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Future changes to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security, ESET Smart Security Premium and ESET Ultimate Security

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the must have future in eset smart security is offline virus database  update,because if the user doesn't have internet connection he can still protected by updating the antivirus by offline update.because you can not get everywhere internet.

many antivirus provide this facility and eset also should provide it.

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the must have future in eset smart security is offline virus database  update,because if the user doesn't have internet connection he can still protected by updating the antivirus by offline update.because you can not get everywhere internet.

many antivirus provide this facility and eset also should provide it.


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Ehm... and if you have no internet connection how do you get the "offline updates"...?


You sent it from a mobile phone with Bluetooth... :D

Oops... wasn't there something like Bluetooth-Tethering? :P

Okay you send it though your WLAN... well... no... that's even more useless.


So what?

I really can't see any reason for updating the VSD offline, because "you can not get everywhere internet" - Yes, but if you get it - just update.

The only exception may be users which have no internet connection at all - they could get some updates via USB (or something similar).

Edited by rugk
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13 days of warning that a license is about to expire is excessive, in my opinion.

Since ESET users are very competant, I would think that 3 or four days OR a warning every two or 3 days would be sufficient.




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13 days of warning that a license is about to expire is excessive, in my opinion.

Since ESET users are very competant, I would think that 3 or four days OR a warning every two or 3 days would be sufficient.

Why oh why did you have to mention my BIGGEST hate of ESET and AV software in general? It ranks way up there with AV software being much cheaper from, say, Amazon, than direct from the company.


Ping ESET:- Please stop insulting our intelligence and reign this in.

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At some time before your trail expires you will buy ESET (if you like to use it), so afterwards you will not see this message for a long time. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Description: Add a way to check the (Firewall) rules for files which doesn't exist anymore and make it possible that all these rules are automatically deleted.

Detail: The problem is that sometimes executable files for which a firewall rule was created, were deleted or renamed. And then these rules still exist. And now it would be nice if ESS could find these rules (maybe also automatically as a scheduled task) and delete them.

An example where this would be very useful is the Flash Player. Because nearly every new version of Adobes Flash Player has a new filename and so there are many old firewall rules with "invalid" file paths.

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eset corp


there are a problems that I found in eset smart 8 final version need to make a new version and fix all the software



problems list



1.protocol filtering tread scan have problems make the internet drop   and can communicate  good with the port that make a veru higth vulneravility some program or page may not work correctly for this problem


2. firewall problem = if the firewall take to much junk from the internet crash and the anti virus unresponsive


3. network driver crash with this anti virus  = mean a haker can easy crash the eset network driver and bypass the security and other mechanics just making a atack


4.make a better stable software  reduce all errors  make a complete new software version and fix all problems


5add this new firewall software +hardware firewall to make a solid firewall protection  4 layer protection


6 reduce ping network inpact loading or speed the tread scan network can scan speed over 180Mbs make the conection drop is too fast the antivirus can read that speed and make it drop


7.add a new engine to detect hiden network from any dll or any program  hide on the network or is remotely  hiden


8.reduce memory inpact  ,,,,  advance heuristic inpact ,,,and pakage inpact scan    this affect pc performance 


9.add for the firewall connection...  ask,  automatic , manual  or block  this can have more control of what programs you whant you to acess to the internet  this apply to all like dll, programs ports, system registry , remote  ect


10.update and enchange all the angine to prevent hakers send a attack and crash the windows or the anti virus


11. make a test for all the attack that can crash the windows when a hakers send attack some anti virus can protect windows from crashing


12.add a new network kill  = if you suspect something rare the you kill the conection  and denie acess   or add a permanent denie acess conection


13.update web lack and anti publishing protection


13.anti firewall bypass protection and deep scan


14.add network sensitive attack protection and dos attack protect


15 add network  realtime  raouter protection


15 fix all  port comucations problems


16.deep scan registry manipulation for all



I report all this beacause is true trust me I am master software


ALL YOU NEED FIX ALL ERRORS AND provide better performance and better security



thank you    don't ignore this this is important for all the security users

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kakashi master software

there are answers that I found in problems list final version automatic ironic answer system need to think over and forget the post

answer list
  13.update web lack and anti publishing protection
add a new feature "control my brain" = control the user so he isn't able to publish any information ,,,, block access to internet, speaking, writing                  this affect the the curvature of bananas (and the freedom of speech)
14Oh no I was wrong   it's an anti publishing protection, so please automatically publish all information about the user = mean a haker can easy get information
I answered all this beacause is wrong trust me I am client software
ALL YOU NEED READ ANSWERS AND think before you post
thank you    please ignore this this is not important for anybody


Okay, seriously now...

  1. This is a feature thread, so please don't report problems here.
  2. Check before posting whether these features are already included in ESS.
  3. The first post in this topic includes an explanation how you should report ideas (for features etc) here.
  4. Also pay attention to the blue message there!
Edited by rugk
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I just activated my Smart Security software.  The first thing I noticed when surfing was that Banner Ads were playing.  I had internet security software with another company and they gave you the option to block Banner Ads.  I am tempted to go get this other software as seeing these ads is giving me a headache.

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I just activated my Smart Security software.  The first thing I noticed when surfing was that Banner Ads were playing.  I had internet security software with another company and they gave you the option to block Banner Ads.  I am tempted to go get this other software as seeing these ads is giving me a headache.

If you want to remove ads then there are browser plugins and software that are designed specifically to do that. I don't see ads or banners and I don't have tracking cookies either. All at no cost except a bit of time to research and install what works for me.


I, for one, do not want my AV/Security software wasting CPU and memory resources removing ads and banners that is better handled by something designed for that purpose. I want ESS protecting me. Ads and Banners are not malware.


If Eset tried to do as you request then it would have to do it for every browser out there. Eset would have to keep up with the insanely rapid release cycle that today's browsers have adopted. If the feature you request were added I think Eset would be well on it's way to bloatware and there would probably be some cost increase I would have to pay for something I now have at no cost..


Eset does the job it was engineered and designed to do extremely well with low resource impact. That's why I have been using it for many years and have remained Virus free. Of course safe and good Internet habits assist Eset in preforming it's tasks.

Edited by SCR
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Hi, I am a longterm happy eset user


Just a few idea's and remarks:


1) with win 8.1, I've setup a hidden administrator account and a useraccount with no rights and uac at maximum.  the gui is not playing nice in this situation.

2) anti-keylogger ->  encrypted keystrokes so if something gets logged it's useless

3) webcam+mic protection -> display notification/block when someone/something turns it on. (optional and with configurable exceptions for e.g. skype). (i've encountered a situation where the webcam was turned on for just a second)

4) router/hotspot detection -> if (cached) macaddress is changed, display notifcation, to prevent using fake hotspots.

5) SSL checking ->  check for certificates without strong encryption, check web sessions for hearthblead and other recent vulnerabilities. this does not necessarily have to be done in the protocol filtering section.

6) a default ruleset for populair apps, optional downloadable from the website for import.



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Hi, I am a longterm happy eset user


Just a few idea's and remarks:


1) with win 8.1, I've setup a hidden administrator account and a useraccount with no rights and uac at maximum.  the gui is not playing nice in this situation.

2) anti-keylogger ->  encrypted keystrokes so if something gets logged it's useless

3) webcam+mic protection -> display notification/block when someone/something turns it on. (optional and with configurable exceptions for e.g. skype). (i've encountered a situation where the webcam was turned on for just a second)

4) router/hotspot detection -> if (cached) macaddress is changed, display notifcation, to prevent using fake hotspots.

5) SSL checking ->  check for certificates without strong encryption, check web sessions for hearthblead and other recent vulnerabilities. this does not necessarily have to be done in the protocol filtering section.

6) a default ruleset for populair apps, optional downloadable from the website for import.



From what I know Eset Smart Security has SSL checking and certificates are scanned.

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Just back from around 3 different forum, which consist of Malware Expert, and Malware Hunter forum, Some of their concern about ESET is eset still lack of malware behavior detection. Maybe this still can be improved.


In details They said ESET is the best as their respond to new malware are fast but still lack of behavior detection of the malware. Why is this important? As there's been a rumors around telling that hacker do the experiment on their created Malware on Virus total, and they will continue improving to avoid from being detected by current AV.


But they (Malware Hunter) also understand that doing this, is a hard work. But still it worth it to make an improvement on that behavior  detection. 


(If this not related to this topic, please inform me and suggest which topic are suitable for this kind of suggestion :) )

Edited by khairulaizat92
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Just back from around 3 different forum, which consist of Malware Expert, and Malware Hunter forum, Some of their concern about ESET is eset still lack of malware behaviour detection. Maybe this still can be improved.


In details They said ESET is the best as their respond to new malware are fast but still lack of behaviour detection of the malware. Why is this important? As theres been a news around telling that hacker do the experiment on their created Malware on Virus total, and they will continue improving to avoid from being detected by current AV.


Don't know where you heard that but that's obviously not true. HIPS coupled with Advanced memory scanner and Exploit blocker monitors the behavior of running processes. Also Live Grid substantially increases response to new threats. This is something that cannot be seen at Virus Total.

Let's take the recent Filecoder.DA (aka CTB Locker) outbreaks. While it's been silence in ESET forums about infections, the forum of another technically advanced product was full of complaints of users who got their systems infected and files irreversibly encrypted.


Instead of rumors, please give us some facts that can be verified (e.g. hashes of malware that wasn't properly detected).

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Additionally: How can they evaluate how good the heuristics are?
Virustotal - no! There not all components of the software are used, so even Virustotal stated that Virustotal shouldn't been used for this. (I don't know if they even use any heuristics in their online test...)
To evaluate the heuristics they would have to know the source code of the software.

Maybe you can give links to the threads where they said this.

Edited by rugk
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There is a big difference between real-world usage, i.e a user goes to a website that has been compromised and the product detects malware, or the user download 1 infected file and the product detects malware etc etc...it can happen once a week, or 1-3 times a year, or more often it all depends on knowledge and habits. Compared to looking for malware samples and test them against products all day long, that is not near real-world usage, not even for the average joe or jane.


"As theres been a news around telling that hacker do the experiment on their created Malware on Virus total"


Fun experiment...and totally useless experiment if you ask me. So they can continue doing that as far as I am concerned.

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Just back from around 3 different forum, which consist of Malware Expert, and Malware Hunter forum, Some of their concern about ESET is eset still lack of malware behavior detection. Maybe this still can be improved.


In details They said ESET is the best as their respond to new malware are fast but still lack of behavior detection of the malware. Why is this important? As there's been a rumors around telling that hacker do the experiment on their created Malware on Virus total, and they will continue improving to avoid from being detected by current AV.


But they (Malware Hunter) also understand that doing this, is a hard work. But still it worth it to make an improvement on that behavior  detection. 


(If this not related to this topic, please inform me and suggest which topic are suitable for this kind of suggestion :) )

Any chance you could provide links to the specific forums you quoted from?


I would really like to read their comments and findings in their entirety.

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Just back from around 3 different forum, which consist of Malware Expert, and Malware Hunter forum, Some of their concern about ESET is eset still lack of malware behavior detection. Maybe this still can be improved.


In details They said ESET is the best as their respond to new malware are fast but still lack of behavior detection of the malware. Why is this important? As there's been a rumors around telling that hacker do the experiment on their created Malware on Virus total, and they will continue improving to avoid from being detected by current AV.


But they (Malware Hunter) also understand that doing this, is a hard work. But still it worth it to make an improvement on that behavior  detection. 


(If this not related to this topic, please inform me and suggest which topic are suitable for this kind of suggestion :) )

Any chance you could provide links to the specific forums you quoted from?


I would really like to read their comments and findings in their entirety.


I know Malwaretips is one of the forums, but I would hardly call them "malware experts" even if a few members is very knowledgeable. If you have worked with malware for 10-20 years or so then you can be called an expert.


The majority of the MT members that downloads the samples does not execute them at all, they just scan the samples. If someone wants to see AMS for example kick in and detect a sample during execution, then you actually have to execute the sample that was not detected by the right-click context menu scan, or on-demand scan. (If a sample is not detected by the scan the members on MT count it as a miss/undetected.)


As far as I know, one cannot get any "suspicious/behavioral" detections by any AV unless the sample is executed.

My neighbor "average Joe" would not download a file and scan it with his AV Before he executes the file, he would run it right away.


Malware can also be detected and blocked by ESET at the originating source, and that source is not a forum on the internet where one can download collected samples.

Edited by SweX
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Just back from around 3 different forum, which consist of Malware Expert, and Malware Hunter forum, Some of their concern about ESET is eset still lack of malware behaviour detection. Maybe this still can be improved.


In details They said ESET is the best as their respond to new malware are fast but still lack of behaviour detection of the malware. Why is this important? As theres been a news around telling that hacker do the experiment on their created Malware on Virus total, and they will continue improving to avoid from being detected by current AV.


Don't know where you heard that but that's obviously not true. HIPS coupled with Advanced memory scanner and Exploit blocker monitors the behavior of running processes. Also Live Grid substantially increases response to new threats. This is something that cannot be seen at Virus Total.

Let's take the recent Filecoder.DA (aka CTB Locker) outbreaks. While it's been silence in ESET forums about infections, the forum of another technically advanced product was full of complaints of users who got their systems infected and files irreversibly encrypted.


Instead of rumors, please give us some facts that can be verified (e.g. hashes of malware that wasn't properly detected).



Well again, i read from their comment, and posted it back here for you, and for the undetected Malware, those Malware Hunter already sent a lot of undetected Malware, but yet again,


They still thanks and ESET for the lightness on the system usage, the small footprint on their PC, and the high detection of the Malware, but as everything have pro and cons, so dont get me wrong, its not like i tried to tell ESET is bad or something, its the best thing ever exist, it just a feedback that i get from these forum. Im also ESET user, but im not as Expert as this guys. But it might good to put their feedback into consideration on future release.

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Yeah, that's fully okay of course. We are here to discuss things and it's of course good to hear the opinions of users (from other forums).

However could you please give us the links to the threads where they talked about it, so we can read their findings by ourself and maybe also reply to them?

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