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I currently use ESET Smart Security German

On the German ESET FAQ it says that there will be no new release of ESET Smart Security:



What happens to Anti-Theft, that was part of Smart Security but not of Internet Security (not mentioned in the FAQ)?

And is it possible to simply use the Live Installer and install it over the old Smart Security to keep the previous configuration?

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in v.11 Anti-theft features is part of ESET Internet Security product as it replaces the ESS in the product offering.

Upgrades are supported to keep the configuration, as you mentioned.

Regards, P.R.

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  • ESET Insiders
50 minutes ago, Peter Randziak said:


in v.11 Anti-theft features is part of ESET Internet Security product as it replaces the ESS in the product offering.

Upgrades are supported to keep the configuration, as you mentioned.

Regards, P.R.

As i understand you there will be no Smart Security as product with comming version 11 as it will be fully replaced with Internet Security?

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OK, I upgraded 1 PC and 1 Laptop and have logged into the new online license manager:


It says there that my license is overused, because it created 2 new licenses and counts the old ones still as activated and used:

old: Computername

new: Computername-1

old: Laptopname

new: Laptopname-1

Is this intentional?


So I deactivated the old names and renamed the new ones.

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3 minutes ago, Peter Randziak said:

Hello Anton,

yes correctly, there will be only ESET Smart Security Premium as a product of the highest tier.

Regards, P.R.

And users of Eset Smart Security will be moved to Eset Internet Security (i mean usage of Smart Security license)?

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23 minutes ago, anton83 said:

And users of Eset Smart Security will be moved to Eset Internet Security (i mean usage of Smart Security license)?

Yes, ESET Smart Security has become ESET Internet Security which also contains Anti-Theft as of v11.

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Below a screenshot of the new "licence manager" (device names removed).

All three PCs were listed twice after I migrated from Eset Smart Security to Eset Internet Security via Live Installer and licence overuse shown, so I removed the double listing and it seems to be OK now.


There is also a fault in the text: "4 von 5 Geräten deaktiviert"

The correct text should be: "4 von 5 Geräten aktiviert"


I would also like to know if I have to wait until 01.11.2017 to activate my new licence with a new number via "Ihre Lizenz hinzufügen" because I don't want to activate it before the old license expires on 31.10.2017.



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3 hours ago, Peter Randziak said:

Hello Anton,

yes correctly, there will be only ESET Smart Security Premium as a product of the highest tier.

Regards, P.R.

Peter does that mean that with v11, ESS users should be downloading ESET Internet Security, or will the download link automatically do ESET Internet Security?

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I now have a problem with Anti-Theft.


After deleting the double licences in my.eset license manager Anti-Theft in my.eset has shown that Anti-Theft is inactive because the license expired.

So I deleted Anti-Theft for the device under my.eset and wanted to register Anti-Theft again.

But on the laptop it still shows Anti-Theft active and I can't deactivate it because it shows "Ungültige Antwort vom Server" (invalid response from server)


So what should I do now?

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5 hours ago, Peter Randziak said:


in v.11 Anti-theft features is part of ESET Internet Security product as it replaces the ESS in the product offering.

Upgrades are supported to keep the configuration, as you mentioned.

Regards, P.R.

This makes more sense than keeping smart security

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I still cannot deactivate Anti-Theft on my laptop although no device is active in my.eset.com under Anti-Theft, see screenshots below.




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I have now solved the Anti-Theft problem by completly uninstalling Eset Internet Security from the laptop and reinstalling it, so I was able to create a new Anti-Theft entry in my.eset.com.

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What is the command 

HKLM:Run egui cmd /c /q ""C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\ecmd.exe"" "/launch /hide"

in the Autostart of Windows doing? This is new since EIS 11. New is too, that the tray icon is loading delayed and not on systemstart. The command above has nothing to do with the trayicon, because if the command is deactivated, the trayicon is proper appearing.

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41 minutes ago, Krond said:

What is the command 

HKLM:Run egui cmd /c /q ""C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\ecmd.exe"" "/launch /hide"

in the Autostart of Windows doing?

As of v10 this should not be present in the run registry key at all as egui is started by ekrn.

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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

As of v10 this should not be present in the run registry key at all as egui is started by ekrn.

Marcos, refer to your reply regarding version  and egui starting via ecmd:


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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

As of v10 this should not be present in the run registry key at all as egui is started by ekrn.

What do you mean with "It should not be present"? It is present and my Installation is not the only one, where this appears. You can see here in "hxxp://www.rokop-security.de/index.php?showtopic=24810" (sorry for the link in an other Forum), that this is not a single case.

So, what should we do with this registry-key? Delete? Waiting? It is not a strong bug, but it nerves, that the command window pops up on every start of Windows.


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Try the following:

- Temporarily uninstall ESET.
- Check for the presence of the above mentioned registry key.  It should not exist.
- Install v11.
- Check for the presence of the registry key.

Let us know about your findings. Did you previously upgrade to v11 from an older version? If so, was it v10 or an older one?

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I´ve 3 Szenarios: 

1. new installed Windows 10 - without previous installed AV (exc. MS-AV). The key is after Installation of EIS present.
2. updatet from ESS 10: The key is present.
3. in my VirtualBox: ESS was installed before, but it was deinstalled for a while. A new Installation from EIS: the key is present.

The only, what is equal to all installations: the key is present after Installation from EIS 11 and the OS is Win 10 x64 Prof. The machines are: 2 diff. Notebooks and 1 VirtualBox. Not the same Hardware all around.

PS: in my linked Forum, a user was taking a repair-installation of EIS (because he has deleted the key manually) and the key is here again after the Installation.

I think, the key in the registry is definitively and fix created while installing EIS.


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v10.1.219 : no reg run key
v10.1.230, v11 : reg run key, HKLM - C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\ecmd.exe /launch /hide

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On my PC with windows 10 I can confirm that it takes now a very long time with EIS version 11 until the ESET tray icon is visible.

With ESS 10 the tray icon was visible almost instantly after booting.

With windows 7 there is no delay, I even think it is appearing faster then before.


Also it would be nice if someone from ESET could answer my question about the new license manager from above:


I would also like to know if I have to wait until 01.11.2017 to activate my new licence with a new number via "Ihre Lizenz hinzufügen" because I don't want to activate it before the old license expires on 31.10.2017.



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I think, that the later appearing trayicon only is a aesthetic Operation, because the Service of EIS is running in Background Long before...

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2 hours ago, User said:

On my PC with windows 10 I can confirm that it takes now a very long time with EIS version 11 until the ESET tray icon is visible.

That's possible because starting with v11 it's the operating system that decides when is the right time to start egui to avoid any performance impact during system startup.

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