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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. I don't know if for Mac product same as Windows But in options , go to User Interface , and then unselect Show License Messages and Notifications
  2. Do you mean to create an Administrator user with limited powers?
  3. WPA is no longer a secure option as it can be cracked / bypassed , it's recommended to use WPA2 and WPA3 with AES encryption mode
  4. It's warning you that you have connected into a HOTSPOT/ACCESS POINT that has no password If you set up a password , that message will disappear as it's more secure to have a password on the AP as it would prevent unwanted people from connecting and try to do bad things.
  5. When you restart your PC , right before it goes to load Windows , you should be able to get into BIOS settings by clicking the HOTKEY , each motherboard manufacturer has a different hotkey for the options , I found those might help : Acer: F2 or DEL ASUS: F2 for all PCs, F2 or DEL for motherboards Dell: F2 or F12 HP: ESC or F10 Lenovo: F2 or Fn + F2 Lenovo (Desktops): F1 Lenovo (ThinkPads): Enter + F1. MSI: DEL for motherboards and PCs Microsoft Surface Tablets: Press and hold volume up button. Origin PC: F2 Samsung: F2 Sony: F1, F2, or F3 Toshiba: F2
  6. You can just ignore it , exclude it from ESET detection if you don't want to keep it from coming up Once disabled in BIOS it should be more safe that CompuTrace will not be able to run as it's disabled from the BIOS. If I am not mistaken , there should be an option to switch it off or completely disable it. Disable it for your case.
  7. From BIOS settings there should be an option to turn off CompuTrace but there is a possibiltiy that ESET will keep detecting it no matter if you disable it or not , because it's still remains in the BIOS If the PC manufacturers have a BIOS update that doesn't include CompuTrace , then you can get rid of it , but if not then there is nothing to do other than replace the PC or disable it from BIOS settings.
  8. If you search for your PC model , there might be a BIOS/UEFI update that doesn't have the CompuTrace , Dell did that before , but it may not even hide the detection from ESET , because ESET is doing it's job and alerting you of something that can trace you and can be used maliciously You can disable it in the BIOS or you can see if there is an update from your PC manufacturers that doesn't include the CompuTrace part.
  9. Try first to get ESET to make a deep scan to all computer and then after see what kind of detections it can get And if you can post the log of the detection it would be more helpful. https://support.eset.com/en/kb2909-advanced-scanning-options-in-eset-windows-home-products See here for more details on how to make an in-depth scan for your PC If MalwareBytes is running in real-time you should disable it , as it would make conflicts between the 2 installed Antivirus that you have which is ESET and Malwarebytes will start conflicting on files if both of them run in real-time. You should have Malwarebytes as scanner only , and not real-time.
  10. PDF is only accessible to ESET Staff but I doubt they will download it.
  11. The great suspender has been suspended and booted from Google Store , as the old maintainer of the extention has sold it to unknown party and since that there have been changes and injections of tracking codes , while they have said that the most recent version of the extention doesn't have the tracking codes , Google has decided to boot it from Chrome Store while it had over than 2M users https://www.xda-developers.com/google-chrome-the-great-suspender-malware/
  12. It is better to set your router to block/reject all incoming and only allow outgoing, also with ping being blocked. So you can protect other devices that can connect to internet and doesn't have a security software , like your TV.
  13. Try to change the settings to remove history when Chrome is opened through ESET Protection Mode and test it after , it works or not?
  14. That applies to US software in another countries, is Microsoft spying on everyone and reporting to NSA and FBI in the end? or any other american cyber security companies? If governments are worried about the products they are using or their people are using , then they should filter them , or atleast know what is inside. and when you rely on Russian AV more than you rely on your products , then it's your fault. But I still say again in my opinion the US Gov was dramatic with their acts and bans , same as Huauei and same as Tiktok and same as Kaspersky , what if other countries ban their products , Twitter , FB , etc... , Apple , I don't see the democracy and freedom here. Aren't they the same as Chinese/Russian products? And again Kaspersky has done it's job perfectly , took the crack and other exploit/ransomware variants and uploaded it to their servers which what every AV is designed to do. It's like having Cats and Rats in the same room , and then kicking your cats because they did catch the rats .. well that's what cats are.. and then go complain to the pet store you bought the cats from about the cats that they killed your rats. I believe the NSA employees should know better when to develop viruses , exploits , ransoms , they don't need to have AVs running at the same time because they could take a look at the files they make.. as this is what they are made for. After all it's all politics and economy , China doesn't need their Huauei product to hack other people, same as Russia. , but it would be bad politicaly and economical when your gov offices are using an Russian AV instead of American , and most of your people in the country are buying Chinese phones instead of American ones (I know all are made in China, but here the difference to who you pay and to who you will send your data) and I believe Americans were buying the Huauei because of the Price , instead of buying an Apple that will cost you 5x Huauei Phones. No one can deny that Kaspersky have one of the best AV engines in the market, and it won't be a surprise if they work with the government to cyber protect their services or whatever the usage is, after all they were made and based in Russia but after the incident they have moved to Switzerland. Let's pretend Whatsapp and Facebook are Chinese , And all the data gathering , even with their policies changes , gathers everything about you and your life and send these data to the "interested" side , isn't this very bad? should US gov ban them ? Or because it's American products , it's fine to gather all data about people , it's us people don't worry Doesn't Google gather everything about you? Argh I forgot Google isn't Russian/Chinese.
  15. I have tested again v7 on 20.04 it works fine and good.
  16. Can you get into your router and check which devices has DHCP lease? That way you can have all info about connected devices to your home network
  17. If I still remember correctly it was about some employee who used an Office crack along with another hacking tools that they have made , Kaspersky picked all of them up and uploaded to the Cloud which what it is designed to do. It is almost like children play , it is very funny , that you are sad because your Antivirus has done it's job well done They develop backdoors , exploits , and then goes mad that their AV software detected their exploits and backdoors. And what is more weird that they are trusting another country's product and then crying about it that it belongs to another country , instead of using their own or one of US cybersecurity products. An Agency that is supposed to protect the people , is spying on them , exploiting their computers , attacking another countries and once catched by their own protection services , they go crying mode and ban products. What happened with Kaspersky can happen with any AV product that has Automatic Upload to cloud for check , like ESET , Windows Defender, Whatever is it , still the impact of the leak of the ransomware from the US Government is still to this day, no one is able to stop or slow the ransomware spread. Will they ban Microsoft from their places and blame it for working with FBI if it was Windows Defender which detected those files? And yet people are blaming the wrong side , instead of blaming the one who made the EternalBlue and made it worse for all people , they are blaming the one who picked it up and sent it for check, because it's malicious. For my opinion , Kaspersky has done it's job perfectly. I think they should know better when making malware and exploits and backdoors , you don't want your antivirus to be near them.
  18. There was no evidence by the US Government that Kaspersky did spy on them What actually happened that one of the employees used an Office crack , Kaspersky uploaded the whole folder which contained other things as far as I read if sources are correct.
  19. For my usage , I enable Unwanted Application detection and also the Unsafe Applications detections and then I could choose which to exclude from the detections as they help for extra protection To enable LiveGrid : https://support.eset.com/en/kb7109-enable-or-disable-eset-livegrid-in-windows-eset-home-products
  20. And yet you missed the most important point of my post that I don't work for ESET and I am just a User Even so you are still talking about a product that you didn't use or buy and isn't being offered in your country. So if you have bought this product and you feel that you have been mislead by the design of the box , you can request a refund and get your money back , I bet ESET won't deny you that , and if you still feeling mislead , hire your favorite lawyer in town and sue ESET in the area that sells that product.
  21. You are getting an alert from the ESET Security Management Center about your Windows 7 endpoint that it isn't functioning properly but when you check it , you see that it's working normally? Is ESET working normally on the Windows 7 machine?
  22. That's weird , I prefer to wait for an ESET Staff to reply here for your problem, as he/she would understand more than me in this case.
  23. Sorry I never used OSX product but it could have the same setting as Windows version : https://support.eset.com/en/kb3192-disable-windows-update-notifications-in-eset-windows-home-products Where you need to disable them in your OSX endpoints and then I believe ESMC won't bother to tell you.
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