. For the compressing I used WinRAR 5. eicar_testfile.zip eicar_testfile_RAR5_filenamesEncrypted.rar eicar_testfile_filenamesEncrypted.rar eicar_testfile_RAR5.rar eicar_testfile.rar
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