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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Without verifying particular tests on our side it's impossible to comment on it. For business users we provide quick response to new threats via ESET Dynamic Threat Defense which means instant analysis of suspicious files in ESET's cloud EDTD sandbox and evaluating samples utilizing other mechanisms, such as Augur, the machine learning system. As you correctly stated, there's nothing like 100% protection. Also for that reason we provide ESET Enterprise Inspector to monitor suspicious operations in networks and to identify possible weak points that might lead to compromise or infection in the future. Please contact me via a personal message and provide details about the issues you've found so that we can check it out ourselves and comment on it.
  2. It is not clear what you mean by this statement. Do you really run a full disk scan each time the system starts? By default, ESET scans memory as well as autostart locations at system startup and after each update so no additional on-demand scans are actually needed. The time it takes to scan a disk depends on the amount of files and the type of files that are stored on the disk. E.g. the more archives you have, the longer it takes since the scanner needs to unpack each archive first. Also since v9 was introduced, we've started to scan many other archive types which also contributes to longer scan times if archives previously not unpacked are now unpacked and fully scanned. What can cause resource hog is when there are issues with Windows Security Center and the system doesn't disable Windows Defender after ESET registers to WSC. I've found out that Microsoft has fixed some issues with 3rd party AVs in 17763.104 (Insider Preview) so it'd be good to know if that (or newer) version of Windows 10 makes a difference. Another possibility is that the WMI repository is corrupted. To start off, please provide me with logs gathered by ESET Log Collector. If there's an issue with the WMI repository, try to repair it as per https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/8ed26d46-9994-4052-a307-5b071805aea8/wmi-corrupt-how-to-reinstallrepair. If that doesn't help, logs from the WMI Diagnosis Utility (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=7684) may be needed and the case will need to be tracked properly by creating a regular support ticket.
  3. If it's a pre-installed application which is detected and cannot be removed, you should be able to disable it at least.
  4. Try the following: - temporarily disable HIPS and reboot the machine - temporarily disable real-time protection and reboot the machine
  5. As soon as possible means the next time ekrn.exe starts, ie. typically when you turn on or restart the computer.
  6. If the javascript scanner works, then the update didn't affect ESET.
  7. Please post a screen shot of how the two dynamic groups appear in the groups tree.
  8. You can add your license key in the license manager at my.eset.com and deactivate the device that it not yours. Of course, a license key won't enable anybody else to gain access to your files. The person would only be able to activate his or her instance of your ESET product.
  9. After installing Parental Control I would check if it works alright, e.g. by temporarily blocking some websites or applications. Also please let us know the brand and model of the phone as well as the version of ESET Parental Control. Some phones come with aggressive battery savers which may disable security applications.
  10. In order to avoid duplicate topics on a subject, we'll draw this one to a close. The above topic has been renamed and is now available at https://forum.eset.com/topic/17959-spigotb-an-invasive-file/.
  11. I don Unfortunately, I can't find logs gathered with ELC posted here.
  12. No problems here, 130 MB downloaded in about 10 seconds. Maybe there's an issue between your ISP and ESET's servers.
  13. Please carry on as follows: - in the main gui -> Help and support -> Details for customer care, enable advanced logging - run update - disable advanced logging - gather logs with ESET Log Collector and upload the generated archive here.
  14. Please refrain from bumping topics, especially if less than 24 hours have elapsed since you've posted. I'm not sure if a developer of EMSX will be around before the new year to answer your question. Since this forum is not an official support channel but rather a place where users share their knowledge with other advanced users, moderators and ESET staff, we kindly ask you to create a support ticket with your local customer care as well.
  15. Modules are not downloaded from a repository but from update servers. Alternatively it's possible to create a local mirror using the mirror tool or an ESET security product. ESMC does not serve module nor program updates for clients.
  16. Please provide a Wireshark pcap log from time when you attempt to activate the license.
  17. Without checking the license on files it's impossible to tell what happened. Recently we've cancelled a handful of licenses that were being extremely overused so if you didn't purchase it from an official seller it could be that somebody sold you a pirated or leaked license.
  18. If you select Clean is the PUA detected again? If so, please copy and paste the appropriate record from the Detected threats log.
  19. ESET has a web access protection module which scans files that you download and blocks malicious urls.
  20. Please check Peter's post at https://forum.eset.com/topic/17720-ees-67500-crashes-macs/?tab=comments#comment-88635 There's already an RC version available so feel free to contact him for a download link.
  21. We have an internal beta version addressing all known issues ready for testing. If you are willing to try it out, please let me know.
  22. What do you mean by disabling ESET? Pausing protection should have no effect on this. Did you disable integration with Outlook?
  23. Actually there is a specific setting for update notifications which do not pop up by default:
  24. Marcos

    Design change

    This question is off topic since this is "Encryption" forum. Anyways, I for one don't think this is a good idea since both are resource demanding products and having both running within a single VA would not do any good.
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