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Everything posted by Marcos

  1. Please drop me a pm with your registration email address for the my.eset.com portal as well as the name of the device that is locked out so that I can check its status.
  2. This forum is not a channel for reporting blocks. Please contact ESET as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb141/ or via your local distributor if the issue is not resolved. Having said that, we'll draw this topic to a close.
  3. Temporarily disabling protocol filtering would rule out or confirm that ESET is somehow involved in the issue. If that doesn't help, try uninstalling ESET but it's quite unlikely that it would make a difference.
  4. If you are not warned about expired certificate by ESET (e.g. because SSL/TLS filtering is disabled), you should be warned by the browser.
  5. If you can easily reproduce the issue, you can try temporarily disabling protocol filtering in the advanced setup and see if it makes a difference.
  6. I overlooked that you attempted to put both modules and data to one folder. This is not possible. You can use: Module Folder: "D:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\Modules" Data Folder: "D:\ProgramData\ESET\ESET Security\Data"
  7. It means the number of changes / differences from default settings in a particular branch of the setup.
  8. This would be rather a feature of Application control which we don't have yet. PS: I would never say never
  9. I don't think that wildcards are supported in that list. Do you have an application that communicates over http(s), it's located in a different folder on each computer and scanning its http communication by ESET causes some issues so that it needs to be excluded?
  10. Please follow the instructions for reporting FPs at https://support.eset.com/kb141/.
  11. Automatic import of the ESET root certificate is supported only for browsers that are installed, not for portable versions of browsers. If that's not the case, try the following: - reboot the computer - without launching any application, disable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK - re-enable SSL/TLS filtering and click OK - launch a browser and check if eicar is detected upon download: https://secure.eicar.org/eicar_com.zip If it's not detected, exit the browser and disable SSL/TLS filtering. Start logging with Procmon as per the instructions at https://support.eset.com/kb6308/. Then re-enable SSL/TLS filtering. After approximately 5 seconds stop logging, save the pml log (unfiltered) and compress it. Upload the archive to a safe location (e.g. Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.) as well as logs collected by ELC and pm me download links.
  12. I'm afraid that I don't understand what rule you mean. The screen shot you've posted is not from an ESET product.
  13. Would it be possible to temporarily uninstall EFSW and install the latest version of Endpoint 6.6.2052 just to see if it makes a difference?
  14. This would need to be reproduced on another system and then reported as a bug. However, I'm strongly in favor of removing the option to set a custom folder for modules and data in consumer products as it may cause issues if set incorrectly by users.
  15. Your posts here as well as in https://forum.eset.com/topic/13667-address-been-blocked have been visible to all users.
  16. Please also collect logs with ELC which will generate a zip archive. Compress the pml log and upload both archives to a safe location (e.g. OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.). When done, drop me a pm with download links.
  17. To my best knowledge, it's necessary to boot from another bootable medium, mount the registry and add " PvsVmBoot" to the BootExecute value in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager.
  18. Endpoint 7 and ERA 7 is planned to be released in Q1/2018.
  19. Please clarify what you mean by "dim" and what kind of password you want to set. A password to protect ESET Endpoint settings?
  20. Support for the latest version of 1Password will be added in the next version of the BPP module which is going to be put on pre-release and probably also on release update servers next week.
  21. It is a matter of fact that no 3rd party application should attempt to touch ESET's processes. Ac cording to the HIPS log, it was attempting to terminate ekrn.exe which is the crucial process responsible for protecting your system from malware. Please contact your local customer care so that they can try to reproduce it and work with engineers to find out if there's something on ESET's part that could be done or if the maker of Arma 3 will need to be contacted and asked to change the behavior of their software. I'd also ask you to do the following: - temporarily disable Self-defense and reboot the computer - enable logging of blocked operations in the advanced HIPS setup - clear the HIPS log - run Arma 3 and reproduce the issue - disable logging - re-enable Self-defense - post here the records from the HIPS logs.
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