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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. Is Gaming Mode running while you are in-game ? , so if it's running ESET shouldn't be doing anything while the game is running. If it's running then there should be something with the game and ESET.
  2. I have no trouble with Firefox over here with uBlock / HTTPS Everywhere / NoScript. - with the latest version of ESET Internet Security.
  3. As Google updated their browser , they are denying access of AVs to scan Chrome in the same time it's a way of preventing unauthorized injection/scanning of the browser , till ESET/Google fixes that , stick with another browser unless you want to keep experiencing crashes.
  4. Or you could just connect to the PC through Remote Desktop/TeamViewer and then you could change ESET settings or control it.
  5. Why you all are making a big deal of this message when you already know the cause of it and source of it It will be patched somehow someday and it won't appear , or someone will make a workaround for it or just switch browsers for god's sake, or remove ESET (If you want to let Google to tell you what to do with your AV) Atleast for Windows you can't leave it without Anti-Virus , but whatever if I turn on the Windows Defender instead of ESET will it keep telling me the same thing so what I should do also disable the Windows Defender to make Google Chrome happy? , no I prefer to switch to another browser that won't make remove my AV just for it to be happy. It makes no sense to remove an Anti-Virus because it does some injection or some kind of scanning into the browser , well that's what AV is built for.
  6. It can be if ESET wanted , they can make a repo for them so the software updates using the repo.
  7. I have never heard before that an Anti-Virus is causing screen flickering unless the AV is blocking some of the drivers or removing or altering anything related to the drivers of the GPU but it's also something that AVs won't do, I've been using ESET for few years I have never experienced something like this Are you sure that ESET is the software that is causing screen flickering? , not the drivers or the monitor or the GPU? Try to check ESET logs , or Windows Event Viewer to see if there is something related to your screen flickering.
  8. Ok I will try to send a feedback requesting support for Apparmor. Thank you Marcos.
  9. I see , but not being able to connect to the socket is causing me what trouble? , I can't notice anything wrong with the software itself , it's updating and running fine and also can be able to detect and scan as it should be, I don't think I can disable Apparmor and leave it disabled. Any suggestions?
  10. So you mean I need to contact ESET support desk ? , I have no other security software installed It's just the ESET and Apparmor is active indeed. Thank you.
  11. Hello , I am reading in the logs of the software and I find it that it's trying to connect but it's being denied , can someone explain to me more about it? 18/09/18 09:04:28 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 19:05:22 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 17:14:17 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:37:38 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:37:07 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:03:39 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:03:10 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:03:10 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:03:08 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 10:03:08 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied 17/09/18 09:58:39 Preload library access control Cannot connect to /tmp/esets.sock: Permission denied I am also getting this sometimes 17/09/18 09:58:11 Media control access Cannot unblock removable media (org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount) Thanks in advance.
  12. Okay once I need to do this I will submit a private message to you Thank you.
  13. You mean like a repo where you should just type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and then if there was an ESET update it would go along the updates you will download? A question : When you get the license now these days you get it as a cd-key , but you can't apply a cd-key to version 4 , what is possible to be done to be able to convert it? Thanks
  14. You could always go to Quarantine and then right click any file over there and have it being restored , but that will just make the anti-virus pick it up again , so you add it to exclusions and then restore it from the Quarantine.
  15. Thanks to you Marcos , I was worried because I use ESET to scan files before I send them to any other machine which is Windows machines so I don't want to infect any other machines by my Linux machine I have always used ESET and I trust ESET and recommend it to everyone who needs an Anti-Virus , but I thought that it's not in development anymore (the linux version) , but thanks for the update and keep up the good work.
  16. Hello , First of all I've been using ESET since ages , so I remember the age when I used to use v4 So I have a worry , that version 4 might be a little bit outdated? , maybe to switch to the endpoint product for Linux? Or it's fine ? , maybe malware ,viruses can now bypass v4 outdated technology Am I wrong somewhere? if so please correct me . Thanks in advance.
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