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Everything posted by Nightowl

  1. If I am not mistaken ESET should take rules from Windows Firewall , These programs should have added their rules to Windows Firewall and then shall be taken by ESET Also Automatic Mode should allow them automatically , I wonder what happened. Is this enabled ?
  2. Indeed you will have to make it executable with a chmod +x command and then after ./eset_nod32av_64bit_en.linux
  3. Yes they will be added , you have the remaining time of the current license and the added renewed time over it but make sure to renew the same username
  4. If you don't want the interactive mode because of so many popups it will bring , as peteyt said you can use the firewall troubleshoot wizard it can show you which ports are blocked in the recent time , that can help you open the ports while it's set in Automatic Mode
  5. Still a relevant new update from Microsoft which will have some issues here and there , if your version is still supported and getting updates normally , I would prefer to wait a little bit before going to a new version because each new version introduces sometimes new problems , and when you delay the upgrade , you give time for other people to test and microsoft to fix. But if you are asking about ESET compatibility , I believe there is no problem and it works normally.
  6. For example this for Bitcoin : Malicious software programmers will program miners and spread it to many devices over the internet so they can mine cryptocurrency for themselves on your device , saving themselves the costs of hardware and electricity , now it doesn't look any helpful because still it's 1 device and possibly be weak and not strong But they aim to infect much larger numbers so they can benefit from it. So by making a miner , instead of mining on your own 1 PC or buying several devices/GPUs for mining , they go ahead and infect thousands of devices so they can mine fast and without costs. If it has kicked in and worked like it should , it should utilize most of your CPU/GPU or both and probably your PC will be tired after a good amount of time this has been running.
  7. It's not yet supported that's why you cannot use it
  8. Try to raise the settings to be more aggressive Set your HIPS to Smart Mode , Watch your network monitor for suspicious communications (from ESET) , try to set the real time detections to aggressive also , and are you scanning the computer with deep scan settings? You can change the firewall to interactive mode which will ask you for every connection attempt which can help you pinpoint sometimes if it's connecting to somewhere weird, but also might confuse you with many requests See maybe also taskmanager if it can show you some weird process that is utilizing much CPU/GPU usage. Also try to enable detection of unsafe/unwanted applications if not enabled and set their settings to be aggressive. Try some secondary scanner and see if it catches anything, Hitman Pro might be useful as it uses multiple engines for detection and doesn't have to be installed , or you can make a scan with Windows Defender , but try Hitman first
  9. In this file there should be a code that links to a JS file somewhere. I might be mistaken it might not be redirection to JS link because the detection doesn't have a JS/ , it's HTML , but somewhere inside your code there is a redirection code to a malicious place.
  10. Yes you should find the malicious files in Quarantine.
  11. It's related to AppArmor denying ESET to access some places.
  12. You can upload them to places like OneDrive or Google Drive or any other file hosting websites.
  13. I don't understand your question , but once your license is due to expire , you will receive an email to remind you most likely from the place that you bought the license from Also ESET Gui will send you multiple notifications about it.
  14. Could be easier if you switch that Admin user to normal windows user , then it would need your admin password for any installation , that way only the portable anydesk will be able to run.
  15. It's better to isolate the computers that have the Worm so it can stop spreading , after that you need an up-to-date antivirus that will run a deep scan for these computers so it can take the worm out Maybe in your case where you cannot update for some reason and cannot select directly from ESET Update servers , try to see what you can do with ESET Online Scanner : https://www.eset.com/us/home/online-scanner/?intcmp=intrw
  16. Should probably come but will take more time as far as I believe because server product is more sensitive than the others.
  17. What happens when you try to update your ESET? Is it set to take updates from different mirror/server? if it's set as this , try to remove that and let it update normally from ESET Servers After the update try to run a deep full scan to your computer Worms will try to spread through the network , having a firewall would help you also and it could be coming from another devices in your network.
  18. I wonder why people open RDP to all , when sometimes it's companies that do that.. and even though you are opening it to all and still using a password like Running unpatched systems that are open to all with weak passwords, that is really bad. And if it had to be open to all , some products need to be used for protection , like an IPS or some NGFW and a looooong and complicated password is also needed , I wonder what kind of logic is this Firewalls are crying in the corner..
  19. If you have ESET Feedback set as off then ESET shouldn't send requests for feedback from their servers ESET can read the javascript and block it from loading , I believe ESET is scanning through the browsers I don't think they will send your browsing history to the HQ office , but there is a blacklist which has to be checked whether the website you are visiting is on the list or not , to be blocked or allowed.
  20. Depending on what got updated , sometimes ESET asks for a restart but still have protection for system When ESET requests a restart , try to download an EICAR test file , it should catch it.
  21. I've tried to switch to one of these desktop environments but it makes me crazy , I reverted back to MATE and I'm getting more used for the commands , I'm using -h to get more commands because I can't find them in the documentation , sadly I cannot get this PC with Agent , so I will have to do it from terminal, but also looks nice
  22. I understand , MATE is not supported and probably those commands are made for GNOME/other supported interfaces.
  23. Hello, I have updated from v7 to v8 , but I am unable to start the GUI not from the menu and not from terminal this is what I get from terminal. error sending Activate message to application: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process eset.eea exited with status 1 UPDATE: It's related to the gui of the system , with MATE it doesn't work , with GNOME it works fine , I tried to download missing files it could fix but it didn't , I've downloaded GNOME to the system , also it didn't work from MATE , switching to GNOME will show the GUI Any way to fix it for MATE?
  24. It seems that Windscribe are making changes in the folder that is in Target: , ESET doesn't like it when something touch the hosts folder/file But as Macros said looks like a legitmate action by Windscribe But make sure it's obtained from official website.
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