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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. The error is displayed whenever a communication with LiveGrid servers fails. If it happens, it should be shortly after the system starts and no Internet connection is established yet. Another possibility is network outages between you and your ISP or between your ISP and ESET's servers. Soon we will suppress this error in the first minutes after the ekrn service starts to give the OS enough time to establish an Internet connection.
  2. First of all, we kindly ask you to not hijack someone else's topic. Moreover, this topic is unrelated to your issue. You should have created a new topic in the forum for the ESET product that you have purchased. Anyways, you don't use a username/password to update ESET. Instead, after installation you enter your license key to activate it. If your license has already expired, please contact your local ESET distributor or seller.
  3. First of all, I'd suggest making sure that you don't have logging of all scanned files enabled.
  4. 1, Files are stored on ESET's servers located in the US and Europe. We do not delete files permanently; it would make no sense to delete malicious or clean application (e.g. PE) files after some time. Note that documents are excluded from submission by default to prevent confidential data from being sent. Clean files are also stored on clean sets to prevent false positives. 2, The communication with LiveGrid servers is encrypted. 3, LiveGrid consists of 2 parts: 1, LiveGrid reputation system which sends hashes of files to LiveGrid servers and receives information about them (crucial), 2, LiveGrid feedback system which sends suspicious files (mainly PE files, documents are excluded by default) to LiveGrid servers and are subsequently subjected to automatic sandboxing and behavioral analysis which results in creation of automated signatures. These are subsequently distributed to users with LiveGrid reputation system enabled. Using LiveGrid repution system shortens the reaction time to new threats from hours to a few minutes.
  5. I assume it's caused by EFSW receiving the policy with a small delay. If agent already had the policy at the time of installation, it takes it about a minute to send the policy to the product after installation. A solution could be to use the all-in-one installer with pre-configured settings.
  6. This is likely due to a different MAC address. As stated above, there will be a solution to this next year if I recall correctly.
  7. EOL has not been set yet for v6.4. Given that we still support updated also for v3 that was released more than 10 years ago, you don't have to worry about stopping updates for v6.4 in the next few years.
  8. Is scanning files causing performance issues or other kind of issues? Do you need to exclude files on the file system level or on network level as well?
  9. We've been conducting a research on this since changes will need to be done to the HIPS module in order to support WSL applications.
  10. Maybe the file is loaded in a running process. What is reported if you run a manual on-demand scan of this file?
  11. It's a rogue extension. Should be blocked soon. The url it opens is already blocked.
  12. The IP address was unblocked yesterday. Next time please report possible false positives to ESET as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/.
  13. Please check and make sure that protocol filtering and http scanning is enabled on the clients.
  14. If you mean upgrade to v11, we have never automatically updated users to the latest version immediately or shortly after the release. We will start with offering upgrade to v11 on demand probably after the next service release.
  15. The website loads a Javascript Coinminer. Enable detection of potentially unsafe applications to make it detected.
  16. Thunderbird has its own junk filter for filtering spam. As for scanning received email, as long as you receive it via POP3(S) or IMAP(S), it will be scanned by ESET for malware.
  17. There are many users who don't use IE as default browser and don't have any issues. Where did you read that ESET recommends using IE?
  18. Does the problem stop manifesting after temporarily disabling protection or unistalling ESET?
  19. The reason for the change is that Windows will sometimes delay sending TCP ACK to the point that the active connection would stall. Despite numerous appeals and released fixes the problem was never solved completely. This is only happening with ESET's network drivers installed. We're changing this value to force Windows to send ACKs more often as a workaround. It doesn't affect protection.
  20. I don't think this will change since with TcpAckFrequency set to 1 the performance is much worse. Honestly, you are the only user that I've heard of where the behavior is opposite.
  21. We added the option to maintain inactive TCP connections to solve certain issues in the past. If you don't experience any issues with this option disabled, you can keep it disabled.
  22. If you are able to reproduce the error, please carry on as follows: - enable advanced update engine and firewall logging in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics - start logging with Process Monitor (read https://support.eset.com/kb6308 for instructions) - run update to reproduce the error - stop logging and disable advanced logging as well - compress the Procmon log - collect logs with ELC. Upload both archives to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive,...) and drop me a personal message with download links.
  23. Use the bootstrapped exe installer and the following parameters: --silent --accepteula
  24. Unassigning a policy will not change the respective settings to their previous values on clients. The clients must receive a new policy that will re-enable automatic start of real-time protection. Also I wonder what is your use case for disabling this setting. Automatic start of real-time protection should be enabled.
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