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Everything posted by rugk

  1. By the way: UAC neither is old nor it's unnecessary. It's a good security feature of Windows (also in Windows 8).
  2. Maybe but I don't think other AV vendors have "ultimate anti-keylogger" or "ultimate anti-rootkit". Maybe it's just his fantasy. But i have to agree: It's not really feedback.
  3. @Octavaian If you want to make your online banking like you describe faster then use a password manager. I don't know if there are also password manager that also fills in credit cards. But this thing (no matter if it's in ESET or in other products) can also be a security risk. Your credit card data can be stolen if it's not saved encrypted. And if you want a wise encryption you also have to enter a password. And then you should make sure that you use a strong password. And don't forget: You must have a huge trust in this program and you would have to hope that there aren't any security holes in it! And your "Safe Pay" or "Safe Banking" is really unnecessary. For the reasons see the posts before. @kakashi If I look on what you post... Please stop saying things like "make ultimate XY" or "add enhanced XY"! Have a look at the blue text that @Aryeh Goretsky wrote in his first post in this topic:
  4. What should be more secure in this "banking mode"? If you want more security use another browser without plug-ins and add-on. And use the windows virtual keyboard. This can be more secure, but such a banking mode would be useless. And by the way: How should it get quicker in this mode?
  5. @Pentode: But you don't marked your topic solved...
  6. Here is where you can enter your license data: (there are several ways) Or follow this knowledgebase article: How do I enter my Username and Password to activate ESET Smart Security/ESET NOD32 Antivirus? See also: How do I renew my license?
  7. 3. Is also already implemented: "eset siren" as an SMS command.
  8. I don't know if it's desired or allowed, but I want to indicate you about a special offer for North American costumers during this summer. "Back to school promo" In a very limited time you can get up to 50% discount on many ESET products! Here are the links: For Windows users: hxxp://www.eset.com/us/back-to-school For Mac users: hxxp://www.eset.com/us/back-to-school/cyber-security/
  9. A Problem... Maybe that users could get confused or think that one is a fake... And you have to spend money on both domains. But generally I don't mind if it still remains the same.
  10. Yeah. You're right. Not "phising protection" but "spam protection". I corrected this.
  11. If you want to create a rescue CD with ESET SysRescue Live then you have to download an EXE file. This is the "creator" for the ESET SysRescue disk. It is simple to use and you just have to go step by step in it. More in my post above. If you want to created ESET SysRescue (without "Live" in the name) then you should follow this instructions. At "creating a (...) disk", point 1 you have to download the MSI file. MSI files are install packages from Windows Installer. You have to download this MSI file because it's later used for the creation of the Rescue Disk and you should not install it if you already have an ESET product installed. If you would have a 32bit system you don't have to download the MSI file, because a 32bit installation (file) is needed and in a 32bit system it's of course present. And this is all. Now you can go on with the creation of your rescue disk. Just follow the kb article.
  12. Are you sure you were logged in? If you are logged in you should normally post a post every 20 seconds or so. And you don't give him a kudo. Arakasis post actually has 0 kudos. By the way: This was a quite old post, so next time please open a new topic.
  13. There's a "known problem" with ESET and Thunderbird. Thunderbird v 6.0 and later isn't compatible with ESET. About this problem see this kb article: Which email clients are compatible with Windows ESET products? And this is really no problem for maleware scanning (like Arakasi explained), but you can't use the spam protection from ESET in Thunderbird.
  14. OK, thanks for your answer. So it looks like there should be more international cooperation between the ESET distributors. And question number 3. Do we have to leave this question hanging in the air? Or can somebody answer to this mystery?
  15. This topic was quite old but I also tried to reproduce this problem with the new version of EMS. (also on a not-rooted device) At first it really looks like ESET was killed. (the 'e' disappeared from the notification area) But I had the intention that only the GUI was killed, so to test the Anti-Theft functionality: I made a suspicious activity and then it successfully blocked my device. But then 2 strange things appeared: EMS reported nothing to myESET and so on myESET the device looked like normal. (WLAN and data usage was on and it also was in a WLAN) I was unable to use the button "emergency". It just not worked! I can press it thousand times and it just displayed nothing!
  16. Official statement is coming soon...
  17. Sorry that I have to push this topic a bit, but my questions are still not answered! I really don't like being ignored. ESET?!
  18. Chrome has such an API and Firefox not??! I can't believe it! But if this is true, then you also have another way: add-ons! You can create an add-on (that you have to install if you want to use Phising protection in Firefox) that provides the connection between Firefox and EMS.
  19. The thing that ESET sends the license data unencrypted was already discussed here and here. Yes ESET sends license data unencrypted. Yes I also find that this is a security problem. Yes ESET don't found that this is such a serious problem. But in a long discussion they said they wanted to fix this is the next version of the ESET software, where the license data is send over an HTTPS connection. (and you can disable this for troubleshooting) I think ESET updates are signed. At least the signature database updates - so this shouldn't be a problem. The others I don't know. I'm not able to say something about the other things, but maybe someone of the ESET moderators or ESET stuff could say something about this.
  20. I have had customers change their passwords and the spamming continues. Then they should scan their computer and other devices where they login to their e-mail-account. Maybe there's a keylogger on their system. And after this they should change their password again. Also a good way to secure their e-mail account is to use two factor authentication (if it's available in their e-mail-account).
  21. You not have to install the MSI file. Just download it and then select it in ESET SysRescue (from your already installed 64bit version of ESET).
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