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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. Password protect the settings then the users won't be able to change them , and you can make the settings however you prefer through the policy , is that what you wanted?
  2. uMatrix is useful when there are too much scripts that will load , it will deny all of them , even good ones , and let you choose what to run and what not to run , but sometimes websites get broken because of it , I disable it sometimes if the website is having troubles to run it uBlock has never given me any troubles , it runs very fine.
  3. You are just angry at something that you can't change , all companies do the same , they release an update and then they give the change notes after a while , or go meet Microsoft , they won't tell you what changed. or say hello to Steam I don't represent ESET , and I don't work for them , but a delay of a bit or few hours after being posted in their download page and after that to their forum , it doesn't mean anything bad , they have posted it they didn't hide them , It's just a matter of a little bit of time delaying the upgrade so you can read the notes and after than initiate your upgrade or delay it for next version.
  4. Just wait till you see official notes before you upgrade , or refuse the upgrade if you don't know the changes.
  5. Uninstall your AV before the format, so you don't get stuck with the servers thinking that you still use your previous one.
  6. ESET doesn't provide any kind of VPN solutions , but still I cannot understand your question But for a VPN , I believe ProtonVPN is a good one.
  7. Use WPA2-PSK (AES) , or if available WPA3 but WPA3 will have some compatibility issues with some devices, After using WPA2/WPA3 , put a good password and then most probably that message will go.
  8. I believe it is still the same Interactive Mode that worked for you back then , but maybe now it's more detailed.
  9. It's a Keygen it's normal to be detected , but as Marcos have said , it has nothing malicious to do , only illegal.
  10. For my use I kept the block because this program is useless , all it does is telling you if you can run a game , and probably will guess it wrong/incorrect I don't know why AMD is using them , and still I don't know why they haven't fixed that when they know they are getting blocked by AV providers and yet still being used by AMD.
  11. There should be a public ID for your license , if not then drop your license key to Marcos , he will be able to check it and help you with your license. By drop I mean Private Message him , Don't post it here.
  12. This program can help you see things that run at Startup , by clicking the Logon tab you can see all things that run at Startup/Logon https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns
  13. Try to add it as like this : https://example.com http://example.com *.example.com
  14. That's a coincidence , I am glad that you sorted it out. It shouldn't be something that is so heavy to remove , exclude it from Startup as beginning and then see it's EXE path and see if there is an uninstall exe over there.
  15. I believe he means after 2 , 3 months , and I don't think ESET do sell monthly licenses , either than Android subscription which is monthly and possibly can be yearly I think If a license sold as monthly then it could be grey market , that what remains of the activated time.
  16. It's probably Installer made by Micro Center , this guy explains about ESETMC also : https://community.microcenter.com/discussion/3704/new-b744-esetmc-exe-rapid-store-technology Try to find it in Add or Remove programs , it should be some program like those programs that PC manufacturers add , if not then you can exclude it to start from Startup. Uninstall tool won't find it because it doesn't look for it , because this installer doesn't belong to ESET , it's made by Micro Center.
  17. Deleting files from Quarantine / Deleting Quarantine file/folder will have no effect on your Operating System
  18. Click the Update Service that is run Automatic , and see what is the Service EXE Path and then block it with ESET as it was done for Google Chrome , same thing different EXE PATH
  19. I got some INVALID_URL while trying to include an image in the post. I used to remove the image from the post and keep it as attachment so I could workaround it and post the image. It started to happen since I noticed "Request KB Update" on all posts , maybe since that change.
  20. Yeah that's bad , I would appreciate it if there is news about App-Armor compatibility Manually or with a script you could just close the program and disable it.
  21. Hello, By using System Monitor or kill command , it's possible to kill the process without sudo permissions and ESET doesn't try to protect itself I know it might be because of v4 and legacy product but I believe this is important a bit. I believe it's not built at all in this version , but still it's bad..
  22. Usually these software aren't recommended by Microsoft , as they tend to touch the registry and sometimes they could break off things Automatic Maintenance in Windows does probably just the same , as still you have the Disk Cleanup which changed to another name by Microsoft recently. Then CCleaner when moved to Avast if I am not mistaken , they were hacked , yea it happens to all , but still I just dropped the application at all.
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