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Everything posted by rugk

  1. And I have still no reply from your product manager or the developers. Also I added some points (inclusive some questions), so I'd like to hear answers for this questions too.
  2. And if this is the reason I would suggest you to run the scan as an administrator, because normally he has more rights and can access more files.
  3. OK the fact that it worked 6 months is quite strange, there you are right. And for my guess (it was only a guess!) I based myself on Marcos and Aryehs words. For more information about the embargo: This is the full PDF And no I have not your username and password, but hopefully an ESET moderator now. (because you PMed it to him)
  4. Thanks and just FYI: If you like the idea you can also give me a kudo.
  5. Very thanks, @Glock (you got a kudo ) and yes it was a very interesting conversation . And it's also good that this problem is now solved. But still the limitation for one post per day is quite strange and very badly for new users. I would suggest that a moderator should look into this. But for you it can be that you can post more now, because you are not so new anymore. And of course you can PM me again if you have any problems with the forum and you can't post it public. Regards, @rugk
  6. Additionally to Marcos, I'd like to say that you still didn't answered the question where you purchased your license! And if you bought it in Iran and Marcos says there are no resellers and distributors it can be that you bought a fake license. And like Marcos explained you got no support, because there are no resellers or distributors in your country, so don't simply assign this for all other countries.
  7. Yes you're right! So it seems that it is a bug that it isn't saved during the shutdown.
  8. On the one ESS (the BETA) LiveGrid is fully enabled, yes, on the other (the German) only the submissions of static data submission is enabled. OK this makes sense, but wouldn't a name like "Submit the sample" or similar more useful?
  9. And why is this by design? Has this any useful use? I mean wouldn't it be more useful to display the notification regardless in which stet the main GUI is, so that the notification only is invisible anymore if you close it or it will "fade out" itself?
  10. OK samples @ eset.com is an alternative. And how it is sent to ESET I don't know, but your assumption can be right.
  11. Currently I'm often unable to submit a sample for analysis to ESET with ESS. I tested it with ESS 7 and ESS BETA 8 and both failed. Here is how I tried it: I also tried it with some exe files (up to 3 MB large, but also smaller files and a harmless batch file), but it also don't worked. But the strange thing is that I got different "results": Often it doesn't showed anything. I know that it normally shows "File XY was send to ESET", but it doesn't showed it. And I also looked at the logs in the part "Events" and there also stands nothing that the file was send. Sometimes I got this error: But I also got this message (in the German ESS): (In English: 1 file could not sent to analysis.) BTW I also noticed that in the title of the Window always stands ESET LiveGrid. I think this is an error, because it has not directly to do something with ESET LiveGrid.
  12. In my suggestion you could customize the tray menu like you want and so also "update VSD database" could be added there by yourself. See more at tray menu options poll
  13. Anyway to make it accessible from the tray menu would be a great option.
  14. And also if it is an expected behaviour you should take it as a suggestion!
  15. I noticed a funny glitch in ESS v7 and BETA 8. And I assume that it also happens in NOD32. So here is a small way how you can reproduce this: Open the ESS main window. Now you have to produce a popup. A simple way to do this is to do as I describe in this points: Click on "Scan computer" and "custom scan". Make a scan that will run quickly. I would e.g. suggest to scan the operation memory, because usually this is quite fast. Now click scan and you will see a scan result some seconds later. You will also see this in a popup (usually at the bottom right) Now before the popup disappears minimize or close the main GUI (not the popup). You will see that the popup also disappears and this is the error. You can reopen the main window now and you'll see the popup again now. So there is the error. And yes I know it's really small, but it is an error...
  16. Ehm cluttered? What would be cluttered? And no not all location, maybe just the location at the left and all big buttons there (incl. Tools), additionally I would add "Activate product"," About" and "Help". So they don't have such many to choose from. I also talked of the automatic mode where the frequently used list will automatically created. The basic setting for this could be like you explained, but anyway I prefer a fully customizable menu. But it could be an addition to the automatic mode (and this two "modes" together I called hybrid in my first post here). BTW in my picture are 8 entries and this looks quite good, but 10 might be the maximum IMHO.
  17. Home(page) and Statistics. This is the same for every user. Just look at the first possible answers for the first or second question in this poll. There they are! So in really it is a "faked" frequently used. And for me I can say that I don't use "statistics" frequently.
  18. Ahh ok what he wants to say. He just wants that ESET remembers the previous Window size if he adjust a Window. E.g. the main GUI window: He opens it and resizes the window until he likes the new size. Then he reboots his computer and if he again opens the window it is the default view. And here he wants that this window "remembers" it's size and gets the size back it has before. And this he would also like with any other windows (e.g. the network connections). As an example you can open notepad.exe, resize it, close it and restart it. It will remember its size and it will have the same size as before. I think it is simple to implement and it can improve the usability of the program a bit and so I see nothing that would speak against it.
  19. Yes, but actually "frequently used" is only static. So it doesn't care what the user really frequently uses. And in my idea this would care and it would be configurable, so nobody can blame ESET anymore and say "But this option isn't in the tray menu! Please add it.", because he can just adjust it by himself. And because ESET is already very configurable (which I like) this would be a good "extension" of the configurability.
  20. And you also don't have to do a complete redesign of the GUI. Things that could be useful can also added to a GUI that looks quite similar to the "old" GUI. I e.g. mean that the Tray menu could be changed a bit: see my suggestion at the tray menu options poll.
  21. Very thanks. I hope it will be implemented in this or a similar way. If so all users could add the thing(s) they need often or (with the automatically created "Often used" list) the program could also do this by itself.
  22. E.g when the Gamer Mode is activated.
  23. Where do you bought your license? From ESET directly through there online shop or where else? I would also suggest you to PM your license username and password to a moderator, so ESET can check if the license is valid.
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