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Everything posted by rugk

  1. I agree, I also recommend to deactivate the real-time protection of Windows Defender to improve the performance if another AV is installed.
  2. OK, now I downloaded some old versions of the Windows products and installed them. And you can compare them to the Linux screenshot above now: ESET NOD32 v 5: ESET NOD32 v 4: ESET NOD32 v 3: And I also installed ESS v 4. ESET Smart Security v 4: And so you can see that the Icon of the Linux version is the same as the Windows version of the ESET NOD32 4 (or if you look exactly NOD32 3). So they share the version numbers or the Linux version is even older than the NOD32 v 4 for Windows. And if you compare ESET NOD32 v 4 for Linux (left) and ESET NOD32 v 7 (right) for Windows you of course see many missing features: Also ESET CyberSecurity has more features: It would be great if a Linux user of ESET could make a screenshot of the about window like I made, because there also the year is shown and then you now how old it is. It is also interesting that on the download page for older versions ESET NOD32 for Linux isn't listed. So maybe it is not only an old, but also the only version for Linux.
  3. I think the version number is connected and the Linux version and it's really old. To see the connection look at the GUI Icon of the Linux version. I think this is was also the icon of the v4 of Windows. And the Linux version is at least 2 years old. This you can see at the quick start guide (There you can read © 2011.) And about the GUI: No I don't think that this is a Linux-like GUI, it's just an old GUI. E.g. if you look at the header it doesn't shows the ESET robot, but such a strange circle. In all today versions the robot would be shown.
  4. Yes but that is also not ideal.
  5. Maybe this can help? What operating systems are ESET products compatible with? (Home Users)
  6. Don't you think it's time to create a new linux version? The actual version 4 is quite old. All other ESET products are already at the version 7 and version 8 is in the beta state. So I think ESET NOD32 Antivirus for Linux also should be updated. A great thing that will be added in this case is ESET LiveGrid and many other technologies that aren't there in version 4. Also the GUI needs a redesign and can be changed to the GUIs like there are in v7 (or v8) of the Windows products. Source: hxxp://static4.esetstatic.com/uploads/pics/EAV-Linux-Home-Status_20.png
  7. And again I added some points. This edit is marked with "Edit (2014-09-06)".
  8. Are you talking about EMS or ESS? This topic is in the ESS part, so if you're talking about EMS I would suggest that a moderator moves it to EMS.
  9. So I looked again at the article and PC-Welt has corrected it yesterday (2014-09-05). They replaced ESET with MicroWorld and ESET is on the 5th place. loosely translated:
  10. I think a better quote possibility would be nice. Currently you have to click on quote and then delete all text in the quote you don't want to quote. Better would be if you would be able to mark the text and then click on something like "Quote marked text".
  11. @SweX yes you're right. I also couldn't find it. And also their Twitter post only links to the page I linked too. So you have to download it.
  12. 1. OK. 2. Yes I know. My own quote was related to "You are talking about this, aren't you?". "Ok you may right, but the topic of this topic is quite a different." is for you. 3. The link is in my huge start post.
  13. You are talking about this, aren't you? OK you may right, but the topic of this topic is very different. For this look at the official test results from AV-Test. Thanks for the link, in this article I found no errors. It's a quite good article IMO.
  14. Because this topic is about a German magazine a German translation for this is available below the English version. But for replying to this please reply in English. (but If you want you can of course add a German translation to your post) English: It's about the following online article from PC-Welt (the German version of PC-World): original German site English version, translated with Bing Translator How you can read there, ESET was quite good with the protection against malware, but several times the article says that there would be a dramatically loss of performance: (the quotes are loosely translated from the German article, in the article or below in the German text you can find the original ones) You can also see this in the table. (there are points, no seconds!) I marked ESET there with orange, the red mark is important later. (This picture is taken from the Bing translated article, the original table you can find in the article or in the German text below) But beause ESET is known for a a little system load, I couldn't believe it. So I looked at the official test results at AV-TEST. There you can download the Mac OS X test results at "Home User" in an Excel-file. And behold: So there you can see clearly that ESET, that ESET doesn't needs 40 seconds, but only 19 seconds. But another product needs 40 seconds and this is the red-marked Microworld eScan for Mac. And if you now look at the table from PC-Welt, then you can see there 5 points for the copy duration! So it seems to be clearly that PC-Welt mistook ESET for Microworld and the other way round. But this turns 4 places out. And by the way: ESET also had a better protection than Microworld in this test. German: Es geht um folgenden Online-Artikel ("18 Schutzprogramme für Mac getestet") von PC-Welt (die englische Variante ist PC-World): Originale deutsche Seite Englische Version, mit Bing Translator übersetzt Wie dort zu lesen ist, hat ESET zwar mit der Erkennungsleistung gut abgeschnitten, aber an mehreren Stellen wird der angeblich Performance-Verlust heftig kritisiert: Dies wurde auch in der Tabelle deutlich. (dies sind Punkte, keine Sekunden!) ESET habe ich darin mit orange markiert, die rote Markierung wird später wichtig. Da ESET aber bekannt für eine geringe Systembelastung ist, konnte ich dies nicht glauben. Also schaute ich auf die offiziellen Testergebnisse bei AV-TEST. Dort kann man unter "Privat" die Mac OS X-Testergebnisse als Excel-Datei herunterladen. Und siehe da: Und hier sieht man eindeutig, dass ESET nicht 40, sondern nur 19 Sekunden zum Kopieren benötigt. Aber ein anderes Produkt braucht 40 Sekunden und dies ist das in rot markierte Microworld eScan for Mac. Wenn man jetzt in die Tabelle von PC-Welt schaut, sieht man dort eine Punktewertung von 5 Punkten! Es scheint also eindeutig, dass PC-Welt ESET und Microworld einfach mal verwechselt hat. Dies macht in der Tabelle allerdings 4 Plätze aus. Und nebenbei sei noch bemerkt, dass ESET in dem Test auch eine bessere Erkennungsleistung also Microworld hatte. Nebenbei: Die Kopierleistung von Trend Micro stimmt mit dem Original-Testbericht überein.
  15. I really don't know that this what you write here has something to do with the topic or with my question. I only wanted to know from ESET which of their recommendation the average user should follow. Because for users that will read this topic later it is quite confusing to have two contradictory statements. BTT: To question 2: Yes you can import end export your settings here:
  16. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/31.0/releasenotes/ https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Features/Application_Reputation_Design_Doc
  17. Now I looked at the email carefully again and I noticed something very strange. To conclude the warning: Attention, this mail is maybe fake! As a native German I noticed some mistakes. Here the list of suspicious things: I compared the mail with a license mail (of my own license) I got from the German ESET Shop not so long ago: As you can see the mails are quite similar, but many things are also different.My mail comes from noreply@eset.de, the mail here comes from Info@Shop.ESET.de. So it maybe is not the official eset.com or eset.de domain. (I don't know whether something like sub-domains are possible for emails - And if you visit hxxp://shop.eset.de you also see a quite strange error message that looks like a 404 error; the correct shop domain for the German Shop is eshop.eset.com currently) the subject makes no sense compared to the content. It says "ESET offer to protect all devices", but as you can see it is not an offer! the dates......are for the German language wrong written: There it stands 09/30/2012 as MM/DD/YYYY. This is correct as an American date, but in Germany this is incorrect. Correct would be: 30.09.2012 as DD.MM.YYYY ...don't make sense: There it stands the license was activated at the 09/30/2012, is is valid until 10/06/2015 (this are 3 years, ok this may be possible but also 3 device, ok I looked into the ESET Shop it is also possible, but why different months?) and the best is of course that the email was send at 08/21/2014 which is another different year. another error: Like you can see in the huge header it is a multi-device-license (for 3 devices it says in the text), but in the text there it says something from NOD32: (loosely translation) For a more detailed analysis it would be useful if you post the rest of the e-mail.
  18. Here are more topics about the problem: I Cannot Access To My Router Asus Rt-N56U ESET AV Blocking my router web admin page
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