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Future changes to ESET NOD32 Antivirus, ESET Internet Security, ESET Smart Security Premium and ESET Ultimate Security

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5 hours ago, alasmi8 said:

Explain it please more

Do you honestly think any intelligent/responsible company/organization would reveal it's future plans (in detail) on a public forum?:wacko:




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7 hours ago, alasmi8 said:

I think ESET Self protection weak


otherwise , any malware tool can remove eset products from compter.


someone in Dev-Point forum


share tool to uninstall eset anti virus silent


waiting for link , i will sent it to eset staff

One good security measure people often overlook is setting a password for eset settings

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16 hours ago, alasmi8 said:

Description: ESET Sandbox + ESET Auto SandBox


Details ; I Want add ESET sandBox  + ESET auto SandBox like avast sandbox +  auto sandbox

The avast! Sandbox is a special security feature which allows you to run potentially suspicious applications automatically in a completely isolated environment. Programs running within the sandbox have limited access to your files and system, so there is no risk to your computer or any of your other files. This feature is connected to the FileRep cloud feature which identifies new files for additional analysis. So now we are able to warn you even before we have had the opportunity to examine this malware in our Virus Lab.





Sorry don't mean to sound rude, Its nothing personal 😂

Sandbox! Like avast!  when was the last time you visited avast's forum, more issues then ever before,  crippled add-ons that don't do a thing but causing problems.

avast sandbox is pure GARBAGE👎BSOD's, freezes and leaks  and its getting worse every update, I just moved from avast after 20 years.

ESET is great as is I wouldn't change a thing and avast use to be good until became  bloatware full of useless add-ons that causing more grief then good.

Don't ask for something you will regret.


 ESET has more goods than enough , live it alone 😀


Edited by URBAN0
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Guys, please avoid using expressive words. No matter what software you take, be it OS, AV, or whatever, each has some bugs and issues that the vendor should attempt to fix as soon as possible.

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18 hours ago, alasmi8 said:

I think ESET Self protection weak


otherwise , any malware tool can remove eset products from compter.


someone in Dev-Point forum


share tool to uninstall eset anti virus silent


waiting for link , i will sent it to eset staff

I never thought to state windows 10 now also has its own sandbox although its not included in the home version of windows and some system requirements are required

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We want ESET sandbox


now the microsoft launched windows sandbox after Windows May update 2019


Marcos , please accept my suggestion


we don’t want to afraid from run executable files then !

Edited by alasmi8
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10 hours ago, alasmi8 said:

We want ESET sandbox


now the microsoft launched windows sandbox after Windows May update 2019


Marcos , please accept my suggestion


we don’t want to afraid from run executable files then !

I dont think eset will launch a  seperate sandbox and marcos has said there are currently no plans. Eset tends to focus on the main things which is why a lot of people prefer it as some AVs offer too many extras the system becomes slow. So I hope if they ever decided to it became optional.

As mentioned before though, eset does use sandbox technologies e.g. running unknown things through one to check for suspicious activity. Also as you mentioned if you are on the latest windows 10 pro or enterprise and have the right hardware you already have access to a sandbox courtesey of windows

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I'm not sure if this was suggested before or is already a functional feature that I don't see it but I just came from Outpost Firewall PRO and there was a small feature that was need and I think ESET could do something similar.

Because we do change or updated/upgraded software, sometimes some of the entries  are no longer valid or the changes resulting in triggering different part of firewall leaving the old entries useless,  would be need to have "purge" function like Outpost did to get rid of none existent or old entries, if that makes sense.


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1 minute ago, URBAN0 said:

I'm not sure if this was suggested before or is already a functional feature that I don't see it but I just came from Outpost Firewall PRO and there is a small feature that was need and I think ESET could do something similar.

We will probably add the date/time of last rule application which will help you find obsolete rules.

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2 hours ago, Marcos said:

We will probably add the date/time of last rule application which will help you find obsolete rules.

Is there still a possibility that the firewall rules will be made more user friendly in the future?

I used to have it set to manual but use automatic now but was looking at maybe going back - However sometimes I had to play around with rules and it was hard to do this because the design was not user friendly, mainly because the firewall judges rules by an order. Allowing them to be organised by names and having an icon to represent the program certainly would make this easier to use. Also the fact that "Allow communication for" comes before the name of the program makes it much harder with the text not needed as it could just start with "Chrome" rather than "Allow communication for Chrome."

Sorry I do know this has been brought up a few times.

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Firewall rules will continue to be evaluated in the order they appear in the list. In old versions (like v3/v4), they were evaluated from less general rules to more general rules and blocking rules had priority over permissive rules, however, this approach had issues which were solved by the current system. Other than that, firewall should be improved in the future for better user experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Pardon me if this topic has already been discussed here or somewhere else on the forum

Description: Protect folders using the HIPS module

Details: Currently HIPS can protect specific files from modifications which I personally think is one of the coolest feature but the same can't be done for folders. I wanna protect my important folders from ransomwares or any other programs from modifying the contents of it. Like normal HIPS rules for files, user should be able to set whether ESET would ask the user for permission or always deny modification. Many other AVs have implemented this with their Ransomware protection module. ESET probably has the best and most customizable HIPS module of all the consumer AVs out there but it's missing this important feature at the moment. It should be one of the top priorities. I guess it won't be hard to implemented this.

Discussion moved here: https://forum.eset.com/topic/20766-controlled-folder-feature/

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I know this new version of ISS released I'm on, do I have to manually download the latest version in order to upgrade or eventually ISS will notify me and eventually the upgrade can be done directly through the program


Thank you 😉


OK, It seems I got my answer, It shows in program itself that there is an update.


Thanks again


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Please use this topic only to suggest improvements that you would like to see in our products. For regular questions, please create a new topic for each.

To answer them: shortly after the release automatic program update is provided only to a portion of users, however, manually running update will always offer upgrade. Within a couple of days all users should be updated to the latest version automatically. Offline installers should be released next week as well.

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Would be very cool if Eset offered just the firewall alone, most other features are useless for me.

I know you can disable components. To many settings to go through, although I like all the settings.

Please, just the firewall. 🙂

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May have mentioned this before but i would love an option to change what shows when right clicking on the eset icon in the taskbar. E.g. user could add areas, settings etc. that they used more often for quicker access

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you make the following improvements on your firewall:

1. provide the option to sort the rules by column

2. provide the option to add a date and time when a rule is created

Edited by Marcos
Discussion moved to https://forum.eset.com/topic/20974-firewall-suggestions/
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Description: ESET Peek-in Code of a threat

Detail: If ESET couldn't stop a ransomware or a malware, it can decompile the code and show the code for the user if there is any killswitch or a decryption key to it.

It may not be inpossible, but It would be very cool feature in ESET.

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27 minutes ago, Alex21 said:

Detail: If ESET couldn't stop a ransomware or a malware, it can decompile the code and show the code for the user if there is any killswitch or a decryption key to it.

If Eset couldn't detect the ransomware and it executed unimpeded, there is in all likelihood no code present to decompile. Most ransomware will remove its code after execution leaving only the ransomware note. Also only low-level ransomware would leave its encryption key on the targeted device.

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